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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. I don want to sound like a butt head here but I would try checking out her family situation if you have the means. I know alot of guy's in the states that have Thai wives that send money home to their ex thai husbands who are not actually an ex.

    I am not saying this is your case I am just trying to make you aware of some of the things that go on in Thailand.

    I would tell her that your financial situation has changed and you can not send that much money back to Thailand, see how she handles this situation. It might give you a clue to what is her intentions.

    Keep in mind if she is truely in love with you and not running a scam, Thai women can make the best wives in the world.

    If she is scamming throw her back and go fishing again!

    goood luck

    Let me echo Padkapow's answer, I personally know of this happening to a close aquaintance of mine. The girls "Policeman Brother" wound up to be "Ex-husband" and yes the girls family are bleeding him dry, a real walking ATM this guy is, too bad, I do feel sorry for him, he seems to be ok with all this so I say let him go.

  2. I am forever amazed at how some of you people complain about Bars, Bar owners and Bar girls, I speak from experience, probably more experience than most of you have in this forum who are constantly complaining. I have been thrown out of bars for causing trouble ( I needed throwing out), by the same token I have been cared for by Bar owners and Bar girls when I was unable to care for myself and I always woke up the next morning not too much worse for the wear. If you want to play hard you have to pay hard.

    I know what I'm talking about so if you don't know and understand  the Bar scene I say go to the YMCA or that other one but if you are not qualified to bitch then shut your GD mouths and go back to your momma's teet!

    My feelings exactly! What a bunch a pussys. Some of these guys would have a heart attack if they were to have walked in the old Mississippi Queen (Patpong 1) back in it's heyday! :D

    He11 people, for many years Bars were my home away from home, and the bar owners/ girls were my extended family. It's a dam good thing these places existed or someone would have to have had me commited and I am sure this is still the way it is for many. Like Boon says, there was some wild and crazy times on Patpong Rd. not too many years back. I am too old these days to participate in this bar scene but I think it is a deserving business and should be left alone by all you bitching kunts that think all Bars should turned into five star hotel lobby bars.

    So having said all that I say more power to the Bar owners and Bar girls. Keep the drugs/underage folks out and let the grown ups let it all hang out! :o:D

  3. I found it interesting to read these lines, I'm in a similar situation but look totally different to it. My wife's sister emigrated to northern American because one can only live happily in Thailand when one has either money or connections. She and we have both, the thing is that we also have children. I don't want my children to be raised in a racist country just because life is so easy for me. If I'd be selfish, I'd stay here forever, I've got nothing to complain about but my children are my everything and they deserve freedom and the best environment available to develop themselves. And this is clearly not Thailand, the reasons why you stay in Thailand however are clear... Understandable but when one has responsibility over children the situation is different....


    You got me there Dutchy. do like you want to do.

  4. If you want perfection go to an office with the western lawyers. Tilleke Gibbins is a good example. Costly, but right down the line.

    Please give me some contact info Doc, I don't want any surprises with my additional investments in LOS. Thanks

  5. I am forever amazed at how some of you people complain about Bars, Bar owners and Bar girls, I speak from experience, probably more experience than most of you have in this forum who are constantly complaining. I have been thrown out of bars for causing trouble ( I needed throwing out), by the same token I have been cared for by Bar owners and Bar girls when I was unable to care for myself and I always woke up the next morning not too much worse for the wear. If you want to play hard you have to pay hard.

    I know what I'm talking about so if you don't know and understand the Bar scene I say go to the YMCA or that other one but if you are not qualified to bitch then shut your GD mouths and go back to your momma's teet!

  6. While education doesn't always insure quality or honesty, keep in mind that Thai lawyers have an undergraduate education in law, not the rigorous education or tough bar examinations found in many U.S. states.

    The one "lawyer" I found from the U.S. Consulate list and confirmed with ad in Chian Mai magazine was of such poor quality as to be embarrassing. He was instructed by the land office how to record my lease-back and mortgage document.

    When I questioned the simplistic and inarticulate verbiage he explained it was in the translation and Thai law is code law, not common law as in the U.S.

    He charged me 40k for two documents and he presence at the recording. He required a ride back to his office, explaining he had given his car to someone for the day, he had taken a Songtel to the land office. I have since learned his fee was exhorbitant.

    He was honest. but it was the efforts of the land office staff who got the documents right. He didn't really understand the principle of sale lease-back and I doubt he had much business law experience.

    Noted, thanks

  7. KenUdon

    "Sorry, but if you were to ask anyone who has lived here for any length of time, I think you will find that you really CAN NOT know what it is like living here until you actually do it! No matter how much travelling you do, there are many things that do not become apparent until you start to put down roots...

    finding a house,

    ---Already have two.

    dealing on a business level with the Thais,

    ---My wife is second generation family of bankers and real estate developers

    in respect of landlords,

    ---We are the landlords

    building contractors,

    ---Another family business,


    ---You got me , we have to pay

    etc getting official documents

    --- Building permits, land documents. No charge, unless a nominal gift is given to be shared by everyone in the office to remind the government employees how magnanimus our family is.

    ...ie. driving licence

    ---From my research, nothing sounds like it could be more routine.

    etc....and much much more."

    ---Please be specific

    No, I do not think Thailand is a "wonderful place to live"

    --- Why stay?

    For me it has advantages yes, and at the moment, the "balance" is on Thailands side, but....not as much as it used to be, and if the present administration continues as it is, and the attitude of the Thais continues to increase in its anti farang sentiment, then the time will come when it may be time to move on.

    ---I haven't encountered much anti farang sentiment in the circles that I have run in.

    I know that there is an undercurrent running of this metality.

    My response has been kindness, generosity and respect for my elders and the Thai monks. I am very well respected in turn. Sincerely or not.

    Occassionaly my wife, her mom and myself have one of the pickups loaded with bags of rice and go around the neighborhood distributing it to whoever wants or needs it.

    My wifes mom is also a retired school teacher who is respected as a self made woman. Her husband died quite young. She raised three daughters on her own.

    Devleoped her real estate business and became involved in banking.

    Over the years she has adopted three young boys and one little girl. Raised them and put them through Siam University.

    I tease my wife that her and her sister all married white guys. Myself and one other from the US and one from the UK.

    So although your anticipation is appreciated I am some what insulated because of unusuall good fortune of having married into a very nice family.

    Who is this jerkwater Pepe' guy, is his sir name "Shinawatra", if so you are in the wrong room pal. :o

  8. Yes, and as for financial exploitation in the sex industry, I think it is high time all those bar girls are packed off back to Isaan to work in the rice fields instead of ruthlessly exploiting all those poor ignorant sex tourists that come for their two weeks holiday in Thailand.

    There are so many cases of farangs being financially ruined by getting entangled with these devious creatures, I think they should all be ashamed of themselves (bar girls that is)!

    You are going back a long way with these kinds of statements against one of the oldest professions on the planet, you have mentioned financial ruin for some and this may very well have happened more times that one would like to admit but don't forget , there are two sides to this street.

  9. Question to Admin: When a thread is closed for whatever reason Admin sees fit to close them and I have no problem at all with the decisions Admin makes in here but why are these undesireable and unrelated threads not completely deleted so that they can't be seen again?

    I think the position of Admin is a tough job, one that I for sure could not do. Thanks guys.

    We are attacked if we remove 'em.

    Luv ya work Doc, no complaints from me and my geriatric chat room mates :o

    I'll go along with what Bronco said Doc, Your job is not easy. My skin is too thin to do your job.

  10. Why not cut these Bar owners some slack, I never had a beef or criticism of any Bar owner that I was aware of, the Bar girls either. These places provided me with hours on hours of fun over the years, if you don't like one Bar go to another one but don't get up in the face of the Bar owners. I say more power to them, I hope they all make a good profit.

    goat ropers just earned himself a free beer in my bar



    Thanks much Dave but maybe later. All the best to you et al in the hospitality business, you folks provide a much needed service and most folks know this. Good luck!

  11. Why not cut these Bar owners some slack, I never had a beef or criticism of any Bar owner that I was aware of, the Bar girls either. These places provided me with hours on hours of fun over the years, if you don't like one Bar go to another one but don't get up in the face of the Bar owners. I say more power to them, I hope they all make a good profit.

  12. Question to Admin: When a thread is closed for whatever reason Admin sees fit to close them and I have no problem at all with the decisions Admin makes in here but why are these undesireable and unrelated threads not completely deleted so that they can't be seen again?

    I think the position of Admin is a tough job, one that I for sure could not do. Thanks guys.

  13. taxexile and other GP critics, I respond to critical posts about the US and Israel. I don't put them on here. If you want to stop them, I suggest that you go after the originators.

    I will be most happy if you can rid this site of these non-Thailand type posts.

    If you continue to attack me without provocation, I will return fire.

    I guarantee that you won't like it.

    Hang in there GP, there is not a thing wrong with you or any of your posts, in fact I happen to agree with your politics.

  14. I would like to buy an aux. ac power generating set for home standby use.

    David, The day before he got in the <deleted>, told me he would find out about the prices of them.

    And he told me there was a shop that sold them that he went by daily,it was on the corner of the super hyway and some other road, he just said up on the corner of the super, Does anyone know where it or another shop that sells them is located as I will be coming up to CM monday next.

    Thanks :o


    Hey Kev, the above link will give you some tips on buying a home standby generator, I'm sure the product mentioned here is not available in LOS but will give you some tips before you spend your Baht.

  15. These bassturds that think this war is great are nothing more than dog Sh*t on the bottom of my shoe! If it's such a just war, then why aren't all you a$$holes over there too?

    I've been to places just as bad as Iraq, From your posts I know for sure you haven't, are you one of those long haired hippy, liberal draft dodging freaks?

    That not so great American statesman, Patrick Buchanan, once said something very wise. for one of his campaign platforms for presidency he stated that America should pull out politically and militarily from all foreign countries. This is a man who is a hardcore conservative with many views that i certainly don't agree with, but at least he had enough sense to see the chaos that US intervention in the world creates. Terrorism stems from a long chain of events mostly perpetrated by the USA and Europe which could have been avoided if certain countries were left in peace.

    very true!

    I also find it the same with the majority of war mongering yankees, they post something that is a flame and then they cry foul play, when its done to them - very messed up people!

    Look here you liberal kunt, you are deployed in terrain where you don't know or understand a <deleted> thing about what is going on, all you know how to do is sit on your barstool and pull your pudd and criticise everyone that is trying to make this world a better place so get out of my face you non-producer, crying foul play, not me but I do know your kind, go back to your hole and hide.

  16. Yea, take it to the pit!

    Oh this one goes to the pit, but your crap stays here? :D Let see where the poll leads us shall we!?

    Sorry Pepe, I tried!

    I am really surprised you would actually post crap like this, we are a decent bunch of folks in here and then you come along with this kind of sh1t!!

    it seemed ok two hours ago when you were doing it - I know the majority here are good people, dont put yourself on the list>

    Wasnt it you who said,

    "First of all I'm not your mate and secondly I get bored as he11 with all these sudo grade school hall monitors like you that open threads with topics they don't agree with and then go bitchin about what is posted there. We have Admins for monitoring what is posted here, let them do their job, my hat is off to them all for doing a good and balanced job here. You don't agree with the postings, that is your business but leave the rest of us to <deleted> alone. "

    now reap what you sew :o

    I can't believe I actually said that, are you sure it was me? Im going to have to regroup here. :D

  17. Yea, take it to the pit!

    Oh this one goes to the pit, but your crap stays here? :o Let see where the poll leads us shall we!?

    Sorry Pepe, I tried!

    I am really surprised you would actually post crap like this, we are a decent bunch of folks in here and then you come along with this kind of sh1t!!

  18. PEPE, One of the things that you have got to remember,Thailand is not the Thailand of 5 years ago, and it is a world away from the Thailand that I started to visit in 1969.

    I have lived here for the last 4 years and have not even been across a border in 3 years.

    I live in a small village away from farang and have been to BKK a couple of times a year and about the same in Chiang mai,and I can notice a big difference each time I go.

    Prices are up,fuel is up 40% in the time i have been here,food costs more.

    You said"However having married into a well known and "connected" family will still have advantages atleast for a few more years." Does that mean that you will trade the bad you see happening there for the bad of a connected family here?

    Just a thought. :o

    i'm not sure how to answer that exactly. I understand that Thailand is changing as you say.

    I'm 52 and was raised "old school Italian" in the New York area. We had a way of doing things and there was a relative respect for people based simply on the knowledge of what the consequences of disrespect could be.

    Maybe my use of the "connections" word conveys the wrong idea.

    The family is well known and respected and well there are as you know certain privilages that come with that status especially in Bangkok.

    I don't see anything bad or harmful about it. It's just nice to live like the "other Half" lives.

    For a change...

    I do agree that Thailand is certainly not the place I saw in 1974 but I do think most(not all) of the changes are for the good but the one disturbing change I have witnessed here is the young people don't seem to have or show the respect for their elders like they have in the past, this show of deep respect always impressed me having been raised in the west and in comparison to the Thai youngsters I treated my elders like dirt. With all the changes, for better or worse I still enjoy this country, it's people and the culture. As a westerner living here for many years and being a guest here in Thailand I have always been treated fairly, yes indeed I do like this place.

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