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Posts posted by rabcbroon

  1. This unfortunate German chap is now alleged to have been tied to the tree first? What other embellishments can possibly be made up in retrospect just because some people can't get their heads around the fact that the guy did commit suicide?

    Pattaya is STILL a relatively peaceful place... I haven't seen any police choppers shot down by drug gangsters which is the new low for the city that will host an Olympic Games.

    The difference was 20 years ago there was no internet and other local media digging up all the doom & gloom stories and ramming them down your throat 24/7. For my part back then, I was sobering up on Jomtien beach most afternoons before getting hammered again at the TQ ahead of a nightly appearance downstairs at the Marine Bar... until the sun came up. Just too busy having fun to worry about murder, mayhem and things of that ilk. We were truly legends in our own lunchtimes!

    so i take it you don't read the Pattaya People crime section

  2. Reading through various posts and advice given by Thai visa i am a little confused as to what is required. Anyone had a a ext based on marraige recently? What documents are required? And what actually takes place during the application?

    The Thai Visa section says this: indication that only the fist 4 things are require (as well as form and passport)

    Non Imm "O" - marriage pdf_button.png printButton.png emailButton.png Thursday, 02 April 2009 Non-Imm O extension based on marriage with a Thai National

    List of documents for extension Thai spouse visa

    Note: 2 copies of each itm are required.

    1. Application form T.M. 7 with one photograph size 4x6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht
    2. Copy of passport ( with certified true copy )
    3. Required documentation for applying visa in case of
      • For supporting Thai wife

      1. Marriage Certificate
      2. Child's birth certificate (if any)
      3. Wife’s house registration
      4. Wife’s identity card

    • Incase of Working
      1. A copy of work permit or receiving work permit form ( WP.2 )
      2. The letter from the applicant’s company to certify salary that the applicant receives not less than 40,000 baht per month (identifier position and salary) or husband or wife working has Income including at least 40,000 baht/month
      3. Personal Corporation income Tax (PND.1) in latest 3 months and personal income tax for previous year with receipt
      4. Recording interviewing the husband and wife for confirming status of husband and wife
      5. House’s map
      6. Other such as Registration Company
      7. Picture of house and family

  3. It's like they used to day in the Soviet Union - they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work. I'd like to see how motivated some here would be at 300 baht per day.

    Good analogy and I think you're overstating it at 300 Baht a day, they will probably be lucky if they're getting 200!

    Paid according to worth

  4. I can' tell you how many times I have been told you can't win in the Thai Court system.

    I filed a case about four years ago against a local builder I won, it waa appealed. We just got the verdict on the appeal today, we won again. He will file another appeal and we are probably looking at seven or so years on a verdict on that which is the last stop of the process. So it would be very hard to convience me that the Thai Courts won't treat your fairly.

    There was perjury committed by two witneses ( many other as well) I could actually pursue if I cared to, I don't. But I will leave to the lawyer.

    Why did I win because I prepared the case properly had a key witness and physical evidence to prove my case. The Courts did not believe the witnesses that perjuried themselves. I have been very careful never to list anyones name in anything I have posted. It won't win a case for you and it may cause you harm, it is against the law in Thailand.

    The time frames so far are much faster then anything I experienced in California.

    The same rules of evidence apply here as the system I had worked in the U.S., no hearsay.

    To win only file on the appropriate laws use physical eveidnce to support your cliam and in my experience I was not treated any differently then anyone else.

    Don't listen to what people think, once a rumor is started eventually it becomes a truth in people minds.

    Now there is one more appeal, he is laible for 7% interest form date of filing, that is a lot better then you can get in a Bank today. You will pay filing ect, till the case finished. There are no free lunches involved. So think before you act, a settlement in the end is really best for everyone involved.

    In this case the man I sued believed the rumors and he was Thai.

    Nothing is going to be any different here I can still lose on appeal. I still have to collect. The guy isn't going to hand me money I know that. So it won't be any surpise to me. I am prepared for that.

    Don't base your life here on Rumors guys.

    Could be dangerous considering the Thai would be better of if you werent around - and 7 years to think about it, just a thought!

  5. Regards applying for an extension of stay based on marriage to Thai wife, in the past I have always simply photocopied the entire passport. However, having read the immigration site and the TV page about extensions, it's saying this - Copy of passport ( with certified true copy ).

    Do they actually require the passport have a certified copy every year now?

    Surely not - I mean a passport is the best form of ID. How does one verify true copy???

    PS sorry to hijack thread - but is the application form avialable online for download anywhere?

  6. I bought a DTAC sim this time instead of AIS but as have not been to LOS for several years cannot find/remember those 07/08/ or whatever numbers to call home over those time delay connections which are much cheaper(used to be about 8 b a minute etc)

    I found an old note jotted from past trips which said 009 then country code and number but although it worked it still gobbled up all my credit.

    Would anyone kindly enlighten me before I go bust?

    Many thanks in hope.


    Seen an add in the BKK post or Nation today advertizing 3 baht pe min to UK with a STAR sim card :D

  7. comment deleted. we are discussing specific problems so if u have something negative to say about pit bulls then make it constructive, not inflammatory. once the thread becomes a 'hate pit bulls and rotties' type thread i will close it.


  8. Things are cyclic - no doubt UK/USA will see bigger/better days again. :)

    Yes sure! The shipyards are to be dug out again (they have mostly been filled in and houses built over them). All the cranes which were sold to India for 1 pound each are to be returned. The coal mines are to be started up again - again after pulling down the housing estates which have been built over them. The steel industry is to be resurected and be competative with China. Call centers are all to return form overseas. And the Banking sector will flourish again.

    Or will there be some miracle my friend - or are you just off the wall??

  9. Soon you can see the video on demand of the announcement, and get the answer as to why he got it.

    So far, the committee are quoted: "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

    Also, I see a lot of reference to "his vision of and work towards a world without nuclear weapons".

    And from my own perspective, regarding the comments about the ongoing war - well, he didn't start those wars. That was the former guy.


    I think you may find they both serve the same masters. Left and right wings belong to the same bird and continue to fly in the same direction.

  10. Maybe it is for the 'change you can believe in'. Like having troops return home - oh, no i forgot he has actually increased troops and inreased attacks on Pakistan. Mayabe because he has improved the economy by approving the bailout package thus giving trillions to the banksters - oh, no i forgot the dollar is falling rapidly and even the Thai central bank has stepped in to support the dollar due to the large amount of reserves held in dollars.

    Oh, I get it it is to impress the brain dead Obamanauts.

  11. []

    You may wish to consider a Kit-Car also and perhaps learning to knit

    Alternatively perhaps you would be happy if I drank beer all day and night and be on ThaiVisa all the time.


    Drinking beer all day is no problem for me - however i keep away from bacon due to the high fat and cholesterol levels



    Rab C Broon

  12. My starter kit, plain not smoked arrived yersterday via EMS.

    I got loin pork from Makro last Sunday and mixed my first batch this morning so it should be ready by Sunday morning. :)

    I hope it works as I usually buy my bacon from Makro in Nakhon Sawan as I live way out in the sticks.

    I made some homemade sausages a few weeks ago and for a first try at least I can eat them and the dog hasn't been sick yet. :D

    Next month I start on homemade bread but no we don't grow our own veggies yet.

    That is in next years plan.

    You may wish to consider a Kit-Car also and perhaps learning to knit

    My ex-wife was the one who did knitting and as for building a kit car that isn't a bad idea except that I am too old and it is too hot outside to do it.

    However a microlite would be fun especially up here as long as I keep away from the Burmese border.

    Alternatively perhaps you would be happy if I drank beer all day and night and be on ThaiVisa all the time.

    I actually live about 125km from the nearest western style supermarket so it is not as though I can nip down to Lotus Tesco or Big C in 10 minutes.

    making bacon:


  13. My starter kit, plain not smoked arrived yersterday via EMS.

    I got loin pork from Makro last Sunday and mixed my first batch this morning so it should be ready by Sunday morning. :)

    I hope it works as I usually buy my bacon from Makro in Nakhon Sawan as I live way out in the sticks.

    I made some homemade sausages a few weeks ago and for a first try at least I can eat them and the dog hasn't been sick yet. :D

    Next month I start on homemade bread but no we don't grow our own veggies yet.

    That is in next years plan.

    You may wish to consider a Kit-Car also and perhaps learning to knit

  14. 12 year olds? They'd be the ones with a year or two of riding experience then? Sometimes I'm passed by what appear to be 10 year olds, carrying younger sister and brother as pillions.

    ** What is the actual legal age for riding a motorscooter? 15?

    I think it varies - from 7 in the villages to around 10 in towns and citys. I don't think this is written in law but the police have no problem allowing kids of these ages ride around freely :)

  15. As soon as they can show that 80% of them didn't die of old age, perhaps they can really claim it's so dangerous.

    Also, blaming a country because visitors roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts is a bit of stretch.

    You miss the point entirely.

    No one is blaming Thailand for anything....and the fact that people can "roar around the beach areas on bikes while wearing no helmuts" is precisely why the numbers are they way they are...it's a dangerous place. Get it.

    I'm sure some died of old age...but I'd say you attempts at trying to justify Thailand is not dangerous is "a bit of a stretch".

    Not trying to justify it mate but perhaps the article (despite two sentences at the bottom) should place more emphasis on the behavior of those who come here. You want to blame the police because you didn't where a helmut?

    You still don't get it - MATE

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