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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. On 2/22/2019 at 7:47 PM, Stocky said:

    Actually during the phone call final verification, when I said I'd signed up to make comparison with TransferWise, to check the market, they asked for feedback if I found they weren't competitive.


    They'll certainly be getting that.

    I received an email response to my feedback on the OFX rate comparison with TransferWise:


    "Thanks for your email.

    For your future transfers, please feel free to give us a call on 1300 300 424 and let us know what our competitors are offering, and we’ll definitely be able to match/beat the rates given the point in time."


    Will give that a go next time.



  2. 9 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    So a build is just a fancy way of packaging it up

    Exactly so, usually with a whole heap of stuff you don't need or use.


    The Yoda addon is my current preference, works fine. If it goes dead they'll be someone who takes over development, updates, and the Wirelessshack website will point you in the direction of that replacement.


    Works for me.



    • Like 1
  3. 22 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Will kits can be deemed useless in many jurisdictions, I can understand why a lawyer needs to meet in person to take instruction and establish your identity and bone fides.

    You're missing the point. The OP is talking about having multiple Wills, which is perfectly acceptable so long as each Will acknowledges the existence of the other Wills and makes explicit that the Will only covers the estate within that country. I have three Wills, one for Thailand, one for the UK and one for Singapore. I used a local lawyer in both Thailand and Singapore, for the UK I used a Will kit as the basis. I know from personal experience that an off the shelf WH Smiths Will kit is perfectly acceptable, I've executed such a Will and been granted probate without any issues. Though as already stated elsewhere, this is provided the Will is relatively straight forward.

  4. On 2/16/2019 at 10:21 PM, Golden Triangle said:

    Real or fake, I wouldn't cross the road to wee on one if it was on fire, bunch of thieving, drunk, drug taking, woman / child abusing wasters

    You might say the same of the Catholic Church, but you'd be equally wrong, you shouldn't tar them all with the same brush just because of the news headline grabbing bad ones. The media doesn't like good news stories, they don't sell, the public like it violent, sordid and salacious.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, khaowong1 said:

    I don't doubt them, but still don't like to see them begging for money. 

    Not much different from flag days in the UK, local Sainsbury's has always got some old dear waving a collection box in my face for the RSPCA, Life Boat, Helicopter Ambulance, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Salvation Army........ etc, etc. You don't even get a little flag anymore, just a sticker.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Oxx said:

    Unless your affairs are very complicated, you don't need a lawyer.  There are plenty of will writing services which can do the job, or you can get a will writing kit and do it yourself.

    Exactly right. The only thing you need to make sure you do is acknowledge the existence of the second will, just explaining that this will covers your UK estate only.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Don't feel bad...

    No, I'd only have felt bad if I'd accepted the offer.


    16 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

    I just logged into both my OFX & TransferWise accounts to compare...

    It heavily depends on the risk involved with your particular currency pair, the size of the daily trade in those currencies, and the amount of money you're moving.


    There's no one size fits all.

  8. I usually use the VPN, my home desktop is set up for NordVPN to connect at start-up to Singapore. So any torrenting I do uses the VPN. My VPN connection to Singapore is normally very good, even for torrents, however, on the days things aren't great I'm not averse to disconnecting the VPN and continuing without 'cover' so to speak.


    The chances of being singled out for any possible copyright infringements, let alone successfully prosecuted, within a country where copyright infringement is rampant I would think remote. Not that I would ever consider doing such a thing.


    In Euroland things are a bit different depending on where you are. Some ISPs actively block access to torrent search sites, so a VPN is a very basic requirement. The integrated browser VPN only covers traffic generated by the browser so your torrent client won't be covered. And as pointed out, with all of these things, you get what you pay for, free usually means minimum standard and second best.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 49 minutes ago, Pib said:

    When a money transfer service talks "indicative" rates that's like a worm-on-a-hook type advertising. 

    Yes they hooked me, but I swam away from the offer.


    Actually during the phone call final verification, when I said I'd signed up to make comparison with TransferWise, to check the market, they asked for feedback if I found they weren't competitive.


    They'll certainly be getting that.


    But it's always good to get more than one quote, and checking out the alternatives is the only way to get best value for money.

    • Like 1
  10. Thought I'd check out the rates with OFX, having registered, which was far more fuss than with TransferWise as you need to talk to them to complete the registration process, I checked their rates against TransferWise.


    Transfer of SGD 10,000 with OFX, no fee and a rate of 22.7084 = 227,084 in my Thai Bank

    Transfer of SGD 10,000 with TransferWise, fee of 54.23 and a rate of 23.0527 = 229,277 in my Thai Bank


    I opted to go with TransferWise, money left my account yesterday evening and arrived in my account this afternoon 13:40.


    For comparison going via SWIFT a transfer of SGD 10,000, bank charges 30 and a rate of 22.72 = 226,518 in my Thai Bank


    So TransferWise win, even with the revised fee structure, which would only have incurred an additional Bht200.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, killerbeez said:

    The real test is how fast can I download something on uTorrent!

    These weird (and frankly dubious) online tests mean nothing to me.

    Connected via VPN to Singapore I can reliably get speeds of 2 to 5MiB/s using qBittorent. Though I stream most content these days, I use bittorent a lot less.

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