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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. We can comment as much as we like but until he is listed with "Interpol" my understanding is he can go where he likes-otherwise why not send a Thai Seals"team to confiscate him and whisk him back to Thailand to face the consequences?

    A pipe dream I know but maybe one day who knows - and you must ask is he ("T") any worse than the political criminals from every other country around the world (I was going to put region but I think The World is more correct)

    Not sure there are any Thai Seal teams that could accomplish this but really extremely qualified people are at the fingertips if desired.

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  2. The problem is that Tramadol cocktails (Tramadol + Coca Cola) have become a popular recreational drug amongst the youth in Thailand. Since a schoolboy overdosed on Tramadol Cocktail at a school in Samut Prakarn in August last year, they have clamped down on it as Tramadol is an opiate.

    Why is it that when discussing some medicine, we have to take an example of people knowingly abusing it? Anything can be used in a wrong way. Take sniffing glues for instance. Should they be banned?

    People who want screw their heads, go ahead. Tramadol is an analgesic so it muffles whatever is going on in a body. It is not recommended for young people anyway.

    What comes to overdose, it is far from being very effective way to depart this world. Although, for people already suffering from liver problems or similar it is also not recommended.

    You say that it has become popular among the young people? One dead? Any links or it didn't happen.

    Have been on Celebrex for many years due to a severe back injury. Tramadol is bad stuff ime. Local docs recommend Arcoxia. It's all dangerous and can have serious side effects.

  3. OK Have a coup. Then force an election within a short period. Oversee this election, stand by and protect the results. Any violations, instruct the RTP to deal with severely. Something has to be done and i cannot see any other way as the unwanted Dems will just keep on disrupting any election seeing as how they have already got away with it .

    Sorry to inform you--the government dug it's own grave.

    "Instruct the Royal Thai police to deal with it severely", Just to inform you jobs like this are not near road blocks---sorry

    With the RTA in control, the RTP would have to do as told. Any new govt., voted in would have to be allowed the full term, if the Dems cannot go along with this, disband them. Because that is all they are worth. Just a lot of junkyard crap.

    Another ha-roi Baht post.

  4. So here's a wanted criminal, who's tried to shut down the country's capital city for months, who refuses to hand himself over to authorities, shaking hands with and giving/recieving a gift with a high level member of the armed forces.

    What a joke of the country.

    Just come from the moon ?? the country was a joke before Suthep came on the scene, it's government were plundering well before then.

    Apart from Sutheps plundering of land whilst deputy PM., what can you really prove, most of it is innuendo's and propaganda created to gain support. Please post definate proof of anybody in last govt guilty of "plundering" We have definate proof of Sutheps plundering. That is why he had to resign from Agricultural Ministry, to avoid empeachment, and now those fools from the south are following him, believing that he will stop what has been going on for generations, with Suthep one of the worst and most corrupt. My own partner from a Suratthani family , adores him, saying that he is 'very sorry for mistakes he make' and will stop any corruption in future. She just cannot believe that Suthep's snout was deepest in the trough whilst deputy PM.

    Another history lesson from a cut and paste guru.

    • Like 1
  5. That decision to dissolve the Parliament, hold snap elections, and get a new mandate from the people, is not looking so smart now. Thaksin is like a malignant, aggressive cancer; sometimes the treatment to remove it kills the patient and sometimes when you think it's beaten into remission, it comes back stronger. I am hoping for the best but, knowing the nature and past behavior of Thaksin, expect the worst.

    Corecto-mundo dallas. It's amazing what Baht Ha-Roi will do.

  6. reminder to myself: I am a falang and know nothing. I can stay relaxed.

    wow, really a lot of frustrated and negative falangs in this forum. Is it just the old age or is it just your nature?

    I have respect for honest and caring redhirts. I have respect for honest and caring government protesters. This country is in a mess not just because of Thaksin or the government.

    The more you insult and blame redshirts. The more you support the extremists on both sides.


    Great! Another newbie expert in our midst.

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  7. There are some right miserable curmugeons posting on this thread. If you wanted laws for this and laws for that, you should have stayed at home. Personally, i don't have much of a problem woth kids tweaking their mopeds and racing them for fun. Hell, boys have been doing its like since mankind first put an engine on wheels. Half the pop songs of our childhood were themed on the very topic...

    You for one are a misguided soul. Why are you suggesting others that you don't agree with to stay home?!! Who in hell put you in charge?! A government sponsored race track comes to mind.

  8. My family and friends who have visited here loves everything about Thailand. But: they take a limo from airport to a 4-5 star hotel; book tours inside the hotel; walk ten meters from AC hotel to AC tour bus; get ripped off for a small tour, a Thai lunch and return to their 4-5 star AC hotel. They then go back home and tell others how wonderful Thailand and it's people are. After living here for many years I too think Thailand and it's people are great but with many reservations. I was never a part of that group as I never had the funds. Was earning $95/month plus combat pay but thought I was in high cotton when R&R Thailand back in the day.

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  9. The outcome will be 56x1,000 baht fine and send them on their way, seen that happened

    many times before.... nothing new here, just a show and tell by the police...

    Well if that's the fine for the offences that they've been charged with what's the problem? That's the procedure with any crime, get caught, get fined and on your way. No need to denegrate the police for doing a good job, nothing to do with show and tell unless you apply that description to every reported operation

    Only one way imo. Fine is minimum Baht 10K or thirty days in jail; impound the bikes with a Baht 20K impound fee. If impound fee is not paid within thirty days auction the bikes off to highest bidder. As others here have said a Baht 1K fine is a joke.

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  10. We're talking about different things. I'm talking about legal civil rights for a minority identity group -- American GLBT PEOPLE. You're talking irrelevant words like lifestyle and habits. GLBT people in the USA are a minority identity group that now sorely lack adequate legal protection against discrimination, seeking equal civil rights under the law in the exact same way that that American black people did in their civil rights movement, which is not over either.

    Jing with all due respect, I am not anti anything when it comes to people's rights. I really do get tired of all the discussions about all this, I feel like it's a sales pitch. I think you and I must have come from an entire other generation and that alone might explain my feelings.

  11. How would I know why you feel what you feel?

    I wouldn't.

    If you want to discuss something specific about what I have said, then we can have a discussion about it.

    I don't wish to discuss your's or other people's habits or lifestyles as it's not my business. As I have said go about your business as you wish and don't expect me to be PC about other's way of living. I just do not like all the long explanations/examples of what others say about the gay community. That's about it.

  12. That's a great example of the paranoid right wing inventions. Yes I know it was sarcasm but that sarcasm reveals the root of their tactics. They don't actually believe that tripe, sarcastic or not. They are just using it whip up fear, hatred, and resentment against an already unpopular minority (one that can still be legally fired just for being gay in many U.S. states) to further their agenda to keep gay people from ever achieving full civil rights. Get this straight -- DUDES -- there is no gay mafia determined to "fire" all people who do not agree with equal civil rights for gay people. That inflamed fear is just NOT REAL.

    Again, let's break this down in a facts based way:

    1. Gay people are a tiny minority by population.

    2. Gay people don't have the kind of power implied by the paranoid accusations.

    3. If gay people ever did have that kind power, why would you think so poorly of gay people as a group as to think as a group they would behave like intolerant fascists and oppress the majority? Perhaps some collective guilt over the way gay people have been treated? Worried about revenge, is that it?

    4. Worried about revenge or not, I don't see any rational basis for believing that gay people being such a small minority could ever have so much power as to act out these paranoid right wing fantasies.

    Equal civil rights, it's really not that threatening if you approach it rationally.

    This reminds me a little bit about white fears about revenge in South Africa after apartheid fell. Those whites were correct to fear revenge. It was logical. They were a definite minority who had treated the majority in a very horrific manner. Compare to this whipping up of straight revenge fears now by the anti-gay civil rights right wing. It's just not rational. Even if gay people wanted such revenge, they will always be a small minority compared to the majority so it couldn't happen anyway. No, don't flame, I am not suggesting the level of oppression of gay people in the USA approaches the injustice of apartheid. But I still think it's a comparison worth making to show how IRRATIONAL the right wing attacks are now.

    Jing, I generally enjoy and agree with many of your posts. I am not gay nor am I anti Gay as I have expressed on TV several times. Why do I get the feeling with this post you are trying to sell me something about Gay people?

  13. IMO the only thing that will correct this is to start over with six year olds, teach them properly and carry the message on into their later years. The current generation frankly don't give a rat's imho. This is a wonderful place to live but as far as I can see the Thais are ruining their own country. I was in the Pattaya for the first time in 1964 and I had never seen such beautiful beaches and such a wonderful accommodating people. I often wonder what's happened to both.

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  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Retired general Prem is at least in full possession of has faculties when he recognizes reality. Unfortunately, the man has been associated with groups that have mounted coups and who have ruled Thailand by way of military dictatorship. Despite public statements to the contrary and the fishing statement of the journalist, there is no love from either Yingluck , nor Suthep for him.There is a recognition of who and what he represents.

    The use buy date expired awhile back for General Prem , Prem is an old hack from way back,he knows the score, he is also a throwback to the Junta day's.

    I don't agree,

    I think a wink and a nod from K. Prem in the right direction would immediately alter the course.

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  15. Retired general Prem is at least in full possession of has faculties when he recognizes reality. Unfortunately, the man has been associated with groups that have mounted coups and who have ruled Thailand by way of military dictatorship. Despite public statements to the contrary and the fishing statement of the journalist, there is no love from either Yingluck , nor Suthep for him.There is a recognition of who and what he represents.

    And pray tell us all how in the devil do you know all of this? Is this a Baht 100 post on your part?

  16. Isn't it great how they show the world how stupid they are and how they want to lead a country?!??!?!?!

    But its a pitty many of the thais dont know anything whats going on: they cant read english newspapers or website and so they stay uninformed and vote agine for a corrupt regime...its far from any democratic system: just rob their own people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And a pitty that this country has no independant press!!!!!!!!!!! I worked more than 30 years in Germany for press and feel so upset about the press here in Thailand. The independant press is the one who should inform the people of this country about all whats going on and not some bullshit informations given by the government to spread over the country!

    I totally agree but an 'Independent' press that reports the true facts in this country is very dangerous for the reporter and his employer. Let me say that again, very dangerous.

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