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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. Could it be the primary aim is to make a statement to the world, not to solve the alleged problems? Considering it is mostly the places visited by tourists which are affected, there is going to be a drop in tourists looking for gogo bars etc and easily available sex in pleasant surroundings etc.

    Maybe it is not such a 'stupid' policy afterall, if this is what they want.

    What would you do if you wanted to change Thailand's image as a sex-tourism destination?

    Model it on Spain's Costa del Sol where the tourists shag each other instead of the locals?

    Ok all you lively 20-something female backpackers - I've organised an orderly queue of sprightly 70-year-old farangs that are gagging for it :D

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... :o:D:D

  2. It's not surprising given your narrow-mindedness and lack of appreciation for a different country's culture and economic status.

    Here we ago.............yet another farang trying to educate people on Asian culture!!! :o Its soooooooo typical. They think they have lived in Asia for the past 10-20 years and they have the right to educate everyone about the Asian culture. Have you ever lived anywhere else besides Thailand and wherever it is you are from?

    Duh John...............majority were Thai people in the team trying to help them you know??? Are you saying the Thais do not know their own culture??? :D

    Economic status?..........Thaksin seems to think Thailand's economy is booming.... :D

    You're citing Thaksin as a reference? LOL ! ! That shoots your credibility.

    Its also a VERY measly sum of THB4000.
    Obviously you lack knowledge of Issan and what a typical family there earns. That amount can equal up to two months of income. To put it in perspective, the American median household income: $43,057 (Census Bureau) / 6 (2 months) = $7,176. Do you think someone could talk an American teen into having sex for $7,000?... My guess is you'd have a lot of takers.

    Can you understand what poverty may drive someone to do?

    The average amount of pocket money for American children in a year is more than the total annual income of the world's half-billion poorest people. (Fact-finder.com)

    these are COLLEGE girls we are talking about
    If the Thai college girls want to sell themselves cheaply, thats their problem.
    WRONG!!! unless they were all gifted and advanced students
    From the BBC article:

    Residents in Chaiyaphum said Mr Schiemann offered students aged from 15 to 17

    I don't try to educate anyone on Asian culture, unless their statements are so out of whack with reality that it raises my interest.

    Have I lived elsewhere? I've visited 27 countries and lived in 7 countries (for greater than 6 months). How about you?

    On your team, were you in any supervisory position? If so, I dare say your myopic vision of things would reflect and likely impede any education conducted by others. How much time was given to the people in the HIV education? Where in Thailand was this done?

    They do not appreciate us

    Just a smidgen condescending??

  3. Just out of curiosity, but is their a definitive definition for the term "tourist" according to Thai law?  :o


    Thai law I do not know in this case.

    The nearest could be construed from MFA:

    A tourist is somebody entering Thailand for tourism purposes :D

    guess this clears up the question. :D

    Thesaurus: (I quote only the most relevant IMHO)

    Entry: tourist

    Function: noun

    Definition: visitor

    Synonyms: day-tripper, excursionist, globetrotter, jet-setter, journeyer, sightseer, tripper, vacationist,

    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)

    Copyright © 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Thanks Axel,

    That kind of proves my point. If the MFA and Immigration can't clearly define exactly what is a tourist, who are we to decide for them?

  4. and what if this man did abuse her. Do you expect a woman to continue to accept it. My Mom accepts it because deep down she loves my father.

    She also accepts it for the fact he supports us Sad to say but it is the truth How many more women go through this everyday in the world. :o

    Sadly, I dare say millions, IamMaiC.... millions.... :D

  5. I do look at Stickman's site occasionally, mainly to scan the grotesque readers contributions.Stickman seems a decent guy but really he doesn't seem to know that much about Thailand outside his little world.Read for entertainment (sex tourist scumbags and psycho bar girls etc) not knowledge.

    Agreed. His site is of very limited actual knowledge. In my opinion, he'd also gain more credibility if he dropped his wife's "alledged responses" to reader's questions and just acknowledges that he actually writes the responses.

  6. IamMaiC Posted on Wed 2004-10-20, 14:38:18

      What's the big deal He is Prime Minister Correct?? Do they show the King also?? 

    Thaksin is the first elected prime minister to be included in the montage of images that accompany the national anthem...

    There's good reason for that no predecessor has. His Majesty The King IS a well-earned and well-deserved symbol of Thailand, while no politician, no matter how pompous he may be, IS NOT.

  7. King Taksin and PM Taksin are spelled differently in Thai. If you tell the average Thai that they are the same name you'll get either a blank stare or a "No, it's Taksin, not Taksin!" :o

    When I made the same mistake of thinking they were the same name, it was a very indignant and emphatic Thai response that it was King Taksin, who is much revered and not spelled/pronounced Thaksin, who is very much not.

  8. I guess he said it as it is. Hit the nail on the head. Your sole purpose for being there was to obtain a thai visa. I guess they are getting tired of foreigners abusing the countries hospitality on the premise of being a tourist then living like a resident.

    It is not the abuse by a few but many for a long time. They have an adundance of

    foreigners from all nations rich and poor seeking employment and cheap living.

    The bar is being raised either have a useful degree with experience or decent retirement wage. The amount of people wanting to live in Thailand the last 10 years has been growing astronomical. It is coming to a point where everyone will be required to get their visa in their home country unless you can prove a legitimate reason for being in the country you are trying to obtain one.

    You don't see this problem in neighboring countries, why. Thailand is a small country out growing its ability to expand its infastructure as cheap and plentiful

    as years before. The next ten years will be interesting, kind of hard telling locals they can't have fuel but foreigners can. Resentiment is becoming ripe with the younger generation.

    I am Swiss, educated, well off, over 50 years old and I had a letter from the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangkok stating that I wish to retire in Thailand. I also had more than sufficient proof of my financial status, more than 800'000 Baht in a Thai Bank and a letter of guarantee by the bank.

    It's amazing what happens when you actually take the time to read a post, Khun Question Mark. It certainly looks like he was applying for a retirement visa according to the requirements of Thai law. Perhaps in your rush to condemn all foreigners, you might want to consider slowing down a bit while reading posts.


  9. Im so happy to see the Bar Owners taking action that will hopefully get the message across to the Goverment. Maybe the same method of protest would work in other parts of the country - Patpong for example. I wonder how much business Phuket is willing to loose? Should be interesting.

    Agreed. Hope the association has enough money and support to weather the closure as the government can be extremely stubborn. They can look towards the EGAT workers successful protest for inspiration, taking note of the weeks they had to endure in order to win.

  10. The final thing was what he wrote on the stamp inside the passport. he wrote V.P.P. under the stamp. anyone know what that stands for?

    Visa Page P (of the passport)? Some immigrations officers will make such a notation if your entry stamp is not on the same page as your visa.

    Well Visa Page P is a lot better than what I was randomly guessing. I was somehow imagining that with Thailand's focus on obtaining the "right" kind of

    ultra-rich visitor, that perhaps it meant Very Poor Prospect. :o

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