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Posts posted by payak

  1. I think there a few stages that only apply to Thai Visa. There is the expat who never was an expat political poster. That's an odd one and exclusive to Thai Visa as far as I can tell. They only post about politics and know nothing about Thailand; never did and never will.

    Then there is the expert who never was; late night, young curmudgeon trainee, poster. They would like to come to Thailand but can't afford the air fare. They make up stories how they would feel if ever confronted by the reality of living in Thailand and post as an expert would post.

    The third fantasy poster is the chamber of commerce of USA,UK or Aussie fantasy poster who having never lived in Thailand feels it his responsibility to educate all of us who do about the advantages of the West and the disadvantages of Thailand after his brief vacation here.

    Then, not last but last in my list is the; I took a Thai lady home after visiting Thailand for a week and now know all about Thailand by osmosis, poster.

    5555 .....brilliant.!.....often think that some responses and comments are by fantasy expats or maybe schizoids?..wonder what the percentage might be......what the hell though...public forums are bound to attract all sorts..

    The OP's stages apply to most things ..new cars,houses,countries, toys, girls.....glitter goes off most things with familiarity....then it requires a little work to keep it shiny.....worth it though.

    partly true, or more then partly.

    make no mistake however, not everyone wishes to live in Thailand,

    living somewhere does not give complete knowledge either, there are people in the USA who cant name there leader, yet they live there.

  2. we will never agree on this, everyone has vastly different views on drugs.

    Does not matter what we think as it will not be us handling his case.

    There's an old thai proverb, you hear it everyday, it goes like this,"not my problem" genius

  3. thats what i was getting at anyway, bolt is heavier then me, but he is an athlete, dam_n is it so hard, read back, someone said you cant be an athlete at my weight.


    What about a Darts player? Pool player?

    These are the modern athletes, yes?

    im not the one saying athletes cannot be 92kgs,

  4. "seriously though i'm stunned that me at 92 kilos, cannot keep up".

    Didn't you claim to be an athlete in a post yesterday?

    At 92Kgs ????


    mike tyson, 110kg, brock lesner about 130kg, shaquile oneile 150kg, were they fat.

    look at the avatar genius. am i fat.

    have noticed you have had a dig at almost every post i have made in the last 2 days.

    dont really know much about athletes, what do you think hussain bolt, the fastest man in the world weighs.

    Aaaaaaah, what are athletes ? Bolt could not run a marathon, yes/no. Every sport has a different approach. Weight lifters cannot do stuff that runners can, they would die. smile.png

    yes but im not the one claiming i must be fat because im 92kg am i, try to keep up.

  5. "seriously though i'm stunned that me at 92 kilos, cannot keep up".

    Didn't you claim to be an athlete in a post yesterday?

    At 92Kgs ????


    mike tyson, 110kg, brock lesner about 130kg, shaquile oneile 150kg, were they fat.

    look at the avatar genius. am i fat.

    have noticed you have had a dig at almost every post i have made in the last 2 days.

    dont really know much about athletes, what do you think hussain bolt, the fastest man in the world weighs.

  6. for years I have been amazed at there ability to put away vast amounts of food and still want for more an hour later.

    they average 50kg but eat like a heavyweight, eg my 49kg wife just put away six tacos that were packed tight, I only had 5.

    I have noticed this with friends to, are they stuffing themselves because they don't like waste, or do they have a physical ability i'm not aware of such as hollow legs.

    seriously though i'm stunned that me at 92 kilos, cannot keep up.

    • Like 1
  7. Can't you arrange your life and your body clock so that you are able to have a crap in the comfort and convenience of your own living space?

    I have been travelling the world for more than 25 years and have never used a public toilet for a dump even once, and perhaps only a couple of times in my whole life.

    Being organised in your life takes even less effort than writing a rant on a forum!! biggrin.png

    5555 organise your bowels? sounds like yoga styled anal retention or sumfing....."even once....perhaps only a couple of times" sounds like a disorganised thought process......ya never poop on a 14hr plane ride....impressive....? Think you should get a medal or something .......maybe a silver toilet seat with Sena leaf cluster?

    Lotsa people don't like using public facilities because they are less than sanitary but when ya gotta go ya gotta go as they say.

    Short of getting a colostomy I find bicycle clips are quite effective on a bumpy bus ride after a curry and a couple of pints of Guinness...

    yeah so being able to organise yourself so that you go to it every morning when you get up, even when you don't feel the urge, is anal retentive ('regular' is the correct term.? You sound like you are really are proud of being taken short. Why all this hate? I taught myself when I got my first job, I didn't turn up for work and then disappear for 30 minutes which is how you apparently learned potty training.

    Seriously, don't be so jealous that other people can keep their bowels regular. Must be terrible spending so much time looking for a public toilet.

    I can't remember the last time that I was in dire need of these facilities, unless you count getting rid of Beer Chang behind a tree.

    dont get so carried away, everyone has regular bowel movements, you have not discovered something new or mastered something that is beyond most men.

    i'm talking about the rare times I used a public toilet and you jump on board acting like I use them daily, don't tell me you have not used one more then once, if you do your lying and if your gonna lie better to stop flapping your gums.

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