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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. Having thought about the topic more I do remember Paradon has an issue with temprement. As you may have noticed when things aren't going his way he loses the plot and gives way to outbursts or racket tantrums!

    Q: How could his fathers forsight improve Paradon's game and temprement when we all know a son looks up to his father as a role model to overcome these mind blocks?


    Like one of the other members said that Paradon needs to develope mental toughness and I fully agree as do most folks. If his father hasn't given/taught him this discipline yet then it is not going to happen unless a new coach is brought in and maybe kick Paradon's butt a little. Lots of pro Tennis players get a little equipment abusive on the court sometimes and I think this is ok, shows they have spirit. I just would very much like to see Paradon do well but I am afraid he is on a downward spiral and it is very dificult to come back when one's rankings and earnings continue to fall. I am hoping as well as some of my Thai friends that there will be at least a supplemental coach show up soon.

  2. I've got an information from reliable sources that I can't reveal but it seems that there is once again a big government coverage about the accidents in Songkran.

    The real number would be the double so around 1200 people killed.

    If you can't backup what you are saying with facts then your information is just garbage.

  3. Goat ripper sorry to say your wrong about that. I live in Bangkok and I know the good dealers/shops here they all admit that they don't have much of an idea about Triumphs. Even TAZ ( english) admited their mechanic was not up to scratch on his big euro bikes. Japs ok but euro models no. Shame as I realy want to bring the new triumph rocket over, 2400cc monster and i'll sell it to a Thai after i'm finished no problem. But heck i'm not gonna spend a lot of money on that to let some moped mech loose on her.

    I have seen a couple Triumps here but as you say there is probably not a mechanic that is factory qualified to work on the kind of bike you mention and I do hear you, I know as far as big bikes Harleys and BMW's there is not any problem but maybe as you say Triumps are a different matter here in LOS.

  4. > real sweethearts these Muslims, how many of you want one for a neighbor?

    I do. :o Actually already rented a house from one. Best landlord I ever had. Like I'd go pay the rent and he'd ask if everything was fine, and I'd say fine, just the water in the toilet keeps flowing sometime but it's no problem. Then the dude would be there the next morning fixing it for me!

    You know what they say, "Even a blind Hog will root out an acorn sometimes."

    Jus being ugly here, I know what you are saying and good for you. :D

  5. Let me errr a see now, the Muslims are fighting/killing the Christians in Indonesia, the Muslims are fighting the Jews in Israel, the Muslims are fighting anyone that is non-Muslim in Iraq, the Muslims are killing Budhists monks and non-Muslims in the south of Thailand, real sweethearts these Muslims, how many of you want one for a neighbor? And don't give me this school ground crap that non-Muslims started all this.

    Your message is written out of the prejustice, that any war, any conflict is involving Moslem in this world.....

    Already in history, there was a war between the Northern and Southern States in the USA.....Moslems? Where?

    WWI and WWII with over 50 million people dead, did not involve many Moslems, or do you think, Germany, France, Russia ..are Moslems?

    The Americans dropped 2 atomic bomb on a country on defendless civilians, (Japan) which for sure never had anything to do with Islam....

    Americans also eliminated over 2 million Vietnamese people, who are for sure not Moslems...

    I also do not think, that all the Apartheid violence in South Africa was based on Islamic priciples....

    In recent history, we had Cambodian genocide....where are the Moslems there?

    Are they Moslems over in Haiti? Or in Cuba?

    Or in Ireland or in Spain....IRA or ETA is not based on Islam....

    Were the people on Tianmen Square in Beijing Moslems?

    Or China and Taiwan?

    Serbs and Croats are not Moslems, but Orthodox and Catholic...

    Are the Tamils and the Singhalese in Sri Lanka Moslems?

    So there are many conflicts everywhere in this world.... and in many cases Moslems are not involved....


    About Southern Thailand (Pattani), the issue is complicated, as this area is not the original territory of Thailand, and the population there is non-ethnic Thai, which never accepted the Thai government as their leadership, they always considered their status as a kind of an occupation....


    In the case of South Thailand:

    *How many do you want for as a neighbour?*

    It is an easy reply for me... nobody.....Islam for me? No way!

    Let them in their areas, and do not let them into Thailand - give this land-corner back to Malaysia, from where it is from, and where in Kelantan is already everything looking like in Iran. - Why do they want to keep an area, which is not fitting Thailand?



    I do not see any way, how to deal with radicals of any color.

    You must fight them - if it is a foreigner, just kick him out.... and if it is local, you have to put him behind bars.....

    I do not think however, that all criminals behind bars in Europe or USA are Moslems.....

    If this religion makes troubles in the USA and in Europe as a danger for the state, why do you permit it?

    Christianity is not allowed by law in Saudi-Arabia, how come, this place is the best friend of the USA?

    Just to congratulate Thailand for killing 100 young Moslems is no long-term solution....


    You have made a point here but it is not confusing at all to me what is currently going on in the world as we sit here pecking on these keyboards. You say predudice, maybe so but I have come by this honestly, just hang around and watch the action and maybe you will be singing a new tune very soon. I enjoy this country of Thailand and it's people and it saddens me a great deal to see what is/has been going on in the southern part of this country now.

    Let's deal with what we have today, no need to review wars of yesteryear.

  6. Let me errr a see now, the Muslims are fighting/killing the Christians in Indonesia, the Muslims are fighting the Jews in Israel, the Muslims are fighting anyone that is non-Muslim in Iraq, the Muslims are killing Budhists monks and non-Muslims in the south of Thailand, real sweethearts these Muslims, how many of you want one for a neighbor? And don't give me this school ground crap that non-Muslims started all this.

    Yeah, but its ALL George Bush's fault! :o

    Oh OK, armed with this information I can now get off Osama's a$$. Thanks.

  7. Let me errr a see now, the Muslims are fighting/killing the Christians in Indonesia, the Muslims are fighting the Jews in Israel, the Muslims are fighting anyone that is non-Muslim in Iraq, the Muslims are killing Budhists monks and non-Muslims in the south of Thailand, real sweethearts these Muslims, how many of you want one for a neighbor? And don't give me this school ground crap that non-Muslims started all this.

  8. What are you saying, Thaimee?

    That if two young Thai men are fighting / scuffling and you try to break it up, they will then join together and accuse you of assault?

    Don't get involved - it's easy. Same in any country - Teenage boys / youths are completely unpredictable.

    Call security if you must, but do not go near them. Different if it is two youths attacking an old lady. But these youths fighting among themselves? No, never.

    This is good advice, take heed, I'll clue ya. Ever heard of "Thai dog packs"?

  9. Don't worry yourselves anymore folks, I read in the Bangkok Post this morning that Dear CEO was in charge now and he said he will be responsible for all that goes on from now on and he will fix it! Makes me feel better knowing this.....

  10. Changes Oh Changes

    Making the changes are what test's a person's character. So it's not only up to his father, but what Paradon's own ambitions are. If there's the will to win he must make the change and have the final say. He can learn either way folks.

    If he learns from adopting a new coach and the outcome is positive then everyone wins in the Paradon household. If the outcome in trying a new coach is poor then he will have tried and learnt something to make further appropriate changes.

    I hope the families collective ideas are given due considertaion as making the change will be against him if he doesn't improve. I'm not sure at what age a tennis player reaches his prime, but let's wait and see what decision he makes.

    He certainly needs to decide on changing an aspect of his game judging by his recent ranking!


    I do know that it has been suggested several times to Paradon(or at least Paradon responded) that he should consider bringing in a new coach, Paradon's rsponse(on TV) was that "We will continue as we are for now." I don't think for a minute that Paradon would even remotely suggest to his father that he needs a new coach, this would have to come from his father for sure. I personally think we will see a a new coach very soon if Paradon's rankings continue to slide, the "New" coach might be in addition to his father. I think Paradon has all the tools to be in the lower single digit rankings. BTW, I have always heard that a pro tennis player is in his/her prime at about 26 years of age, yes there are always exceptions.

    Anyway, I will continue to give my support to Paradon win or lose but much prefer the winning part.

  11. Does anyone remember the predictions made by two or three quite famous Thai Ma Doos(Dr. Looks :D ) and posted in the Bangkok Post last November? This is scary stuff, it seems they all predicted Dear CEO and his government would face many hardships in 2004, as I remember the month of April 2004 was predicted as a super-bad month. I for one am going to quit making jokes about these "Dr. Looks." :o:D

  12. I agree, the Thai Military did a ###### of a job yesterday and I hope they stay locked and loaded, seems like someone told me one time regarding an armed enemy, "If in any doubt empty your magazine," Shoot the ###### out of them and try to ask a few questions later, seems right to me :o:D:D

  13. I agree with Kevin, EVA is the way to go, my wife and I have been flying EVA both Business and Super Deluxe class Bangkok-LAX every year for the past ten years and we can definitely send kudos to EVA, they get my vote for price, service and just all around a good airline.

    Good luck.

  14. GOAT ROPER; Hi BRO, thai ridgebacks are not to plentiful,but my sister in law's son came up with a beauty last year and now has another,I know he didnt pay for it,if he did ,it wasnt much. I will check if you want me to.

    They are very good dogs and have about the same temprement as my dog, very good and will get together with another and kill a cobra in very short order,###### smart dogs,my dog might have a little of it in her.as she good with snakes when we get one in the yard.

    My thai dog isn't a ridge back,looks more terrier,but a nasty little bitch,very loving to the family,but she was raised by farang,farang style from 5 weeks old so she likes me and the kid but is a little skittish of the wife.

    MAI KRAP Thanks,I will try to find that link,

    You will find that Shar Pei do get mange easier than some dogs,but all dogs in this climate get it to, I have taken 3 dogs in the neighbor hood to the vet for it as I felt sorry for them,and now when they start to show it,I just catch em and bathe em in some meds I get at the vets,and turn em loose and they go home and next week they just as hairy and shiny as a dog in farang land.

    Hey Kevin, thanks much for the info, I will be around and in touch and as soon as we get relocated to our new home I will investigate me a puppy doggie and maybe call on you again for some guidance. I said "Razorback", what the ###### is wrong with me, that's a pig!

  15. You folks got me to thinking about what I posted about a new coach for Paradon so I just now phoned up three Thai friends of mine that are avid Paradon and tennis fans and ask them what they thought about Paradon needing a new coach; two said he does and one said as you did Bronco that this would be difficult in Thai society but they all three agreed that this change(if it ever came about) would have to come from his father and not Paradon which makes sense to me. I think if Paradon's rankings continue to slide as they currently are he will slip off into oblivion on the professional tennis circuit and in; and in Thailand as well, we all know how fickle Thai people are, if you are winning you can have anything you want, if you begin losing you will find yourself a has been. Look at Khaosi Galaxy et al in the Thai boxing world(Khaosai was a God here). But, all your comments are well founded and understood. Interesting stuff, thanks.

  16. hi guys!does this hotel in bangkok exist,where you pay your hols before and than everything is included also the girls etc.,allegedly run by an ex german prostitute would appreciate any info,website etc

    cheers :o

    I can't answer your question but I do wonder why anyone would want to do this and have to take Hobson's choice on girls, booze, food etc. What is wrong with running up and down the street and sampling all the stuff available, window shopping so to speak.

  17. it's not a bad theory goat but I dont think Parodon will ever make it to the top 4, (your number).

    He's a great player and Thailand should be proud ,very proud of his achievements.

    Losing his Father as a coach would be the worst result imaginable for him.

    Goat, so far from your posts, I thought you understood a little bit about the Thai family structure, but maybe not.

    The reason Paradorn has done so well is because of his Father, Mother, Brothers and Grandma in KK, a typical Thai attitude.

    Suggest a coach that can lift him higher, take into consideration, the Thai mana

    I am going to have to differ with you Bronco, I think I do indeed have a reasonable understanding of the Thai mentality and I believe that if a new coach was brought in ,sanctioned by his father I do think Paradon would improve has the tools to take him up in rankings to maybe a #4, at the moment he has lost in the first round both at Monaco and Munich and slipping further down in rankings (#13) and this is not good for his "face", I know he does not like clay but getting better on clay this is just training and practice. I am not too sure he is satisfied with his wealth today either.

  18. I have a THAI dog,not yet a year old,but catches mice and snakes and will eat any dog or person that comes inside my chainlink,,and also have a black german shepard pure blood that is going to be the same temperment when she is grown,just a pup but already protective.

    I had 2 teams of sled dogs in the NW USA one of Mc. Kinsey River dogs and one of malamutes and all they wanted to do was pull,###### or fight,,kinda like a circus.

    Kevin, I am considering a Thai dog; Question, what is the disposition of these Thai dogs which I think are called "razorbacks"? I know these dogs are quite expensive but based on what I have seen of His Majesty's dog "Thong Dang" I have developed an interest in owning one of these breeds.

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