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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. I do believe this proposal one-ups the proverbial "chicken in every pot".  Seriously though, doesn't this border on a blatant attempt at vote-buying?

    No "bordering" about it. Right up there with the other blatant vote-buying tactics such as debt forgiveness, land redistribution, cheap computers, et al ad nauseum. If all else fails, there's always just plain old cash on election day.

  2. So let's add up a few of the facts here.

    A German national accused by a community in northeast Thailand of spreading HIV/AIDS among local school girls.

    And who is this "community"?

    Well, for starters, we got anywhere from 100-450 Thai whores who will allegedly do anything for 4,000 baht short time. Gee, that's a credible source.

    Then we got his nasty HIV infected wife, who obviously has a grudge against his ex-husband. Another highly credible source.

    Then there's the Thai neighbors. Oh, gee, neighbors never gossip, do they now!

    What a team of reliable sources we have to go on! Gee, you almost got me convinced. But wait! Hold on! There's just one little problem.

    "Health authorities in Chaiyaphum have not been able to determine whether Schiemann is HIV positive."

    What! You mean after all this, we don't even know if the guy is HIV positive to begin with?

    Ha! Shows how naive all of you out there were to buy into this story in the first place. What people will believe when it appears in the media! Never ceases to amaze me.

    He's his own worst enemy. He is the one proclaiming to be HIV+. He is the one proclaiming that he has had sex on numerous occasions for money. He is the one proclaiming that because he has been overstay for so long that he is "Thai."

    In any criminal case, if the evidence against the defendent is weak..but the accused admits to it, isn't that a basis for guilt?????

  3. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    You see the photo of this loser?

    Now tell me 450 Thai high school girls slept with him! Yeah, right and they were all blind, were also missing a leg, and they had all mistaken him for a Thai citizen who just graduated from high school! That's why so many slept with him, they thought he was a college soccer stud!

    By the way, is there any way to get this German guys phone number? He's so cute, I too wanted to have sex with him.

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    Since when was being fit and having good looks a requirement for sex for money? IF that was the case, Pattaya would be an empty ghost town. :o:D

  4. ^^[to neil] Well, I guess you have plenty of evidence already, since you're so sure of his guilt. Please go and help the police- they seem to be a bit lacking on the evidence side themselves.

    Or is it that you actually believe what you read in Thai newspapers?

    Here's a question- if he DIDN'T say the awful things the papers "quote" him as saying, how would he prove it to you, the general reader?



    Well the story is finally getting picked up internationally with tv news broadcast on both Channel News Asia and Star News (on star world). Live footage of his court appearance and his comments to the those in attendance are an abomination... as reported earlier in the papers with references to thai women being monkeys, etc. and how they deserved to die. Also about how he is Hiv+.

    Granted this may have had holes earlier on.... the growing evidence is almost too much. HOWEVER, both news agencies commented a lot about it's not illegal in thailand to intentionally infect someone with hiv and the quandry the court is in, given that the violation he's charged with is overstay. Hopefully, they can at least give him the maximum allowed punishment for that of 2 years and that he will never get out of there alive.

  5. And then imagine that as this writer, you became the richest man in the entire world, worth billions and billions and billions of dollars, not baht.... then how pixxed would you really become if some hapless school teacher xeroxed your book?

    Do I understand you correctly? It is OK to steal from the rich and give to the poor? Careful cause that is alike to Socialism!!!!!. :o:D:D

    I'm simply suggesting that perhaps USD $52,800,000,000 is enough for one guy's wealth, but if you think it's not and think he needs to have some more money, then by all means go ahead and pay B8,000 for your windows cd.

  6. Someone told me one of thaksins sons was flying domesticly on thai airways as a pilot.

    Maybe hes buying a plane for him!!!

    Two points come to mind upon reading this.

    1. The 22-year-old son of Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand's prime minister, was reportedly caught cheating with crib notes during a political science exam at Bangkok's Ramkhamhaeng University. According to local newspaper reports, Panthongtae signed a confession. The Bangkok Post reported he failed four exams at Ramkhamhaeng.

    ---- I would NEVER travel on a plane whose pilot had such a checkered academic background.

    2. Panthongthae Shinawatra, the prime minister’s son, remains the richest investor in the Thai stock market, holding more than Bt12.4 billion worth of shares in Shin Corp and Thai Military Bank.

    ---- As a 20-something BILLIONAIRE, he can easily afford to buy a plane on his own.

  7. Vote for us or else you’ll suffer, poor told

    Published on October 18, 2004

    The Thai Rak Thai party yesterday kicked off its election campaign with the strongest and most belligerent hard-sell yet from its leader, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, towards the underprivileged – vote for us, or else you will suffer.

    Thaksin was in emotional mode, constantly switching from belligerent to relaxed, and then back again. “I ask for your forgiveness if I’ve offended you, whether by my actions, speech or thoughts,” he said.

    The stadium roared with laughter when he told the audience that he worked so hard for the country that he had no time for his family and personal life, especially sex.

    “My children were chastised in the Parliament…I have no private time. Even sex is gone,” he said and paused before adding, “Not that much. I’ve still got the power.”

    His degree of fanaticism was defined by his defiant challenge in bringing up his much-criticised war on drugs.

    “I’ll just say this. Call me names if you want. There’re only two places for drug dealers: a prison or a temple [for a funeral],” he said.

  8. They should start with an "English for Prime Ministers" class. As the alledged holder of a doctorate from an American university, his level of English is abominable.

    I agree with your points, Liverish.... but not your math skills... 20,000 teachers teaching 20 students would accomadate 400,000 students, not the 40,000 as posted. Still, your points are valid.

  9. while another slightly over 100,000 baht has been paid to clear debts on a credit card.

    LOL, another sign of a amateur.... He was more concerned about making sure his credit rating remained in good standing than getting caught with robbing 3 million baht.

  10. Imagine that you wote a book and someone stole the text and sold it under your name. You would likely be pixxed.

    And then imagine that as this writer, you became the richest man in the entire world, worth billions and billions and billions of dollars, not baht.... then how pixxed would you really become if some hapless school teacher xeroxed your book?

  11. The scandal doesn't end there. Although a judge deciding in Thaksin's favor in order to avoid some self-perceived "trouble in the land" is bad enough, the following is even more troubling as it involves outright bribery:

    from the "The Nation":

    Prime minister and sister Yaowapha accused of offering promotion for judge’s son in exchange for a not-guilty vote

    The Constitution Court plunged into a major crisis yesterday following claims that some of its "majority" judges, who acquitted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of charges of concealing his assets in 2001, had been promised favours by him and his sister Yaowapha Wongsawat in exchange for finding the PM not guilty.

    Judge Ura Wang-omklang was visited by Thaksin and Yaowapha before the assets-case verdict and told that in exchange for an acquittal vote, his son, who was working at the Foreign Ministry, could choose to work as ambassadorial secretary in any country of his choice.


    I read that too. I was wondering if the son got an embassy job and where. I didn't notice it written anywhere, but I didn't read every article about it.

    I believe the judge involved was one of the 7 who voted against Thaksin in the end, so didn't take the bribe..... and thusly, I dare say his son didn't get the "promotion."

    btw, it's still ILLEGAL to offer a bribe in Thailand, whether it's accepted or not.

  12. Bangkokian didn’t need a crystal ball to see that things weren’t looking too good for Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra when he boarded his official aircraft for an official trip and reporters were blocked from taking pictures.

    But Bangkokian won’t bore his readers by griping on ad nauseum about “Airforce One”, other than to congratulate Thaksin for mustering the courage to board the controversial plane for the first time this week, albeit without media coverage. None of us got to see the gleeful look on our leader’s face when he boarded the spanking new Airbus 319 on its maiden flight to Phuket.

    The hide-and-seek charade surrounding the Bt1-billion aircraft, paid for by the hapless Thai taxpayer, only added to the political shenanigans, which become more hilarious with each passing day.

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