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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. 3 hours ago, phuketsub said:

    The eye is due East offshore of Ranode District here in Songkhla now now and the situation here is very windy, with very sustained winds around 50kph, but nothing like hurricane force. Still, these are the strongest sustained winds I have experienced in 30 years living in Thailand.

    Seems landfall will split the German and NOAA models, just north of NST, but not as far north a Samui. Hat Yai airport was working fine, just rain and a strong breeze in Hat Yai this morning, plenty of rain overnight. Flight out was lumpy but nothing particularly bad.


    No doubt the North South Highway will be cut by floods in poor old Thung Song, the locals must have webbed feet round there.



  2. interesting using the Ventusky website, you can toggle between  the various weather models. They give you three options, IKON the German model still sends the storm through Surat Thani, the GFS American NOAA model has it land at NST, whilst the GEM Canadian model thinks it will land further south just north of Songkhla, yours and my worst nightmare.


    IKON or GFS should mean Hat Yai airport is fine, GEM would probably close it. Guess we'll see who's right tomorrow.

  3. 17 minutes ago, phuketsub said:

    I am still confused as to why all the storm track projections have the system moving northwest as it reaches the coast. It's been consistently heading due west and as such should make landfall in Kota Baru soon, though many agencies are still predicting landfall in NST. Seems weird to me, but perhaps they know something I don't. Anyway, hopefully we won't get hit too hard here in Ranode...


    The forecaster at the JTWC seem confident it will swing NW within the next 12hrs.




    I do hope they're wrong, I've a flight out of Hat Yai tomorrow and it's looking increasingly like that's not going to happen.

  4. 4 hours ago, phuketsub said:

    Thus far, nothing whatsoever on the ground to distinguish this system from a typical, rainy day in the monsoon season.


    The center track seems to be continuing due west, not NNW as predicted. Good news for Songkhla and the other Gulf Coast provinces.


    Been raining in Hat Yai since midnight last night, just steady rain.


    The change in the storm track is a little worrying, landfall has moved steadily south from Chumphon, to Surat Thani, to NST, now Songkhla.  I do hope that trend continues and it ends up at Kota Bharu - apologies to the residents of Kota Bharu but 'inshallah'.

  5. 2 hours ago, Kelsall said:

    LOL.  This poll has 3 choices.  Reelected in 2020 has the largest number of votes.  Math's not your strong point.  (neither is spelling)

    Maths is English, math is American.

    There are indeed three options to the poll, and the majority of respondents opted not to reelect.



  6. 1 hour ago, Kron said:

    Was not Typhoon Gay in 1989 the last Tropical storm to hit the south. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon_Gay_(1989)

    Ah, but that was a Cat 1 Typhoon, no longer a Tropical Storm ????  whoever did the research for the article probably just Googled 'Gulf of Thailand Tropical Storm' and got 1962.


    I see Tropical Depression 36 is now a named Tropical Storm Pabuk, this far out there's a fair degree of uncertainty as to where it will end up, the Tropical Storm Risk website gives probability plots, below is the 120hr tropical storm wind probabilities.


    2019-01-02 11_27_10-Tropical Storm Risk (TSR).jpg

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  7. 8 minutes ago, muratremix said:

    To get these pings to Frankfurt and London, TOT must skip Bangkok main gateway and connect you to Satun submarine cable point, which would save 10ms + 10ms trip to Bangkok and save pingtime, which is not common with other ISPs (3bb and AIS still goes through Bangkok from Samui)

    in that case, good job TOT!

    Maybe, but if I ping Prince Songkhla University here in Hat Yai it's 29ms, so longer than to TOT Bangkok. I doubt we get to skip the Bangkok gateway.

  8. The problem is with the whole transport system. Introducing meter taxis always seems a good idea but it conflicts with the existing transport operators. Then when there's conflict, rather than fixing the problems there's some suitable Thai compromise.


    Hat Yai introduced meter taxis a few years ago. First issue was with the tuk-tuk drivers, the meter fares were often less than the tuk-tuk fare and you travelled in a clean a/c cab. After various confrontations it was agreed that meter taxis can't pick-up on the street, you need to phone and book. Next was the clash with the AOT airport limo service, that operates a flat fare Bht300 from the airport to town, a similar meter fare would be half that. So after various fist fights the compromise was that the meter taxis operate on a Bht250 flat fare from the airport to town.


    Needless to say after all this the Hat Yai meter taxis are that in name only, they never put the meter on, you negotiate a price.

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