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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. 'A Little' is on Foodpanda, and we had breakfast from them this morning. It arrived on time, all nice and hot, the delivery bike found the house without any drama, nothing squished or squashed. Cash on delivery. Will use again.

  2. 5 minutes ago, MobileContent said:

    Why do you think that only Savanaket and HCM City are on the list for an easy None O and not Singapore?

    You missed the point. Singapore has an online system which allows application for a multi-entry. If other embassies in Laos or Vietnam move to online let's hope, like Singapore, the ME option is retained.

  3. 52 minutes ago, MobileContent said:

    The issue is that you must hold a Singapore Residency or a Work Permit to actually get a one year visa ME visa plus on top 400,000 Baht.

    The report I saw was from a non Singapore resident, the website indicates residency is a requirement for some countries (mainly African/Arab) most western countries are not on that list. I've tried searching for the thread but I can't find it.


    Importantly this is an online setup that has retained a multi entry option.


    The financials are not an issue, getting a multi-non O is.

  4. 37 minutes ago, MrBanks said:

    Another poster has pointed out that this visa is not available at any Embassy which is using the on-line process, which surely one day they all will be, which, if a true statement means that eventually this visa will disappear and no longer be available in Ho Chi Mihn or other such places.

    If IRC the Thai Embassy in Singapore's online options include a multi Non-O based on marriage, there was a report early in the year or late last year. 


    Just looking at the website the multi-entry option is still on offer.



  5. But they've change the whole approach (from 1903 onwards).


    In future the feature updates on Win10 Pro will come up as available but won't install unless you initiate, that is until your currently installed version reaches end of support, at which point the next feature version will install.


    Meanwhile for the general support updates you can defer these for up to 35 days.


    Hence the old screen menu is redundant.



  6. 20 hours ago, recom273 said:

    Please feel to shoot me down if this is old news.

    It was news to me. As you say the app shows a handful of outlets signed up so far, though you'd think with the plethora of food stalls and outlets around Hat Yai there'd not be enough demand. Maybe it's our Malaysian tourists that are responsible, Food Panda is popular across the border. Would be good having Homeless sign up and A Little, plus a couple of the Japanese restaurants, I might be tempted then.


    19 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

    "Shoot me down"...likely an apt description of what may happen to delivery people there...

    Double yawn.

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  7. 5 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    Not offering this up as a recommendation, but personally I've posted in applications for many visas in the past, and always ignored the postal order requirement they stipulated, figuring it was safe to send cash with registered post (my passport was in there anyway). The embassy always accepted the cash and issued the visa. 

    Actually the website says cash or postal order, sending cash just seems risky, but as you say with registered post, and you're already risking your passport, sending cash is more efficient, saves on the post office charge. The only caveat I'd add is with a PO I have proof of how much money was in the envelope.

    8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Off topic but amazed postal orders are still available!

    The venerable postal order still exists but is no longer sold as fixed denominations, rather they look like a cheque. The details of  payee and amount are printed on the cheque.

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