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Posts posted by Neilly

  1. Police say they have examined CCTV footage showing the two victims leaving a bar late on Sunday night, walking towards the beach - but they were killed in a hidden spot behind some rocks, and no eyewitnesses have yet been found.

    (Jonathan Head http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29225672) - 16 Sept.

    Must have missed this. So police have footage of them leaving the bar TOGETHER? Would be helpful if they stated what time. Unless they got it wrong again and the footage was of the other couple they initially said were Hannah and David. So more footage they have chosen not to release. Why? Why have they been so selective in what they have released?

    What makes you think you are entitled to it? It's a murder trial, not a media circus, as much as some people would like to make it so.

    The evidence will be presented in court, were it can be contested by the defense.

    Okay, that's enough, you're off to the 'ignore' list along with a couple of your mates

  2. Islam is a religion that sprung up around the 7th century. Mohamed a sand pirate, said he heard an angel in a cave tell him what to do.w00t.gif Its not ancient.

    Since then Islam extremists have been killing people in the name of Mohammed and other nutters claiming to be the genuine chosen prophet. (If you hadn't already guessed, I'm a non- believer)sad.png

    Islam is intolerant of other religions, unlike other religions which have allowed others to exist freely. The extremists who follow this religion insist no-one should question, just believe. Its incredibly Amish like. These clerics are self styled nutters.

    Its not enough to imprison them, however isolated, for however long. They need to be killed like a cancer. They breed more nutters, by being imprisoned they become martyrs.

    The punishments should extend to their families and associates, arrest them all and send them all to live in Iran or Indonesia or Saudi Arabia.They seem to enjoy hosting this particular flavor of nutter there. Uproot the family and simply dump them in a Muslim country. Sudan might be a place to start. Send them to the land they all profess to belong to.

    Its time to send a clear message, you want to commune with Allah, then the state will let you.

    If you think this is too radical, its not a radical as the plans these idiots have got for you.

    Black Jack Pershing thumbsup.gif


  3. If I were you I'd just sacrifice one morning ( sleepless anyway) and find out for myself, trying to scout my way to the direction of the cacophony. Then take action. But beware of causing loss of face ;-)

    kind of - like - - engage cacophony-finder then lie in wait and pounce?

    Hmm. I like this. Good plan. Thanks

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    Could be a school as a couple of the others have mentioned...if it's Oonrak let me know and I'll ask the daughter to have it turned down for you Rob tongue.png

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  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The best investment you will ever make in any legal matters here on Samui, is to fly a BKK lawyer here with a return ticket and accommodation, The end results are far cheaper than dealing with local shonkey monkey "lawyers"

    Crusty is pretty spot on . All my trust & illusions of local firms have been shattered.


  5. John

    I wish they had of allowed the British to verify the DNA. They didn't. That logically raises doubts.

    The fact that they do not appreciate the importance of this to the family, friends, tourists and everyone else I forgot to mention is disturbing to me. If I was in charge I would be very forthright in my approach. Not this charade that's played out.

    I thought the families, after speaking with UK investigators, publicly stated something along the lines they are confident in the investigation and in these two being the right people on trial and that there is more evidence that we don't know of and that the social media speculation has been hurtful to them.

    Not quite...depends on how much spin you put on "a difficult case to answer"

    “From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer,” the Miller family wrote. “The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.”


  6. Without a) the lacerations in the body cool.png the photos of the deceased c) the prior MO given by a person, graphic enough to match the scene or d) a mystery frenchman providing a testimony on prev. mentioned related case - I'd given some benefit of doubt for the situation. So far the original leaks came from (Khaw or ข่าว) Thailand Online, and a Burmese democracy blogger - the photographer is still unknown. There appears to be some officials one might want to have a word in the background of the photo with the hands tied behind his back (included)


    Jabis, my memory is getting frail, but did I not recently read that there was a witness to the recent Koh Tao murders and that this was a Frenchman?

    Or am I imagining that?

    Originally it was reported (wrongly) that Sean McAnna was French

    I guess we're not talking about the frenchman in protective custody then - as that has been refuted by Mr. McAnna himself, that he has not spent one day in such (and AFAIR he had to resort to media to get an escape).

    So now who is a frenchman that could have been in protective custody, or was there one at first place?

    It all got mixed up by the BK Post...the two photos that Sean released were attributed to an Frenchman

    Going back to an earlier thread...


  7. Sean McAnna must be experiencing a twitchy feeling around his neck now, seeing this very clear illustration of of what was being proposed for him in the convenience store.

    I would be so grateful if what Sean said could be posted on here. Isn't this what Sean said would happen to him. Is this a warning.

    Here you go...

    "They just said to me: 'It was you who killed them. You've got two people's deaths on your hands. We know it was you. You're going to hang yourself tonight and we are going to watch you hang. You will die tonight.'"


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