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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Can you be arrested for deporting foreigners for doing something they were told not to do?

    The place is a circus and no wonder it is never going to move forward.

    Don't know Chooka, but the courts brought in a rule in FEB , that this guy thinks Chalerm has ignored ,the ruling includes the deportation of farangs, who can , who can't, Chalerm apparently can't

    I think we are mixing up two things, deporting foreigners legally is one thing but not following laws and procedures for doing so is another. Evidently Chalerm acted on his own without following the law. IMO this will never go anywhere.

    • Like 1
  2. So many cynics here! While I agree with you, don't assume that is issue. If your employer did not pay you on time, wouldn't you call to see if there were problems that need your attention? Sue me for thinking others might have the same conclusion but can't get anyone on the phone, even in Paris.

    SH You are wasting space and time IMO. As others have said, you evidently are living too close to the edge if you are concerned about your SSA income being a few days late. So your income is late so what is all this discussion for?

    Haven't heard "Goat Roper" since I was a kid in a small town whose fame was "Cowboy capital of the world" We also had some that were "Drugstore Cowboys" ahaaaha

    What's your point, that you were raised in a small town?

  3. So many cynics here! While I agree with you, don't assume that is issue. If your employer did not pay you on time, wouldn't you call to see if there were problems that need your attention? Sue me for thinking others might have the same conclusion but can't get anyone on the phone, even in Paris.

    SH You are wasting space and time IMO. As others have said, you evidently are living too close to the edge if you are concerned about your SSA income being a few days late. So your income is late so what is all this discussion for?

  4. Yinluck should remain in the position until the next election is completed. Besides, she was officially elected before stepping down to calm the protest situation. It's so mind bothering that PDRC is using the Court system to remove her. The Court in Thailand seems to be almighty that is capable of removing the government post.

    Yingluck was not officially elected!! She was appointed by a convicted criminal on the run from Thai justice!! What part of that do you not understand?

    • Like 1
  5. There is a lot of bizare comments, I am confused, could Thai visa please say who he is meeting or why this is news ?

    Exactly.,,,, If it is a personal trip and he is paying the fare, it is nobodies business. If it is an official trip being paid for by the government, then the people of Thailand should be informed fully of the purpose of the visit and who is participating in the meeting.

    I am going to go out on a limb here and guess the people of Thailand are paying for this trip...

    But they will not be informed the purpose of this trip. Strange to meet face to face in this

    day and age. Guess Chalerm and Thaksin are really spooked about the power of the NSA

    to tap virtually all electronic communications...

    I also believe the Thai taxpayer is paying for all of Chalerm's first class trip. IMO I also believe he is meeting with a very much worried Thaksin.

  6. LOL Poo is a water inspector now. How pathetic.clap2.gif

    She is not a water inspector. In her capacity as Prime Minister of Thailand, she came to meet with the Thai people who are suffering due to the drought situation. Her visit has obviously lifted the spirits of the locals and they came out in the tens of thousands to offer her their support. The Prime Minister is one with the people, and her compassion and concern for those who are of humble means is what sets her apart from Suthep. I am heartened that the Prime Minister has made the journey and met with those who depend upon decent weather conditions to eke out a living. We are fortunate to have her as Prime Minister and not some general.

    Gk how do you know all the reasons why the puppet is in essan? If this is your opinion then say so.

    Is that your opinion?


    • Like 1
  7. Bless her.....the country is falling apart and she is only interested to inspect the water situation in Mukdahan.

    Nothing wrong with that , also inspected the indochina market which must be at least the highlight of the day .then back in the car to the nearest airport

    She knows about as much about the water situation in essan as Forest Gump knows about the international space station.

    • Like 1
  8. LOL Poo is a water inspector now. How pathetic.clap2.gif

    She is not a water inspector. In her capacity as Prime Minister of Thailand, she came to meet with the Thai people who are suffering due to the drought situation. Her visit has obviously lifted the spirits of the locals and they came out in the tens of thousands to offer her their support. The Prime Minister is one with the people, and her compassion and concern for those who are of humble means is what sets her apart from Suthep. I am heartened that the Prime Minister has made the journey and met with those who depend upon decent weather conditions to eke out a living. We are fortunate to have her as Prime Minister and not some general.

    Gk how do you know all the reasons why the puppet is in essan? If this is your opinion then say so.

  9. So many wrote her off as a pushover. Very impressive. If she can salvage a peaceful, democratic solution out of this, she would be well worthy of consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize

    She can accept that prize from her new home in Dubai. No problem, Obama received it only because he was black and nothing more.

    Then maybe YL can get it only because she's a woman. Sort of the like the oscars, pick a theme every year and give the awards according to that. The prize itself lost all credibility with Obama.

    Perhaps Prbkk is not aware of how sophomoric and idiotic the Nobel Peace price has become.When they give this award based simply on the color of someone's skin color then that sets the tone. Prbkk needs to find another award for Thaksin's sock puppet since he is trying to make her someone that should be respected.

  10. And it's this kind of thing that keeps the ex-prime minister from meeting with the NACC ? So she looks at water and tells officials to do an efficient job. Big deal.

    She is not the ex PM. That would be Abhisit. Suthep is an ex DPM. The always dignified and beloved Yingluck is still the PM of Thailand as per the applicable law. No court has said otherwise. Making a false statement, won't get you your military dictatorship.

    She is an inert PM., similar to a box of rocks.

  11. If necessary, I hope he has a great holiday in India. I'm sure the next government will welcome him back with open arms as they will need all the taxpayers they can get to fill PTP's financial black hole.

    With a bit of luck he will be able to visit Chalerm and Yingluk in prison, and enjoy a quiet cup of schadenfreude.

    How do you know he's been paying his taxes?

    How do you know he hasn't?

  12. There are lots of people from countries within the UK who want independence from Westminster. These days they aren't threatened with the law for expressing their opinion. There comes a time when the knees have to stop jerking in favour of calm discussion.

    Why do you refer to the UK? This is southeast Asia, not the west. This is Asia and more specifically Thailand. Either you don't read, pay attention or you have not been in Thailand long enough.

    • Like 1
  13. Would be great to see some Thai's take responsibility for what they say and what they do for once in their lives.

    Like Suthep for instance? "all over by......................." "we will shutdown Bangkok by....................." fill in the blanks with multi-dates

    bin, are you still in grade school? Like Ilerm, gonna arrest all the demonstrator's leaders, is that the same?

  14. Mr Chula and his colleagues is earning good money conducting these surveys.

    I really hope this project never takes place in Thailand.

    As is it not enough hearing about the road killings, we will be hearing death on a massive scale if Thais take in their hands a fast speed train.

    Thailand is perfectly capable of running a high speed train network, just as Thailand is perfectly capable of operating airports, both international airports and smaller regional airports.

    A high speed train network will save countless lifes from the traffic it removes from overcrowded highways.

    Not afraid at all for Thais to operate the HST but based on personal experiences I would not trust them for one minute to properly maintain the entire system.

    • Like 1
  15. I'd be interested to know what either a 'peoples council' or another party would do if they were put in charge with only interim government authority tomorrow.

    Would they pay farmers?, Would they say hard luck you may have been a victim of fraud?, Would they wash their hands of it completely?

    If they would pay them, how would they do so and what would be the time frames?

    I agree there is a risk if money is authorised now it will end up in the wrong hands, but in dealing with these as a single problem rather than as separate issues the farmers are the ones taking the fall in this conflict.

    Hopefully a 'peoples council' wouldn't lie and steal; that might be a reach though.

  16. No one goes to prison here for corruption,if they did maybe the house

    of cards would fall down, all politicians know they can get away with

    anything ,without fear of been brought to book,it needs the very same

    people to get REALLY serious about corruption,so nothings going to

    change soon,and all the time the Country and people are just going

    to suffer.its a cancer with no cure in sight.

    regards Worgeordie

    Been in stage 4 for many years. Isn't stage five cancer for those already dead from stage 4?

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