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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. I can only speak as I've found, and I've had no issues with Muslims. I lived and worked for a total of 12 years in Muslim countries; Indonesia and Malaysia. My home of 18 years in Hat Yai is in a mixed Muslim/Buddhist community. I've always found Muslims welcoming, I've experienced no animosity, no one has tried to convert me, and no one has offered to cut off my head. 


    If people want to direct their ire, do so toward Saudi Arabia, they're the ones who fund radicals and terrorist groups, they're the ones exporting Wahhabism, the poisonous ultra orthodox version of Islam. Where did Bin Laden come from, where did 15 of the 19 9-11 terrorists come from - Saudi Arabia. The sooner the west stop buying oil from them, and stops pretending Saudi Arabia is a friend of the west the better.



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  2. 35 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    The taffys have taken this to a whole new level, Hardly any of them speak the welsh language and they all without exception speak english, yet every street sign has to have both.  Must cost a fortune

    Let's have some data shall we:

    • For the year ending 31 March 2021, the Annual Population Survey reported that 29.1% of people aged three or over were able to speak Welsh. 
    • 33.5% reported that they could understand spoken Welsh, 26.0% could read and 23.8% could write Welsh.
    • 15.7% of people aged three or over reported that they spoke Welsh daily, 4.9% weekly and 6.9% less often.

    Source: https://www.gov.wales/welsh-language-data-annual-population-survey-april-2020-march-2021

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  3. Quote

    Officers reported that Massadee divorced his wife two years ago before starting a relationship with Tarinee. They later fought over jealousy and Massadee wanted to marry Tarinee to make their relationship more serious and permanent.

    According to the police investigation, Tarinee did not accept Massadee’s proposal because she was not yet ready to convert to Islam after the marriage.


    It has little to do with Islam and more to do with this man's inability to accept rejection. There are dozens of these stories from all over Thailand every year, some people just can't handle rejection. 

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  4. 22 minutes ago, topt said:

    Is that always? How does it differentiate between other places and home or other trusted wi fi?

    No, it doesn't always, and I have no idea how it differentiates. It has no problem with my home Wi-Fi but I have had problems making payments when out for the evening. On those occasions turning mobile Wi-Fi off and using the phone's data connection fixes the problem. So clearly the app has some ability to determine/calculate potential risk.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, topt said:

    .........won't be long before they insist on data connection only and no wi fi........:annoyed:


    That actually happens with the Krungsri app, occasionally if I'm out and use the phone to scan and pay if connected to wifi it won't allow the transaction. Sensible if you've connected to the free restaurant wifi which is probable a security risk.

  6. 10 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Highway police in Phatthalung intercepted three pickup trucks carrying 58 illegal Bangladesh immigrants....


    ...Upon inspection, the officers found the trucks suspicious. Inside all three vehicles, hidden under the cover usually used for transporting vegetables, were 58 Myanmar nationals – 25 men, 26 women, and seven children.

    Bangladeshi or Myanma? I guess probably Rohingya.

  7. 11 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai is what we are concerned about, this winter.


    Why didn't you start this thread in the Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai forum. The thread title says "Do YOU Think It Will Be a SUPER Cold Winter in Thailand, This Year?" which is asinine.


    Thailand spans 15 degrees of latitude and 2565m of elevation. I live in Hat Yai, which is 7 degrees north of the equator, the night time temperature seldom goes lower than 22°C in January and normally stay above 24°C. The idea of a "SUPER Cold Winter" in southern Thailand is laughable.

  8. Generally I avoid the stuff like the plague, but I don't mind the banana roti you get in Hat Yai which do come with condensed muck. I'm also partial to banofee pie and that traditionally is made with dulce de leche, which is often made by carefully boiling an unopened tin condensed milk for a couple of hours.


    But the idea of putting condensed milk on a pulled pork sandwich is absolutely revolting.



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  9. There have been adverts on Hat Yai's lampposts for a few months touting the Maxim ride hailing app. I've been using it the last month and it works well. The Maxim taxi fare around town is generally Bht70-80 and a cab is usually there within 5 minutes. The previous Hat Yai taxi meter experiment failed utterly, it's now a farcical taxi no-meter service which you can't hail in the street because of an agreement with aggrieved tuk-tuk owners. The taxi 'meter' is Bht100 to 150 fixed fare around town and you have to call them to pick up, and tuk-tuks will also quote you 100 to 150 most times and 200 at night. So Maxim is a huge step forward, no haggling, fare clearly stated when you book and most will give you a prompt pay number or QR code so no issues with "sorry no change". 



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  10. Posters are up for Hat Yai's New Year Countdown.

    Several events across town - Lee Gardens Plaza, Central Festival and Walking Street, but the main concert is going to be at Supasarnrangsan Garden - the park near the Tong Sia Siang Tang Foundation. Concert is free.



  11. 51 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    This always sparks debate

    What's to debate, I just explained how it works in this household. If you have a faulty memory, and/or you wife and kids don't talk to you, sure prepayment is probably best. 

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