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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Longevity is not in my plans.

     I ate right took ,exercised, got my rest. Did not save me. I lost my bladder 3 years ago.

      I was talking to my sister in Canada yesterday. We agreed that after a certain age why do we care if we live or not?

     She shared with me how she has hoarded sleeping pills in case she ever just makes the decision to end it. I agree with her when life loses its appeal why live. She made the DNR letter. One grandson ask her why she did that She explained if she has a heart attack she has a heart attack she is tired of hanging on and lingering with poor health.

      Leaves me with a question. How many members here in their old age feel they still have quality if life?

  2. 17 hours ago, st11x said:

    I just got back from Nong Hoi. The total was right about 1K THB. I think the bike had not been registered for over 8-10 years.

    The process involved a bit of a running around, but it was not too bad. They took our old plate and will issue us the new one next week, so in the meantime, I have to carry a piece of paper with me. The breakdown:


    1. 323 for the 1 year insurance 
    2. 372 for the fine
    3. 315 for the new plates



    Congrats glad it worked out good for you. Enjoy your bike

  3. I would just do it the legal way then no hassles.

     To pay the back taxes  and get bike certified the  whole thing might cost you a thousand baht,100 baht for each years tax and certification I think is 50 baht.. Why piss around just pay the 1000 and be done with it. No avoiding going certain areas no fear of police stop Lots of peace of mind for 1000 baht

    • Like 1
  4. 54 minutes ago, wpcoe said:

    I think you (sawadee1947) might have misunderstood (lovelomsak)?  He does appear to be doing it himself at home -- he simply  went to the local hospital to get the supplies.

    Ok I got it what he was talking about. Yes I went to the hospital for the things I require to catheter. I have self cathetered for years.

     I did not go to the hospital be be catherized.

  5. I got another one for you. 

     I have to catheter 4 times a day because I cannot pass urine. For the last 3 years I have gone to a hospital in Khon Kaen to get my medical supplies,cotton balls.alcoho;,povodine,gel, normal seline.

      My wife suggested we get everything at the local hospital. So off we went to the local hospital. The doctor said ok we can do it  for you  what do you need . We told him he ordered it. 

      When we went to the pharmacy area we were told they do not have alcohol,or gel and only one bottle of povidine.  This is a hospital with out supplies so I think it is more commen than we think.

     Now I understand why the musician Bodyslam ran across Thailand for the hospitals.

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/28/2018 at 7:04 PM, DM07 said:

    Way to go, ladies!

    If rape or groping happens, there is only one to blame!

    The rapist or groper!

    Not the lady!

    Not a thong!

    Not a see-through- shirt!

    Not a wet T-shirt!

    End of!

    I totally agree. 

     These rapist's and gropers make it unpleasant for all of us. 

      I find women who are clothed but are revealing,or accenting  areas if their body much more sexy than nudes. Times like songkran us who love the female shape get a buffet of visual delights. Clinging wet tshirts etc. I hope the women love what they are doing and having a good time doing it. Keep expressing yourselves ladies.

  7. 28 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Absolute rubbish! This is all about gang warfare over drug dealing rights.  The perpetrators are predominantly black British youths.  Born raised and educated in the UK.  These crimes are specifically in one area concerning drug gangs and nothing whatsoever to do with immigrants.


    However I know I am p*ssing in the wind trying to get through to racist posters here.  I just want the other posters on TV to realise that these racist idiots are in the minority in Britain and not in any way representative of what normal Brits believe at all. 

    Yes but their parents were immigrants. and if they are all black as you say then it just goes further to show how immigration  is influencing the present times. Why do blacks even second generation get into drugs and gangs. They definitely have a choice  they are citizens. Maybe taking over Dad's business you know a family business must stay in the family. Brought their trade with them when immigrating

    • Like 1
  8. For the life of me I cannot understand how he got shot in the back. Like Geriatric kid says he probably got turned around after the first or second shot into him. Would officers not have be placed behind him otherwise? I have not seen the video  cannot find it ,but sounds as though all the police were in front of him when he came at them. Who was behind him to shot  probably no one.Like was previously posted he probably got turned about by impact of bullets during the shoot up and rapid fire did the job.

  9. 27 minutes ago, mbamber said:

    I am afraid it has motorcycle gangs roam free mugging people and Police have been ordered not to chase them incase they fall off there bikes and get injured.

    The sad part is I believe this could be true.

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