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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. I don’t have any problems with the Chinese as a people. The CCP well that’s a different story. But you all have to remember China, like the west right now hasn’t got a pot to <deleted> in , we just don’t hear too much about it. They have serious problems already with property developers in their own backyard , I don’t see them rushing into Los to buy.
  2. Cheers mate, landing October the 9th and only staying 43 days so no need to apply for that ridiculous hoop jumping online tourist visa. You would of thought they would of made it easier by now , especially as they are gagging for more visitors .
  3. Is this for Thailand? As I am having more trouble filling out the online single entry tourist visa now than I did entering in covid times. The last part is over 14 different documents , I have done nearly everything , bank statements etc . Now it’s ‘A confirmation letter from employer, School, Self-assessment, Pension statement ’ . I’m coming on a tourist visa fcs .
  4. It doesn’t matter who is in power the NHS is managed by greedy corrupt idiots. Same headlines every year, covid or not. I was recently at the Bristol Royal Infirmary waiting for a friend who was having a check over after collapsing at (walking) football. Talking to a group outside on their break, 2 security guards and 3 nurses was an eye opener. They said the amount of money wasted is atrocious. As an example they pointed to 4 guys sat on chairs at the ambulance entrance and exits points. These guys are on minimum wage basically counting how many times an ambulance leaves and returns. The agency is paid £70,000 a year for each employee……
  5. I think the way I posted was a rant yes. But I did actually ask this person can you let me know when you are done please and 20 mins later after watching him do nothing was when I asked how many. Gym etiquette is lost on a lot of people , in fact it’s not something to learn, it’s just basic common sense and curtesy imo. And what the hell are people doing writing long messages whilst sat on a bench or machine doing in a gym anyway??? Especially when it’s obvious people are waiting.
  6. I have been training on and off for decades, never do I now bother asking if someone has finished or how many sets they have left. I just do something different or a similar exercise until the equipment is free. Just no point. And it’s not the worry of someone with ‘roid rage’. Bloody youngsters! Mobile phones! I swear I have done a 45 min workout looking at a bench after asking ‘how many more mate’ wanting to use it and the tw## still sits there on the end of it typing on his phone the whole time. And this isn’t a rare occasion, happens all the time in the UK. The next time you hear of a dumbbell attack , it will probably be in the UK. Oh and no roids will be involved in this incident.
  7. Well let’s hope they keep to the Thai electricity safety standards when growing in their condo's.
  8. Where are the TV posters telling us in actual fact the Indians are loaded, spend far more than westerners and then going on to calling everyone out on their xenophobia?
  9. The only place I drive is in Bangkok in gridlocked rush hr traffic. Safety first ????????
  10. I bought the 5G package from DTAc when I landed in Dec. From that day up until I landed back in Blighty my IPhone 12 never once displayed 5G in the top right hand corner, only 4g . I have a place in Bangkok so I’m not in the sticks. Swapped sims at Heathrow back.to 5G. I thought Thailand were one of the early adopters , obviously not.
  11. The government need to keep the farrang spreading Covid storyline alive. If they start mass testing their own people on every trip , the cat will be out the bag.
  12. Yeh definitely stressful enough especially as one gets older. I also called but had only two options of ticket change and booking and after listening to music for 20 mins I gave up. I think you maybe right assuming it isn’t necessary as I’m sure ( hopefully) it would be clear on their web sight. Either way I will post when I’m back in Blighty to let you know ????
  13. Well just a generic response and none of the links work ????. I will just have to find out on Monday evening.
  14. I don’t think I need printouts. My vaccine status was fine entering Thailand in pdf format on my phone and we all know how they love paper here. I’m a U.K. citizen and have my NHS vaccine app proof so I expect to be ok UK end.
  15. I think I will just turn up a few hours earlier than usual for my flight . I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a lot less hassle to leave than it was to get in a few months ago! I will also email. Will post here if I get a response. ????
  16. Nothing on Thai airways website about pre flight pcr to U.K. . Just mention new rules for U.K. . No pcr on arrival, if double vaxxed and the PLC.
  17. Hi I am flying to the U.K. London, final destination in England. Am I right in thinking I no longer need a pcr pre flight? I know it’s not required to enter England but my questioned is more aimed at Thai airways as I can imagine there may well be some hoops…. Btw fully vaccinated with all required documents from arrival into Thailand a few months ago Thanks .
  18. Not sure the tourists from HK would appreciate being put into the same bag as the masses from the mainland tbch.
  19. One thing I know for sure after being back two months. I have not spoken to one Thai person who is a fan of Anutin or the illustrious leader. I have also been surprised at how willing they are now not to just talk politics but how critical and angry they are with this government. And these are people not involved with the tourist industry! And if China gets mentioned….
  20. Well it was great service and took just over two hrs. Driver was sound, only the Mrs didn’t like it as she wanted to stop 30 x plus to eat on the way…. Highly recommended. And as a side note it’s obviously so quite right now here in Cha Am and seems like we have the hotel to ourselves! ????
  21. The Thais of Chinese decent are worse than the US plastic paddy’s ????
  22. https://www.orientalescape.com/transfer/thailand/huahin Near 12000 baht ???? Ah sorry not a stretched…just a nice Benz ????
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