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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. Many years ago I had a job as a doorman/bouncer at a Honky Tonk in the southern part of the US, We were instructed by the owner that if any young looking person(s) showed up at the door and wanted in and we felt they were not of age(even though they had proper ID) we were insructed to turn them away, no law against that at the time and I am sure we turned lots of legal age people away, reason being it was a US$5000 fine for first offense at that time which maybe would be ten times that in todays(?) money but as far as I remember the perpetrator(false ID) mostly all got off as a minor offense, don't really know but the charge was a monor one. Don't know what that has to do with the situation we are talking about but just thought I would throw that in. No offense intended here.

  2. Please educate me a little here, I don't disagree about the arrest of this young boy being somewhere he is not authorized to be and I have no idea what the Thai laws are regarding these kinds of infractions, my question is this, "Does the disco proprietor or it's owner have any responsibility here as well", I see no mention of this? I don't think it really matters one way or the other but I am just curious.

  3. A friend of mine lives north of Birmingham, Ala. and he says it is the worst he's seen in many years, he blames it on the global warming, the ice melting on the north pole, El Ninia and all that other stuff, oh I forgot he mentioned the greenhouse effect too. Rianed a little here in Bkk. this morning but I think just enough to jam the traffic in the city and make commuting more miserable..

  4. Okay.. I wonder where they want to fly them then.. Orient Air flies seriously old 747-200's to Hong Kong straight out of Chiang Mai.

    Also not that the runway could perhaps be lengthened somewhat by making the Hand Dong road go under the extended runway. On the other end is Transport Authority land anyway, if they must extend that far.

    And then, what airline actually wants to fly big planes all the way to Europe from Chiang Mai.. I'm not sure the market is there..

    Of course I don't know this for a fact, if there is indeed enough space there that can be gained or not.. Seems to me though that if you can fly an old 747-200 all the way out to Hong Kong with the current runway, then I don't think all THAT much extra space is needed..

    It was dear Thaksin's idea to extend the runway about 1800(?) meters as I recall and yes this did require the building of an underpass on Hangdong road. I did some research into this awhile back when I was considering buying a house in that general area, I do not know where this project stands today and as I recall the estimated cost of this project was Billions plus of Thai Baht, don't remember the staggering number though.

    I think you are correct, the 747-200's that fly to Hong Kong are not loaded with people or fuel.

    I'm with you, I can't imagine outbound flights going Chiang Mai to Europe direct.

  5. The current airport is far big enough for the moment. (The runway anyway). Thai airways lands 747-400's there on holidays!!! Do planes get bigger than that?

    It is my understanding that the landing of a 747-400 at CNX is no problem as long as fuel load is light(and it usually is coming in) but for International outbound flights with a full load of souls, baggage and fuel tanks topped off the 747-400 does not have enough runway to take off. I was told this by a commercial airline pilot( I am not sure he was a 747 pilot though).

  6. Oh by the way the big bikes here are soooo expensive in comparison and as for a make like Triumph there is no one for service. :o

    On the up side the bikers clubs here remind me of my youth and the chopper custom scene with little cash but lots of thought and hard work is something I had all but forgotten. Plus as a social group the bikers here are definately my best friends I have made.

    Ride on Bro's

    Yep big bikes are expensive here but repairs and service for the bike you mentioned is no problem in Bangkok, don't know about other cities in LOS.

    BTW, big bike riders/owners here in the Kingdom, BMW, Harleys, etc. are not poor folks that are just scrimping by, most of them are flush.

  7. :D

    Hi All

    Please tell me why you sad Prostitute Lovers/Sympathisers do little more than throw anything except answer the question, why shoot the messenger?

    Mr Angry Davethailand who owns a bar, probably one of those silly ones on 3rd Road, are you saying now that you do not have Prostitutes in your (wifes) bar?

    I am in Chang Mai now, I have a life. he he.

    You have peeped into too many heaters Erco, get lost! :o

  8. Axel, let's say that you are walking down the street in Harlem. 20 big, ugly black guys surround you with baseball bats, broken bottles and meat cleavers,.

    What they don't know is that you just happen to have a Glock 9mm with 20 armor piercing, expanding rounds down your pants.

    The biggest black guy says, Axel, you phony ass white-boy. You liberal, passive-aggressive piece of sh1t, we're going to cut you in a million pieces and feed you to the rats. :o

    Do you wait until you are half dead and bloody under a pile of smashing fists , bottles and cleavers, or do you whip out your Glock, declare a pre-emptive strike, kick some ass and take names?  :D

    Yeah, I thought so, and besides that the Arabs had already attacked the Jews before 1967, anyway, so your little tale is meaningless in context.

    Enough of your liberal Islamic propaganda bullsh1t; Get moving white-boy. :D

    I want to thank you all, this topic has produced some of the most interesting and entertaining comments I can ever imagine and I think this particular topic is on most everyone's minds these days and for sure is on mine but you folks have given me a completely new leash on the Arabs/Muslims/Islam/shiteheads etc.,etc.

    I have a much better understanding now even though I have worked(under boss pressure) with some of these Muslims over the years and my opinions of these people has been come by honestly and "On the ground", so I have just one thing to say, "Keep on-a keeping on", you folks are better than great!!!! :D

    Two brilliantly incisive minds, such clarity of vision, insight and grasp of realpolitik.....

    .....you really should be working at the Pentagon, you'd fit in nicely, and you've probably already got your white cloaks and pointy hats. :D

    Oh boy, here comes the lacky liberal again, just cannot imagine where this guy was trained.

  9. Dam#, this is better than "Fleers",(does that date me?)

    Sorta...I remember the show "Cheers" tho! :o

    Just messing around Boon, when I was growing up there was a delicious bubblegum by the name of "Fleers", that's all. :D

  10. hehe Dont hold back Goat Roper, just say what you mean and be done with it :D

    Dam# I wish I were able to say what I mean. :o:D

    But you can! Only problem is you might find youself suspended for a bit. Just ask the Gent. He speaks his mind from time to time and then goes away for a while! :D

    That's ok Boon, I/we were thrown out of the Barbary Coast on Eddie street in San Francisco (skid row) so I have been exposed to a lot of the bad stuff but thanks for the warning. My mouth gets big sometimes but I'm harmless, had good teachers, my daddy and the military.

    Did you ever get down to a bar called the "Whinnie & Moo" (Horse & Cow)? It's an old Submarine bar. Good fun! :D

    Sorry Boon don't recall that name but we spent three months in drydock at AAA shipyard and the only place we could afford to go was Eddie street but what fun and good memories, circa 1958.

  11. sigh...yeah, I agree...this discussion should be moved to the bear pit where hysterical zionist twaddle belongs.

    curious that someone that admires buddhism would use the analogy of black folks threatening white folks and massive murderous retaliation to describe any conflict...

    to re-state my argument, there is a connection between the present pervasive militant Islamic terrorist activity and US supported Israeli violence against Palestinians, mostly having to do with the initial desecration of muslim holy sites in Jerusalem by Ariel Sharon, pre 9/11 which was designed to scupper a peace deal in place between Israel and Palestinians...

    they succeeded big time...

    georgie...rave on you silly hypocritical sh1t...

    xanax works sometime. :o

  12. hehe Dont hold back Goat Roper, just say what you mean and be done with it :D

    Dam# I wish I were able to say what I mean. :o:D

    But you can! Only problem is you might find youself suspended for a bit. Just ask the Gent. He speaks his mind from time to time and then goes away for a while! :D

    That's ok Boon, I/we were thrown out of the Barbary Coast on Eddie street in San Francisco (skid row) so I have been exposed to a lot of the bad stuff but thanks for the warning. My mouth gets big sometimes but I'm harmless, had good teachers, my daddy and the military.

  13. Axel, let's say that you are walking down the street in Harlem. 20 big, ugly black guys surround you with baseball bats, broken bottles and meat cleavers,.

    What they don't know is that you just happen to have a Glock 9mm with 20 armor piercing, expanding rounds down your pants.

    The biggest black guy says, Axel, you phony ass white-boy. You liberal, passive-aggressive piece of sh1t, we're going to cut you in a million pieces and feed you to the rats. :o

    Do you wait until you are half dead and bloody under a pile of smashing fists , bottles and cleavers, or do you whip out your Glock, declare a pre-emptive strike, kick some ass and take names? :D

    Yeah, I thought so, and besides that the Arabs had already attacked the Jews before 1967, anyway, so your little tale is meaningless in context.

    Enough of your liberal Islamic propaganda bullsh1t; Get moving white-boy. :D

    I want to thank you all, this topic has produced some of the most interesting and entertaining comments I can ever imagine and I think this particular topic is on most everyone's minds these days and for sure is on mine but you folks have given me a completely new leash on the Arabs/Muslims/Islam/shiteheads etc.,etc.

    I have a much better understanding now even though I have worked(under boss pressure) with some of these Muslims over the years and my opinions of these people has been come by honestly and "On the ground", so I have just one thing to say, "Keep on-a keeping on", you folks are better than great!!!! :D

  14. incm

    incm, be that as it may, I am not a judge here but I do wonder why in the he11 you and others show up and register here in the forum just to tell us how bad someone is, I think this is absolute BS and you can get on down the road for my money, Frankly I don't give a dam@ about "David" and his reputation(don't know the man) in Chiang Mai but I do wonder why all the GD cockroaches(like you) surface at this time. Where in the he11 have you been before all this came down???? You seem to me to be just a shi+ stirrer.

    I post here because this is a topic I am interested in and have a comment on. Are you seriously trying to tell me and others dont post here unless you have something nice to say?

    Or are you telling me and others that this is a closed forum for only u and your buddies?

    Or are you telling me and others that becasue we use other forums and dont usually post here we are not welcome???

    I was under the understanding that a web forum was a place where anyone could come and comment on a topic that interests them, as long as it is polite, is not racist, sexist etc. Am I wrong...is Thaivisa not interested in new posters.

    I am not stirrer, I have an interest in this topic and a comment to make. Yes its a bad commentn about someone, but it was done in an intellegent, factual and polite way (just with a bit of passion as the person in topic appears to get people going)


    This is of course an open forum and I don't own it and you are free to post what you like but I do wonder why people like you only register to post crap! As I said I don't know this man and frankly don't give a rats as# about his plight, I only wonder where a##wipes like you come from all of a sudden just to kick someone in the bal&s.

  15. Many of us, such as myself come to this forum as a way to interact with other Farang (I hate the expression expatriate) to speak to knowledgeable people in the political and cultural arena, and in most cases to learn how we can help one another from our immigration experiences and stay within the new requirements of Thai Immigration laws.

    However, of late I notice that the DEA, Australian Law Enforcement Agencies and countless other foreign and domestic Law Enforcement agencies trolling on this forum.

    I have nothing to hide so I must chuckle at their attempts to get people to "call David's number"  get someone to accompany them on a date in Bangkok, while they post from Chang Mai, and yet others that state "this is a fact" yet offer no other information.  Not to mention those that “cry for help from Koan Kaen” and offer no apparent further response. 

    For all of you that live here, we know that the 14 days after a Thai arrest are for the benefit or investigation and that is what is surely going on.  They seem to have little and are looking for friends, accomplices or collaborators in the alleged acts and are even resorting to spoofing email to forum members in hopes of getting more wood for their particular fire.

    How do I know this?  I can best explain in that I retired from the Law Enforcement field and after twenty years (16 of which were abroad) acquired a knowledge of such methods.

    I also want to add that I wish everyone on this forum well and not be concerned even though these so-called “Investigators” can read your IP number when you post and can track you down to you home.  Some of you surely remember that you had to provide a Passport page when registering with CSLoxinfo or other Internet Service Providers.

    For those guilty of preying on children, I refuse to accept your behavior although such acts would have been normal 2,000 years ago and I hope that you burn in ######!!! 

    For those Law Enforcement types out there watching us and keeping the flames stoked, I suggest that you do your job and leave the judging to the Judges and stick to gathering facts rather than trying to discredit someone on the Internet and through our Forum. Allow the peers of the accused to judge them based on evidence and not rumors and innuendoes created by you and your somewhat zealous collaborators.

    For those of you that are accused of a crime, I reserve my judgement cause I truly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and sentenced so by a Judge and or Jury.

    There!  I have said my two cents worth and will now shut up.


    I hope that you were not referring to me as any type of law enforcement agent. if so it is wrong.

    I am a long term Chiang Mai resident that happened to comment on a subject that we in Chiang Mai find very irritating. David has an outstandingly bad reputation in Chiang Mai and everyone i have talked to here on the topic has said "about time and good riddence".

    What we all could not beleive is the support this guy got from people who dont know him. That was the one and only reason we posted. You will notice no one from here accused him of being a pedofile (at least I did not). As you say guilty until proven.....BUT we all know him and know his utter dishonesty and bad business.....that is what we were commenting on. Its difficult as many will know to sue someone in Thailand...even to collect a debt is a waist of time as it involves court, so no one nailed him.

    If anyone wants evidence of his activities in Chiang Mai come here and talk to a resident.

    Perhaps people should think about how much attention this subject has gotten from CM residents, and why we are so annimated about it. We are not cops...just happy justice will have a chance to be done.....


    incm, be that as it may, I am not a judge here but I do wonder why in the he11 you and others show up and register here in the forum just to tell us how bad someone is, I think this is absolute BS and you can get on down the road for my money, Frankly I don't give a dam@ about "David" and his reputation(don't know the man) in Chiang Mai but I do wonder why all the GD cockroaches(like you) surface at this time. Where in the he11 have you been before all this came down???? You seem to me to be just a shi+ stirrer.

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