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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. Just ran the speedtest with a LAN connection rather than wireless.


    Download :: 27.7 Mbps 3.5 MB/s   Upload :: 14.7 Mbps 1.8 MB/s


    TOT had to replace my original Forth modem wifi/router which died. What they replaced it with was a new Forth modem with a separate Zyxel wifi router, the new setup gives me highly variable wifi results. I think I need to get them back out.


    The Zyxel unit looks distinctly 2nd hand!

  2. 1 hour ago, WorriedNoodle said:

    I've been with them nearly 40 years and used this address in Thailand for 15 years, and now they ask me to prove the address/my ID is not fake!

    It's not the bank it's the government that's behind all this. I bailed out of Jersey for Singapore back in 2005, after Lloyds informed me they'd passed my banking details to HMRC, I didn't owe HMRC anything, there was nothing to hide, it was just the principle of it.

    • Like 1
  3. On 21/03/2018 at 11:43 AM, Poppin said:

    Hi Socky.

    You have to live in the UK for over 180 days to be classed as a UK resident. So if you only stay for a couple of months that would not meet the criteria even if you are on the electoral role and registered with a Doctor and pay UK taxes. Regarding the UK license, as I see it if you give a false address then the hire company may let you rent a car but should you need to claim they will look very closely at all information provided so that they can push the costs back on the client and having an invalid address would help them do this.

    I don't take up the excess waiver insurance, I have the money to cover the excess should that be necessary, I'm willing to take the risk.

  4. 10 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    So if you have to get a new DVLC number every time, that means that your license must be registered to a UK address that you don't actually live at, because you live in Thailand. Presumably, the people who are renting this way haven't told the UK they've left the country and use a relatives address.

    I have a house in the UK that I live in for a month or two a year. I'm on the electoral roll, pay my council tax and am registered with my local doctor.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    AND you've already registered a number from DVLC once, you may not be asked for the additional information again and you won't be required to get a DVLC number again - is that what people are saying? 

    No, they've always ask for the DVLA check code.  The check code is valid for 21 days, all it is is a piece of paper you print out with a code number on it, this lets the hire company access details of your licence status, penalty points etc, it can only be used once to access your licence details.


    10 hours ago, maprao said:

    Join Avis preferred before you go and rent online with them collecting at Heathrow

    LOL - you're joking, I am an Avis preferred customer but seldom use it, not after one instance where the online quote as a preferred customer was higher than the quote I got not entering my preferred membership!

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    ...so gawd only knows what you rent and from whom!

    To be fair, I usually end up renting from the same company, and because I'm already in their computer system they don't much worry about the proof of address, once they have my licence, UK credit card and DVLA check code.


    Check code is important because you only need to provide your UK licence plastic card and no longer need to show the paper part. The computer accessed bit takes the place of the paper part of the licence.

    • Like 1
  7. If you're hiring a car in the UK on a UK licence not only do you need your licence and usually some sort of proof of address, but you also need to go to the DVLA website and obtain a licence ‘check code’, if you don't do it yourself the hire company will charge you a fee for them having to do the check.




    If you do hire a car in the UK do yourself a favour and check the consolidator sites in addition to going directly to car hire companies.






    I've just hired a car for my five week trip back to the UK next month and there was £200 difference between hiring direct and using a consolidator website.


    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    The bandwagon is the bandwagon of Thaivisa posters indignantly demanding all sorts of strange arrest methods that carry no weight in real law like "get him at an F1 race", "put a bounty on his head", "offer a reward for him dead or alive", etc and also furiously asserting that he should have been jailed years ago for a crime that he has not even appeared in court for, never mind been found guilty of!  You call that justice?

    Now you're putting words in my mouth. I said if they wanted to catch him, not get him, the pivotal word is WANT, clearly they have no desire to bring him to trial, they've been dragging their feet and pretending for six years.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, lucjoker said:

    If everybody ,on the  world would be armed,

    fraudulent politicians would not last long ,violant idiots would not live long .....

    Time for the helpless good people to protect themselves , it is stupid to think police is going to protect you.They can't be there in time.

    Also a lot of money can be saved ,money they spend on defending proven criminals ......

    No criminal will walk out because of juristic mistakes ,from now on the guy who makes these mistakes will get the punishment of the criminal he let go.



    Yeah, roll on the Max Mad - Zombie apocalypse.


    Someone asked if they're calling the founding fathers stupid, no, but their offspring clearly are!

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

    The only country almost where mass shootings take place by US citizens against US citizens,

    The US addiction to firearms is way beyond the comprehension of most sane people, I'm sure it would astound and baffle the founding fathers too ~ I can hear them saying "but that's not what we meant!" However, it is what it is, and quite clearly they're not about to change it, so as long as Americans just stick to killing each other in their own country I don't really care.

    You reap what you sow.

    • Like 1
  11. Radio 4 has had that super-annoying sound loop "due to rights restrictions this programming is unavailable" for ages, certainly it's often invoked during the Today programmes sports report. When I remember to turn it on I listen via a VPN so that stops it; but it's been a feature generally for some time now if you're listening from outside the UK.

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