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Posts posted by allane

  1. It's me, the OP.

    - I have never had any problems doing balance enquiries in the past.

    - I am smart enough to know Savings from Chequing, but will retest, on the off chance my bank switched this. If I have ever made the wrong choice in the past, I have received a "Selected account does not exist" message.

    - there is plenty of money in the acct., as I ascertained from my phone call a week ago. Even if there wasn't, I think a balance enquiry would tell me "Available balance B 0.00"

    The most likely explanation is Post # 2 above; I will call the bank again if I get no other ideas here within a few hours.

  2. I have had my current Canadian ATM card for several years, and last used it in Thailand in late 2016. It has not expired, and there is no damage to the card.   A week ago, I attempted a balance enquiry at three different ATM's of three different Thai banks. All said "Transaction cancelled, contact your bank", or "Timed out, contact your bank" (unlikely, the elapsed time was normal). I called my bank in Canada; there was nothing on their end to indicate why the card wasn't working.

    Same problem again today, also on three different bank's ATM's, one of which I did not try a week ago. No one at a Thai bank is going to know nor care why a Canadian bank card doesn't work in their ATM's.  Any insights here ?

  3. So, the posts to date seem to fall broadly into two categories:

       a) those who were, and maybe still are, in tourist mode, and remember the favourable exchange rates on foreign currencies;


    b ) those who think the next crash is coming relatively soon.

    I wasn't a tourist in or after 1997 and am not now. What I remember most was the profound stupidity of  the Thai people. Well-educated people in high positions (even those who had been at least partially educated outside of Thailand) were blaming the rest of the world for their problems instead of looking in the mirror.  And, I remember having to prove that I was not a criminal every time I tried to send money out of the country, or bring some in. for several years afterward.  

    I think that if we all live long enough, Thailand may have another crash, though its odds aren't any greater than those of a lot of other countries,  Foreign financial experts (read "mostly Americans") have been predicting the end for Japan since the early 1990's. While most never put an exact date on their predictions, I sensed at the time that they were talking five to ten years. it has now been 26 years since the great Japanese stock market crash.

  4. All major banks in Thailand send/receive SWIFT transfers. In this group I include Bangkok Bank, Krungthai, Siam Commercial, Bank of Ayutthaya (Krungsri), Kasikorn and Thai Military Bank.  Typical processing time is 2 - 3 business days. You need to consider time zone differences and the possibility of a holiday on either or both ends.  A transfer that is received at 7:00 p.m. local time, may not be received in an official sense until the next business day.

    I have not used all banks, but for the ones I have; when you are awaiting an incoming transfer look for this (only on an ATM of the receiving bank):

      Ledger Balance:    B xxx,xxx

     Available Balance: B xxx,xxx (a lesser figure)

    The difference between the two is the amount of your transfer, which has now been received in Bangkok. It will be available in your account at 1:00 p.m. on the next business day.

  5. I was looking at a map/aerial photo of our area yesterday. It was dated 2017. But I quickly noted that a large nearby building was shown as just having started construction. I asked some of the locals how long that building has been there. Replies ranged from "seven or eight years" to "many years".

  6. I have just checked my 2016 diary. It worked for me, as I described, just over a year ago in Kap Cheung (Surin).  I think that the smaller, less busier offices are more accommodating, and will reset your "90 day clock" anytime you come in, for whatever reason. Previously, I reported to Amnat Charoen, and they had the same policy.

  7. Most importantly, get a Thai Re-entry Permit before you leave, or you wil void your Thai visa/extension of stay. Assuming you are from a developed western country, you should have no problem at the border. Have a couple of photos with you to save time and money. 

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