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About Neilly

  • Birthday 07/07/1960

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    Koh Samui

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  1. Without wishing to tempt fate...the internet disappeared on Sunday for a few hours, but apart from that it's been okay, I'm in the south on TOT
  2. Mine did that a couple of months ago...new screen required...but my old phone (A73 I think) was no longer in production, so no new screens available...good luck Chris
  3. If you use a proper charger, yes you can. To the OP, I use (and have for years) used an OptiMate 3...but if you're going to be away for months I would either disconnect the battery (just the earth wire), or remove it completely and put in on charge when you return.
  4. Apparently it's very easy to turn on by just brushing the switch when you get off... https://hondapcx.org/viewtopic.php?t=7105 For some reason the link above isn't working, just copy and paste into your browser
  5. Is that a statement or a question? I've seen 2T bikes all over Thailand. Probably the most common is the Nova Dash, although there are quite a few KR150's and NSR150's about as well
  6. There's plenty of 2T bikes on the road legally
  7. The kits are out there to convert it to manual clutch and also upgrading to 150cc
  8. Try telling that to my Thai wife, she's been bitten three times and won't get out of the car if there's a soi dog around
  9. Just in case you change your mind...the last bike I bought was new, so it didn't come with a plate or green book, but it did come with government insurance (โ€œPor Ror Borโ€)...the space on the form for the reg number was left blank...this means it is possible to get insurance without a plate. And BTW, you can get a residence cert from you local immigration office, it takes a week to get one here (I'm on retirement visa, not a work permit)
  10. If you mean the Grand Sea View next door to Sanphet liquor store then it's still closed (and your pin is in the wrong place) http:// https://maps.app.goo.gl/cGRRwpSE5Efd9vJCA
  11. The place was almost deserted when I went there on the first day at 10:30, I thought my luck was in and it was going to be a breeze No, I had to take my paperwork home and bring it back the next day Good point, if a boat load arrive from KPN before you you're screwed...but we're only talking about retirement extensions
  12. There's many, many things that Samui immigration could be asked "why"...your guess is as good as mine??? Maybe they wanted to see my happy smiling face at 8:30 in the morning ๐Ÿ˜
  13. Just did my retirement extension renewal, nothing has changed from the last years requirement. Except, there is now a limit on how many retirement extensions they will handle per day...I arrived at immigration last week just after 10:30am (it should have been sooner but the bank took it's time doing the statement etc) and was told by the lady downstairs who checks all your documents that the days quota had already been reached and that I would have to come back the following morning at 8:30am. She checked all my documents and gave me a further one to sign and using a binder clip put all the doc's together along with my passport and a slip which had the following days date and 8:30am written on it. She said I didn't have to queue up the next day, just come to the window and show her the slip and she would give me a ticket for upstairs. This I did, and left 45mins after handing all the paperwork over to she-who-must-be-obeyed upstairs the following day. Today I went and collected my passport...seeing as it was quiet there (there was a power cut and all their computers were off) I asked the lady downstairs who checks all the doc's what the quota was per day for extensions, it's apparently 10, so, if you're late or unlucky expect to be told to come back the following day at 8:30am ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Have a look on Webike Thailand, they do cash on delivery https://thai.webike.net/parts/ca/3000-3100-3106
  15. I went to Thai Inter yesterday and was asked if for car or motorbike, I said both, they gave me two certs, Baht 600
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