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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 49 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Perhaps the real cause isn't immigration, but the increasing concentration of wealth that deprives the masses of a path to the middle class?  That "garbage" you refer to used to have a path out- real or mirage.  Today, a lot more of them realize they don't.

     This leaves me with a question about immigration.

      Why have immigrants come in to a country when there is a problem already  with wealth distribution ?  If the mass's are poor and do have proper work or wages how can they hope to support immigrants? So we are back to immigration is a big part of the problem huh.

    • Like 2
  2. 48 minutes ago, cabinfever said:

    You don't even bother to qualify your assertion by saying "some blacks." If African Americans are so out of control then why is it that crime rates in America have been mostly declining for the past 30 years? Homicide rates are nearly where they were in the 50's. What's out of control is your bigotry.

    I did not post this to arque sorry. I never mentioned crime rates etc as you do I talked individuals  Please get a grasp on reality and do us all some good.

      Just out of curious though where did you pull the "some blacks "  quote from?

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, starky said:

    None of that mattered at the time they were shot. they didn't know he had a concealed weapon till after the fact.  As for a " tad trigger happy and made a mistake" that says all I need to hear I'm out.

    Yes  it was concealed from view till he went to use it and exposed it  

    quote  Police said Sterling was trying to pull a loaded gun out of his pocket when Salamoni opened fire. unquote

  4. 17 minutes ago, weegee said:

    As soon as a Shipping Company is Blacklisted...They are back in business in less than a month.

    They just change ship registration, use a newly formed Company name, and the cycle continues...


    Really I am amazed that they can do that so quickly.  I owned one boat that  was blue booked If memory serves me right it took longer than that just to get the registration in my name.

  5. On 3/27/2018 at 10:29 AM, geriatrickid said:

    Hilarious. The communal eating format is common only to;

    - Families, e.g. husband and wife, (and even then not frequent,) mother and child;

    - Teenagers/people who are close, i.e. have known each other since early school;

    - Low class, uneducated, uncultured

    This is not how the educated and higher socio economic demographic eat. I recently attended a dinner function in Bangkok. I can assure you that no one, NO ONE  was poking into  the common food platters with their own utensils.It's rude and a sign of poor upbringing in Thailand outside of a set social circle, just as it is elsewhere, for the simple fact that it indicates a close familiarity.


    Perhaps the fact that so many people are hooked up with bar girls, or  upcountry folk is why they will not have seen how the rest of Thailand behaves. Thais do have table manners and many do have fastidious obsessive concerns in respect to communal utensils. Watch the Thais at a buffet at a higher end function and you will see the hand sanitizer come out or the use of one hand to touch a serving utensil and  the other hand to use eating utensils. Stop using street stalls  as an indicator of Thai customs because a growing number of Thais will not eat from them, nor even consider the use of communal cups & utensils. For example, there is absolutely no way that a knowledge grade or higher  civil servant would drink from  the same metal cup as a moto taxi driver.

    Every thing you said here about  different habits with different socio,economic levels is true.

      But any one of class knows that real class does not offend its host and does not make people uncomfortable in their presence. Any and every one at the fucntion should honor the ocassion and act appropriately.

      So many of these classy people you ate with at a dinner function ate the appropriate way for the ocassion. As is expected.

      But if they are of real class and attended a function at a small village and people were eating som tom with  with their fingers, and sharing a  common bowl for soup. They would in honor of their hosts eat accordingly. If they had concerns about health they would adapt how much they ate and where from the plate they took it. But real class does not offend . Real class makes all people present in their company feel comfortable.  No upmanship no making issues. 

    • Like 1
  6. The truck driver probably saw the bike but probably did not realise the bike was stopped. Just took it for a bike going in the same direction as he was. By the time the truck driver realized the bike was stopped it was to late. 

       Who would think a bike would stop in the middle lane,in the middle of no where.? I think most of us would not be prepared for this.

  7. I agree they can dress how ever they like.

     I also agree men should not grope.

      But I draw the line on in public not being able to stare. What ever they wear may or could attract attention if for no other reason than curiousity  Guys may stare to try and figure out how large are those boobs, or was that a nipple? If they are out there people will  be curious  or want to compare with others they have seen. Same with ass,legs what ever.. It is like cleavage I look to see exactly how much the woman is showing not to just have a peek. I like to get an idea of what she is showing then I think why is she showing.Seldom go back for second look.Do not want to be called a  dirty old man.

  8. 30 minutes ago, car720 said:

    It's ok.  I found it here.


    I am not picking sides here for many of my past posts went missing too. So understand the problem. 

     But I am left with a question when I view your reposted lost post. You state it was the first post on this thread. But the one you picture here says there has been 24 replies beside the date and time.. Also the time seems odd. Webfact posted at 8:10 and your post has webfact at 06:15.


  9. Is this starting to sound similar to what was going on before pearl harbour? Talks between America and Japan.to keep America out of war with Japan and  then boom. I am not as well versed on how that went as many posters here are. So could some one help me understand if it seems a lot the same or not.

      I like to think positive  but this came to me and would like help to see if I am just being a space cadet,over thinking.

      But do any history buffs here see a similar design?

      I tried to search it but was bogged down with to much info.

  10. 20 minutes ago, attrayant said:

    I don't see most of the dining behavior outlined in the OP, but the dining and cooking areas in my house are right next to each other and I am more put off by the preparation and sanitation habits.


    • Waste food container sits on the counter top and goes for several days without being emptied, so we often have clouds of fruit flies in the kitchen & dining areas.  
    • Food is prepared on the floor (using a cutting board, but still).  One cutting board (which looks like a cross-section of a tree) is used for meat, veggies, everything.
    • Dish rags aren't wrung-out and hanged to dry, but left sopping wet and lain flat on the counter top creating a germ farm.
    • Knives sometimes aren't washed if they're used to cut things that don't appear to leave residue (bread, some veggies).  A few days later these knives will have mold on them.
    • Sink where dishes are washed is right next to clean dish and pan storage, so all the clean stuff gets sprayed with dirty water during washing.
    • Food is left on the stove/dinner table overnight and uncovered.  Mother in law wakes up early the next morning and boils the hell out of everything to "sterilize" it.


    Consequently, frequent intestinal distress seems to be an accepted fact of life in my house that - thankfully - I am largely spared from because I mostly don't eat the family food any more. I have my own fridge and do my own cooking.


    Having said all those bad things, I'd like to say that the food really is (mostly) delicious and I wish I were brave enough to eat it along with them.

    I have to add one thing I saw my wife's son do.

     After drinking water from a glass he put it back in the cupboard with the clean glass's because all it had in it was water.

  11. 6 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    This is what the New York Times said about Bolton.  And no one can say the NYT is a 'friend' of Trump.


    John Bolton Is Right About the U.N.



    "The U.N. is a never-ending scandal disguised as an everlasting hope. The hope is that dialogue can overcome distrust and collective security can be made to work in the interests of humanity. Reality says otherwise. "


    "As for the scandals — where to start? U.N. peacekeepers caused a cholera epidemic in Haiti that so far has taken 10,000 lives. Yet it took U.N. headquarters six years to acknowledge responsibility. "


    "In Rwanda in 1994, U.N. peacekeepers all-but abandoned the country at the outset of genocide that took at least 500,000 lives. In Bosnia in 1995, U.N. peacekeepers stepped aside in Srebrenica and allowed more than 7,000 men and boys to be killed and countless women raped. It’s a similar story in Sri Lanka in 2009 and South Sudan in 2016."


    Those are the words of the NYT Journalist - Bret Stephens - not Bolton.


    Bolton served in the UN, and this is what he said:  "if the United Nations Secretariat building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference."


    Bret again :  "In the meantime, we’ll all have a collective freak-out over the next national security adviser. I agree with Bolton about some things and disagree about others. But on the U.N. he’s been right all along. If his presence in the White House helps to scare the organization into real reform, so much the better."


    Reforming the UN IMO is like reforming a fire - it aint possible. You either contain it or you put it out.  IMO Bolton will be a major force behind USA foreign policy going forward, and as seen by the other recent changes, that means in a direction that benefits the USA People first and without concern for the UN. Trump's team has done a fine job with the 'ISIS problem' without any UN help , and I can see more of the same coming.  Will it result in a war somewhere?  Maybe.  But the truth is the UN aint working (read the article) and appeasement has not worked because reality is that you cannot negotiate with terrorists or dictators.  But here is the rub - Trump Bolton et al, only care if it affects USA.

    And with the pending massive increase in the USA Defence resources about to be undertaken, the 'trouble' countries all know that they better leave USA alone or they risk being treated like a fire (contained or extinguished). Why do you think Nth Korea is planning talks?  Because Trump et al doesnt care if they are a dictatorship, they care if they might attack an ally (Sth Korea or Japan) and destabilise the Region and harm USA interests, and they dont care what the UN thinks or does, but Bolton will work the corridors to get done what can be done.  



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  12. 1 hour ago, nanglong218 said:

    To those who sneer at the warnings of hygiene I will just say "do you have 6 months to spare, in pain, discomfort and fatigue, awful fatigue."  No interest in sex, your liver controls more than you imagine.  If you are topside of 65 you don't have the time to spare.   HepA and E are no joke.  Hep B and C can now be controlled, like HIV, by anti virals produced since 2004.  It's your choice.

    I just play the odds. I personally do not know in my entire life a single person who has fell ill from double dipping,kissing cunnilingus etc.. You may have contracted some thing  I am sure it does happen.

      But then again I am not your average Joe from down the street. I have been left for dead in Thailand ,mugged twice in one night in Nassau, mugged and robbed in the afternoon in Mexico.. I also often  singlehanded a 27 ft sailboat in extreme weather so an illness has little meaning to me. I leave the worrying about things like that to those who want to live forever. but not have a life.


    • Thanks 1
  13. 14 hours ago, heybruce said:

    How much damage should we allow before we acknowledge the obvious?  Cutting taxes and increasing spending leads to higher budget deficits.    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fiscal/u-s-budget-deficit-to-top-1-trillion-in-2019-budget-experts-idUSKBN1FI2P2


    BTW, I think money spent on education and infrastructure, paid by taxes that keep deficits in line, is a good thing.  It's money spent maintaining our home without handing the bills to our children and grandchildren.


    Money spent on walls that won't work and wars that can be avoided is a bad thing.  That should be a statement of the obvious, but apparently it isn't obvious to everyone.

    This is not for an arquement ok just want your opinion because I get a sense you know what I refer to when I refer to 50's infrastructure education etc all tax based.

      I feel Trump is clearing the swamp so to speak. By getting rid of under the table illegal workers  and reversing the trade deficit so America exports more than it imports.More exports more jobs.

      But a big but. To attain this he must first stop illegals from entering there is a financial cost to this but one time cost. which can be recovered from taxes paid by the new employed.Thus given the time needed could have the cost of keeping illegals out paid back.by the Americans who would have their jobs back. Lowering the deficit.

      But all this can be for not when the lazy we can live for free no work Americans refuse to take the jobs and all is lost.

      Lower taxes could be given and maintained for American companies employing real Americans (I know I will attacked for that statement by others who have no other defence other than to attack). The tax would come from the employed who otherwise would be a tax burden as unemployed people. Because of a greater amount of employed each worker would pay less tax because the cost would be shared by many who are working.

      More people working less tax per individual, but total tax  collected is more.. Deficit bought down.. Exports up more work again..  infrastructure improves.

      America was great when the working class was working. So  I think Trump wants the working class back to work.

      Some times it is necessary to take debt to recover but once debt is paid off it is back to smooth sailing.

      The problem it seems to me is people now a days are fixated with get what they can right now and cannot fathom long term plans . 

      But then again perhaps the average American now is quite happy to lay around and do nothing but entertain them selves with  video games,computers and telephones.




    • Sad 4
  14. 17 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Money spent on walls that won't work and wars that can be avoided is a bad thing.  That should be a statement of the obvious, but apparently it isn't obvious to everyone.

    I agree totally with you on this. I felt a wall was a symbolic gesture not an actual wall. Goes to show anyone can be mistaken.

      The war part the jury is still out on that one for me.

     The high budgets will be a real challenge but you have to take into account what was done previously by previous governments and what was waiting for him when he took office.

       You made very good valid points. No use going further Neither  one of us wish's to arque .

      We each got to state our opinion  I am happy with that. So lets sit back and see what the future holds. I am hoping for a turn around  for America and the people of America prosper. and get back to work.

  15. 4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    The "good old days" that many Trump supporters long for were a time of very high tax rates, money spent on education and infrastructure, and low deficits

    You seem to think that money spent on education,infrastructure and keeping a low deficit was bad huh.  I think most people would like this but that is me.

     You appear to make a claim that these things you dislike in governance can only be done by high taxes . Do I have the right so far?

     Why do we not wait and see if Trump can offer education ,infrasturcture and low deficits in his approach to solving Ameriica's problems and making it great again. Or is that mature of a thing to ask?

      Or is the point to stop him before he does do it and shows every one he knew what was needed and stood up against the odds and did it.

    • Haha 2
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