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Everything posted by Gulfsailor

  1. Hi. Is it possible to apply for the 60 day extension of permission to stay based on visiting a Thai family member in a different province from where the spouse lives? My wife and I are visiting our daughter and grandson in a different province than where she lives and where our marriage is registered, and my permission to stay is almost up. If we can avoid it we don’t want to travel back to her home province.
  2. Non b with extensions of stay and work permit. None showing in my current passport. The only visa in my current passport is the used non-o from last year.
  3. According to immigration there is no history to erase, so we all agree on that part. It’s just that according to them BOI will not forward the application for an extension of stay to immigration when they are aware there is an old uncancelled visa (although I’m guessing they’re actually referring to the subsequent extension of stay). So the proposed solution offered by immigration is for me to get a new passport in which case BOI wouldn’t be aware. That said it’s true that some extensions, for instance for reason of employment or education, do need to be officially cancelled by immigration before leaving the country. A trip back to the homeland it likely is.
  4. That’s my assumption as well, and Bangkok immigration also says the non o is out of their system, but it is claimed that per official rules it should have been canceled and BOI apparently is super strict, so they won’t process the extension request to immigration on a non-ib in a passport showing an uncancelled prior visa. So I was told by immigration to get a new passport so BOI isn’t aware, as their systems won’t show anything wrong. So weird.
  5. I’ve traveled to and worked in Thailand for 2 decades having had work permits, extensions, visas, etc. The past 4 years I was not employed in Thailand but am married to a Thai national. I arrived in Thailand last year on a single entry non-o on the basis of being married. I subsequently received an extension of stay for 60 days for visiting Thai family. After that I left Thailand to return later on a visa exempt entry. Now I am being offered a job for a BOI company. Their liason at immigration told them I will need to get a new passport and then apply for a non-ib visa, because I didn’t officially cancel my non-o visa from last year. I was told that BOI won’t issue the extension of stay if the passport shows a non immigrant visa which hasn’t been officially canceled before leaving the country. Is this a thing? First time I ever heard about this.
  6. I had a similar positive experience. First got a proper prescription from an ophthalmologist then ordered from Zenni. Multifocals in a titanium frame, top quality lenses for under 6000 baht. However when they arrived 9 days after ordering I found them a little too wide for my face. One email exchange and I got a full credit. I offered to send them back but didn’t have to. So I immediately ordered a new set with the same lenses but a narrower frame. Go zenni!
  7. I quickly checked the Airbnb guest rating system, and as default anyone logged in can read the reviews from the hosts about the guests. The sharing and search engine results can be turned off though in the account settings. So it’s not as straightforward as I first thought. However, only the first name, home city and a guest uploaded profile picture (which isn’t required) are identifying details. And it’s not that you can publicly search for someone’s guest profile. So the claim that the losses are being unable to book with other hosts is correct, but his losses won’t go further than that, and it’s exactly how this part of the rating system is designed to work. My suggestion to the op is to escalate this to the Airbnb legal team, as this could have a profound impact on their rating system. oh, and check if other hosts have made similar comments about the claimant, and if the claimant ever made negative statements about hosts on the Airbnb platform, as it cuts both ways.
  8. Read the next sections 329 and 330. I don’t think the claimant has a very strong case. The defendant made his remarks on a platform which is not publicly accessible and the remarks can only be seen by the Airbnb hosts with which the claimants wishes to make a booking. As such, providing the defendant can prove his statements were true, there is a legitimate interest according to section 329/1, because the Airbnb rating system is designed to warn other hosts about a potentially troublesome guest. Neither the general public, nor hosts which the claimants has no interest in booking a stay with can see the negative remarks. If this is considered defamation, then any negative information about customers shared between companies in many branches would be considered defamation, which would make it impossible for banks, insurance companies, airlines, etc to protect each other against malevolent actors.
  9. There’s cctv footage from the accident. The victim was driving on the left of the container truck, and it appears the was going slightly faster intending to overtake it but the footage is short and not very clear. When he is halfway the container the bike slips on a wet piece of road close to the curb. He falls off the bike and unfortunately lands with his head in front of the rear wheels of the container. I doubt the driver of the truck even noticed it. Life is fragile.
  10. The process and documents required to obtain a non-b within Thailand is very similar to those for the 1-year extension of stay based on employment. For a lot of companies the extension application is too much to handle themselves so they hire an agent, accountant or lawyer to handle the extension, with 50k would be considered cheap. An agent would charge the same rate for the non-b conversion, so sending a new hire abroad to get a fresh non-b saves the company a lot. Also only the main regional immigration offices will do a conversion.
  11. Same here. I don’t eat breakfast and then am not hungry for lunch and only in the evening do I start to feel hungry. So I have a dinner and supplement it with a large variety of <deleted>ty snacks during the course of the evening. I’ve been on the same weight for the past 25 years with a bmi of 20. I rarely drink alcohol though. Even when hungry I find it’s a feeling fairly easy to ignore. However, I recently visited my elderly parents in a cold country for 6 weeks, and in those six weeks I gained just over 10% in weight. Purely from having 3 ‘healthy’ meals a day. I needed the food to keep warm, and starting every day with bread rolls and a croissant would just make me extremely hungry again within hours. Now back in Thailand for 8 weeks and I’m almost back down to my weight from before by going back to one or 1.5 meal a day. If I feel hungry during the day I take a spoon of full fat mayonnaise and the hunger feeling will disappear within minutes and be gone for hours. No amount of carbs can do that for me.
  12. Call the PEA (or MEA) and they will pull out the cable from the meter. You’re not allowed to touch the meter yourself. If they refuse to help, just don’t pay your electricity bill, and they’ll shut you off by taking the cable out. Then move your CU, pay the bill, and call the PEA to connect you again.
  13. It depends on the labor department office. There were times in the past when the company I worked for was down to only two Thai employees due to loss of revenue for the company. Explained it to the labor department when my work permit needed renewing and they were fine with it, providing it wouldn’t take too long. But that was an established company, not sure how flexible they are with new companies and specifically nowadays that there are so many new companies with loads of virtual employees just for the sake of foreign work permits. Social security has been actively checking if people are not just on the payroll but are actually working and are receiving salary.
  14. The difference comes mostly from excise tax, which is levied on both imported and domestically manufactured vehicles. It’s the same with alcohol and cigarettes.
  15. Im not convinced it’s correct to call Wilders far right. If you look at his political proposals these are a mix between center left and center right. The only real outlier is his position on Islam. Netherlands is a very liberal and tolerant country as a whole, which at times clashes with the views and behavior of some Muslims who are very conservative and intolerant. This group may not be very large but they are very visible in the bigger cities. Take away Wilders’ anti-Muslim ideas and he would be much closer to the center left parties than the center right parties who have been governing the country for the past 2 decades. Every gay person in the Netherlands that I spoke to about this election admitted they voted Wilders, and even a lot of immigrants (Muslims included) did. I think the Dutch tolerance for intolerance has gone too far in many people’s eyes.
  16. It’s a life insurance. You pay premiums for seven years and won’t get back the money you put in unless you die or when you reach the age of 77. In return you get 10% of your paid yearly premium. To do a math example for your wife’s age; 1 million per year premium, 100k cashback per year, start at age 58. year 1: put in 1m, receive 10% year 2: put in 2m, receive 5% year 3: put in 3m, receive 3.3% year 4: put in 4m, receive 2.5% year 5: put in 5m, receive 2% year 6: put in 6m, receive 1.7% year 7-19: put in 7m, receive 1.4% per year. Total interest earned in 19 years = 42.7% or 1.9% compounded per year. so it’s only a good deal if you are interested in the life insurance eg expect to have an accident and die, or expect to die of other causes within a just a few years.
  17. Not a lawyer, but I am quite sure that you can’t just pick and choose a section from the Thai constitution (or any other countries’ for that matter). Section 27 is part of Chapter 3, and the first section 25 clearly mentions it is about the rights and liberties of THAI persons. Any subsequent sections when mentioning persons should be read as Thai persons. Of course non Thais cant have all the same rights and liberties as Thais, eg working, entry to the kingdom, voting, etc etc. Yet none of the sections in the constitution detailing those rights specifically mention Thai persons either, just persons.
  18. ISOC appoints the senate, so have enormous power.
  19. Sunny with a high chance of Himars.
  20. Hat Yai - Phuket - Utapao
  21. OP, please read this. https://www.samuiforsale.com/family-law/thai-marriage-and-contracts-between-husband-and-wife.html
  22. Are there any updates on when service is expected to resume?
  23. PEA smartplus app. Usage history, bills, payment process, notification of planned outages, report problem, and many more features in one very handy app.
  24. It won’t help you now, but some very promising research could result in a cure against excess mucus in a few years. https://stanmed.stanford.edu/neurotransmission-connection-mucus-hypersecretion/
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