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Everything posted by Gulfsailor

  1. Interesting information in the article stating companies agreed to delay the price increase. The reality is that Raja has increased their prices already by even more than stated, and Seatran is in a serious fight with the governor and has cancelled many sailings and stopped all advance booking options in protest. It’s quickly becoming a real problem getting off or on the island.
  2. Im offering to live in your condo while you work in the UK for the original 30k a month. I won’t burn the chanote. I’ll even evict the current ‘tenant’.
  3. Hmm. [Leechawengwongs] is a lung specialist and has 31 scientific publications to its name. Can you please share your experience in and contributions to medical science? https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manoon-Leechawengwongs
  4. There is no MEN. so, do I connect the incoming N through the ground bar in the CU, or not?
  5. There’s no MEN or any ground anywhere to be seen. Apart from the new one now which goes to my CU ground bar. I’m still not understanding the need to connect the neutral and ground bar in this case. If there’s a L-E short after the CU, wouldn’t the electricity then just flow back through the E from the appliance to the CU, and from there via the N through the RCBO? Meaning it won’t trip? Or would part flow from the CU to the ground bar, so the RCBO would trip?
  6. Okay, so the aircon guys installed the aircon and we’re so kind to put a ground rod in. Initially they just wanted to connect it directly to the aircon but they agreed to go through the CU, so other future grounded equipment can use it as well. my question now; do I keep the ground separate from the neutral in the CU, or run the incoming N via the ground bar to the RCBO, as it’s indicated in the wiring diagram? Wouldn’t connecting it mean that if a live wire touches a metal casing the RCBO doesn’t trip, since it’ll still flow to the N before going out through the RCBO? Or does the ground have less resistance than the N, so it prefers that route?
  7. Quick update. Managed to install the CU. Couldn’t cut the power without putting the whole row of houses in the dark, but just capped the live wire off and was extra careful, even wearing rubber sandals while standing on a wooden chair ????. There was no sign of grounding anywhere, so I connected the N directly to the RCBO. It took a while to figure out why one group kept tripping the RCBO, but some genius had wired the porch light with the switched live wire coming from inside and the N going directly to the meter, bypassing the CU. All good now. ps, the aircon is a 12k BTU inverter in a tiny bedroom, so should be fine on a dedicated 10A group.
  8. Hi, A relative is moving into a small house, part of many connected houses. There’s a 5(15)A meter at each house (not from the PEA, but from the landlord), and I have no idea what it looks like before that point. There is no earthing anywhere. Inside the house is only a simple single MCB with everything connected to it. so I want to add some safety and install a consumer unit with RCBO. The lightest one I could find is 32A with 4 CB’s from 10 to 20A. I do have some questions; - do I keep the original MCB and install the CU after it, or is there really no need for that? - the wiring schematic wants the E and N connected. There is no grounded wiring or a ground rod (at least after the meter). There will be a small aircon installed later though. Would adding a ground rod only increase safety in case of neutral failure? But in that case the RCBO would catch it when someone links L to E right? So the only benefit of the ground rod (and wiring) is that the RCBO would trip at leakage even when no one is touching the live? - is there anything to take into account if I do decide to install a ground rod? Or just connect it straight to the earth bar in the CU?
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