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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. @EricTh alludes to the fact that that this visa would only be for about 1% of visa applicants - even if that's an underestimate and it's slightly more, that would still mean the Thai authorities are going to eliminate 10’s of thousands of long term foreign residents and the revenue stream they represent to the country, if they were to abandon O and O-A visas in favour of this new LTR visa. As someone else said, that would be a totally nonsensical thing to do.
  2. As far as I'm aware this isn't about the O-X visa, it's about the new Long Term Resident (LTR) visa. Details on the link below. Guide to Thailand's new long-term resident visa from 1 Sep 2022
  3. Monkeypox is spread primarily by prolonged, close, (usually skin to skin) contact. Just what exactly does he think the tourists are going to be doing to the macaques? It's also not a disease of monkeys per se - its main animal reservoir is in rodents and monkeys usually get it from contact with rodents (as do humans, for the most part).
  4. It's pretty difficult to consider someone innocent when we've all heard them committing their crimes. Have you forgottennfor instance, that Trump was caught on tape suborning election fraud in Georgia? As an article linked to in an earlier post puts it, that's pretty much a "slam dunk" case
  5. Just to be clear, when you say "our investment is in property" and "we still own the remainder of our land", are you saying that you as a foreigner, own land in Thailand?
  6. I don't know how good True is for internet in your area but you might want to check out True's Internet + SIM packages. They have deals with either 5 or 15GB free cellular data, depending on price. You can also get 2GB free every day via the TrueID app, which gives you an additional 60GB free cellular data a month. I use True and the cellular data allowances more than cover all my phone call needs. Nearly everyone I talk to is on Line or Whatsapp and for those who aren't I use the True ID app. It allows free calls to any Thai mobile or landline number for a total of 60 minutes per month. If someone's a very low user of phone minutes they might never even need the full 60 minutes (I don't). I don't think I've paid more than 20 Baht in total for phone calls in the last couple of years (I very, very occasionally make calls using the TrueMove service when I'm in a real hurry and can't be bothered with the app). All the deals except the 299 Baht a month one include a TrueID TV box as well, FWIW. Of course if the True Internet service is not good where you are, it may not be a viable option for you.
  7. Bitcoin and Ethereum now both down ~40% over the past week. Bitcoin price falls below $20,000 for first time since 2020
  8. Bitcoin and Ethereum both down ~40% over the past week. Bitcoin price falls below $20,000 for first time since 2020
  9. Because they managed to send their companies intro bankruptcy and caused a worldwide financial crash that ruined people and institutions all over the world but still profited personally, that makes them models to be followed and emulated then? Not in my book.
  10. You mean like all those supposedly highly financially savvy financial institutions who lost billions (and some who even went under, like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers) in the sub-prime housing market collapse? Ring a bell at all?
  11. Your post seems to imply the only financial requirement is to pay them 50,000 Baht for the visa. However you don't mention the other financial requirements, which I reckon would be the major stumbling block for a lot of people (especially retirees). You basically have to have a yearly income of $80,000 or more - either from a pension if you're retired or from work if you're not. Alternatively if you're retired and don't meet the income level, you have to invest at least $250,000 in "Thai government bonds, foreign direct investment or Thai property." Full details are on the link below - it's a lot more complicated than you make it sound. Guide to Thailand's new long-term resident visa from 1 Sep 2022
  12. He was interrupted and fact-checked by the interviewer - many times, in fact. The Geneva convention was also referenced in relation to the two Brits. Perhaps you haven't watched the interview?
  13. Bill Gates apparently not a fan? Bill Gates says NFTs and cryptocurrency based on 'greater fool theory'
  14. Lavrov now telling us not to believe our lying eyes. In an interview with the BBC, he says there is no war going on in Ukraine and, "We didn't invade Ukraine." Lavrov: "We didn't invade Ukraine"
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