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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. I did three major industrial type projects in Thailand over a twenty five year span, always found the Thai workers( both men and women) to be good workers with good work ethics and never ran across many that I didn't like, on balance easier to work in Thailand than in my own country in the west.

    Bar girls you ask, always was able to have lots of fun with them too but that has been a few years back so anyone that attempts to degrade the Thai people(bargirls and all) and Thailand as a whole should pack up and get the he1l out!

  2. Actually the "sold the land" arguement is factual incorrect. The 6-day war was a well concieved land grab scheme to gain more fertile land.

    What a load a crap. Well conceived plan...hey, listen up! It were them A-Rabs that attacked them Jeeeews - OK?

    Here we go again with revisionist history... :o

    Good post Boon, I like it! :D

  3. PLACHON; They did the same to me and I told them the same as you,and asked why not run the light? They said that I was just wasting electricity,I told them not to worry as I made it myself.

    Goat Roper, I am not to much for the required helmet either,and the ones they sell here really suck,break them with your hands or see riders with helmets on their heads that have been dropped and cracked.

    I have rode a M/C for a little longer than you,I started on an indian scout in 48,and have never worn a helmet until just recently.I have a bad neck and can't stand the weight, and I wear a Thai helmet,a little better than the ones they wear as mine is fiberglass,leather covered, and not as heavy as the DOT helmets.sure wouldn't do me any good in a wreck but does keep the cops off my ass.

    as to all the deaths of M/C riders being prevented by wearing helmets ,bullshit,###### few are from death due to skull fractures anyway,even with a good helmet there is still a lot of brain damage and brain stem damage which is worsened by the extra weight and placement of the helmet,all helmets stop right about where brain stem injury occurs.and the weight of a pickup either running over you or just slamming into you and throwing you across 5 lanes of traffic and 100 meters down the road will ###### sure kill you,but you might have a nice pretty unbroken head to cook at the WAT.

    The helmet laws were promoted by the insurance company's with a lot of false propaganda as to their preventing death,so if you were killed in a cycle accident,they wouldn't have to pay unless you were wearing a helmet.

    Some states do not require helmets and the death rate per miles ridden and deaths per accident is no greater than in states with the laws in effect.


    Kevin, I attached a link for you to look at but as for myself I do agree if you go down at 100 MPH your chances are not very good on dirt or street, helmet or not. My unexpected get offs with the exception of two occurred on dirt, it is my belief that had I not been wearing a helmet I would be even uglier than I already am or maybe not even be here today. I skidded about 100' on my right shoulder on asphalt and the right side of my helmet, scraped about five pounds of hide off my shoulder(through my tee shirt :o) and nearly scraped through my helmet. I have a couple biker friends that had rather pay a fine than wear a helmet and they have paid some so I guess your opinion is not too far fetched but for me, I wear a helmet. Do you ride big bikes?

    Ride safe and easy.

  4. First time here in the Kingdom was 1974, loved it then and still feel that way, Love my Thai wife of ten years and adore her family, love the Thai people, their culture, His Majesty the King and I can't seem to get enough of all that wonderful Thai food.

    Hope they continue to allow me to be a humble guest in this wonderful country.

  5. If my g.f so much as sneezes she runs round to the pharmacy to buy some pills.

    I recently found a carrier bag with about 40 packets of pills in every colour and shape you can think of.

    I went through all the packs, asking what they were for. She didn't know what half of them were for but still took some occasionaly so she didn't get ill again !

    Worryingly, about 10 of the packs were for 'diet'.

    Is this normal for Thais or am I living with a rattling hypercondriac . :o

    The Doc is correct, the Thai doctors have a reputation for being very aggressive in treatment of most medical deals. A good friend of mine was a MASH doctor in Vietnam and he has told me many times that the Thai doctors were the most aggressive in medical treatments he ever witnessed. Good or bad, the Thai doctors do dole out the pills, not only that but you can buy most meds OTC here in the LOS.

  6. I have never made a single anti- semetic comment anywhere. Have you ever considered the thousands of Jews living in Israel and Palistine and millions living abroad who are sick and tired of the inflexibility and brute violence of the Israeli


    I did a project in Israel that spanned three years, was on site near a year straight and the Israelis have a motto, "Never Again", and they mean this and anyone anywhere that threatens their sovereignty will have to deal with them in a military way if need be and they are not afraid of any government anywhere. I am not beating the drum and saying they are always correct, I am only passing along an observed opinion by being on the ground in Israel, That's all :o

  7. Hello

    I see you have missed me in your sad little lives, I have been in BKK for 2 nights and I am now at the Airport waiting for my flight to Chang Mai (some of us have lives you know).

    The Thai girls that deserve respect are the ones living honestly and not illegaly, the Prostitutes are at the bottom of the ladder and deserve to be made to wear a brand giving details of there services and charges, then all will know. Once a Prostitute always a Prostitute.

    They should legalise it and make the Bar Filth work in area's along with the ponces that go with them, that includes Bar Owners as they are also PIMPS.

    Get a life all.

    I am back he he.

    Dam erco, you have this deal all figured out. :o

  8. I might also add if you are buying a new townhouse or a single stand alone house ask for and get a full set of schematics(at time of purchase) for all water piping(both in and out)and electrical schematics. This may be useful in the future if one needs to have one of these items repaired, I ask and received this at time of purchase of our townhouse(at the suggestion of my Thai boss) and about one year down the road I needed it, water leak on the third floor. My immediate neighbor had a water leak as well and and the water leak finder guy absolutely wrecked the house trying to locate the pipe runs, finally found them though. I would have gladly given my Thai neighbor a copy of the schematics but as usual they didn't ask, they knew we had a water leak repaired successfully but for some "Thai Reason" did not see fit to ask.

    All in all our townhouse is ok, quality not up to western standards but this in not the west.

  9. I really have no interest in meeting people from the Internet. I have plenty of friends already.

    I am not my real self here anyway, and I don't really expect other people to be. :o

    I wouldn't mind if the real weirdoes (AKA the gentleman) were forced to post a picture somewhere just to satisfy my curiosity, but I don't really want to meet them, unless it were by coincidence. Coincidence would be cool. :D

    Me too, what G-P said

  10. That land option sounds quite possible... but I don't recall any bulldozers down in Pattaya. I DO recall bulldozers downing all the bars and shops in sukhumvit plaza by someone highly ranked...

    Anyway... it was a quite a while ago since we had a fire... I think Klong Thoey was the last one and that's quite a few years ago. (I don't count Novotel 33 as a fire... as it was only 3 floors that burned)

    Does anyone remember (about 8 years ago or more) all the large shopping centers which caught fire at night, (several The Malls, Centrals) so that this one insurance company would basically go bankrupt and that another one could come in (or at least that was the story afterwards) Sounds like the land deal no?

    Anyway greets from the cold cold belgium again (since yesterday)

    I heard Mr. Suchinda was involved in that one.

  11. Everything you need to know about getting Driving license.


    GOAT Print this info off. It is clear that Nong Khai will issue 5 year licenses to farangs. Everywhere should be the same but T i T :o

    Got it thanks, I'll go back Monday with my wife this time and to a different DOT office per your suggestion, I have until Wednesday next week to renew. If I am able to be granted a five year valid car/motorcycle license this will ease some of the pain with having to deal with the Thai government.

    I will let you know. Thanks again doc.

  12. I am not sure if having a Thai wife, Philippina wife and that old regular white one makes it any easier, I think one has to learn what the Thai people do about many situations and that is to "Thaam Jai", Just accept some of the differences as just that, differences, of course this deal is a two way street, the main thing is stay cool.

  13. First Thai license is for one year. Thereafter ( since mid 2003 ) you can get a five year license. You will also need a simple medical cerificate ( basically indicating that you actually walked into the doc's office unaided and paid your 100 baht  :o

    T i T )

    The local DOT here where I live near Bangkok says there is no such thing as a foreigner being able to get a license valid for five years, is there an official document I can refer them to? I have had a Thai license for thirteen years now. I should know this but age is creeping in. Thanks.

    Maybe the new rules haven't filtered through. Try another office. I know many farang that have the new 5 year number since its introduction mid last year. They ceased issuing Thai people with Life Licenses at the same time. Maybe they are hanging out for tea money. Take a Thai with you when you go again.

    You're probably right about the filtering process, I'll try again, thanks.

  14. On the more serious side one thing the Thai bikers are doing for the most part is turning their headlight on while riding and I think this helps prevent some accidents, Being a lifelong biker myself and BTW I do agree with the helmet law, the Thais in general will not spend the necessary Baht to buy a proper helmet. Maybe the government should require all bike dealers in Thailand to include in the selling price of the bike, and have in their stock a wide array of DOT approved helmets the new buyer can select from.

    Please don't take issue with me on the Helmet law issue, I have had some experiences with this one, been riding Dirt and street for forty years and no that is not a boast.

  15. Where are Goosethai and Erco when we really need them? With all the knob polishers starting posts about Muslims and Iraq in this topic, the next thing you

    know we'll be debating GWB's State of the Union Address in the

    Farang Food and Fun topic. I can hardly wait!

    Look here, I am just voicing my opinion about all this school-ground, sophomoric crap that goes on in here. Who gives a big rat’s arse if some member accidently posts something in the “wrong place”, who gives a <deleted> if a particular topic “Does not belong in here”, Who gives a dam if “this post has nothing to do with Thailand”, “Thai visa’, and lastly,” running to the GD teacher when a post is not to your liking or someone marks on the wall with a crayon, let the admins monitor the programs as they see fit, seems to me they are doing a good job here.

    Hales bells, if we were all perfect and exactly like minded what would be the point in having a forum such as this?

    And that is what I think.


    Look here Goat Roper, I'm sure you're a great guy. All I'm saying is that this topic is for Thailand issues. I read it and Farang Food and Fun to get away from international politics. If you want to say I am just trying to escape reality then I would say, yes I am. Politics gets very tiring. There are lots of other topic areas to discuss it. I would be more than willing to wrangle with you at www.bearpit.net, but not here. Take it easy man.

    Yea you're correct, no need to get hostile over things we have no control over, I just want to live out what ife I have left without conflict. No offense intended, just an unsolicited opinion.

    Don't know about that "Great Guy" deal but thanks anyway. :D

  16. 5 kinds of sex


    I found that on another board:

    Recent research shows that there are 5 kinds of sex

    The 1st kind of sex is Smurf Sex

    This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone and you both have sex until you are blue in the face.

    The 2nd kind of sex is Kitchen Sex.

    This is when you have been with your partner for a short time and you are so horny you will have sex anywhere even in the kitchen

    The 3rd kind of sex is Bedroom Sex.

    This is when you have been with your parner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine and you usually have sex in your bedroom.

    The 4th kind of sex is Hallway Sex.

    This is when you have been with your parner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say "**** you"

    The 5th kind of sex is Courtroom Sex.

    This is when you cannot stand your wife any more. She takes you to court and screws you in front of everyone.

    That 5th kind seems to ring a bell with me. :o

  17. First Thai license is for one year. Thereafter ( since mid 2003 ) you can get a five year license. You will also need a simple medical cerificate ( basically indicating that you actually walked into the doc's office unaided and paid your 100 baht :o

    T i T )

    The local DOT here where I live near Bangkok says there is no such thing as a foreigner being able to get a license valid for five years, is there an official document I can refer them to? I have had a Thai license for thirteen years now. I should know this but age is creeping in. Thanks.

  18. Or, you could always go to Petchburi and find yourself and enforcer for a ###### of a lot less than 1.7MB,

    Okay, seriously this I need an answer on! Goat Roaper. I have a wealthyish girlfriend who is real pals with loads of police up there. They seemed pretty okay to me. Even drunk. I know the old president or whatever got blown away but what's the go with Petchburi. Gotta look after no one you know!


    I've been in Thailand too long, just responding like I've heard a few Thais respond, don't mind me. Sorry I brought it up. :o

  19. Where are Goosethai and Erco when we really need them? With all the knob polishers starting posts about Muslims and Iraq in this topic, the next thing you

    know we'll be debating GWB's State of the Union Address in the

    Farang Food and Fun topic. I can hardly wait!

    Look here, I am just voicing my opinion about all this school-ground, sophomoric crap that goes on in here. Who gives a big rat’s arse if some member accidently posts something in the “wrong place”, who gives a <deleted> if a particular topic “Does not belong in here”, Who gives a dam if “this post has nothing to do with Thailand”, “Thai visa’, and lastly,” running to the GD teacher when a post is not to your liking or someone marks on the wall with a crayon, let the admins monitor the programs as they see fit, seems to me they are doing a good job here.

    Hales bells, if we were all perfect and exactly like minded what would be the point in having a forum such as this?

    And that is what I think.


    Look here Goat Roper, I'm sure you're a great guy. All I'm saying is that this topic is for Thailand issues. I read it and Farang Food and Fun to get away from international politics. If you want to say I am just trying to escape reality then I would say, yes I am. Politics gets very tiring. There are lots of other topic areas to discuss it. I would be more than willing to wrangle with you at www.bearpit.net, but not here. Take it easy man.

    Yea you're correct, no need to get hostile over things we have no control over, I just want to live out what ife I have left without conflict. No offense intended, just an unsolicited opinion.

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