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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Not sure if you have same company as me but mine is great. I was hit in a car park repaired and taken care of no problem. 

      I hit a cement post 2 years ago. Again they repaired it no problem. This year they discounted my insurance by 50 % for using their service for so many years.

      I would say ride it out with the company you have. You may be surprised in the future when you get a long term customer discount.

  2. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    Is it all beginning to be a bit too much now? Seems like they're desperately trying to say anything to avoid setting a date. 


    Can't keep doing this forever. 

    Forever is a long time. All they are interested in is 20 or 30 years. Which they can do. Who is going to stop them?

  3. I have been watching many youtube videos.with 2 women that are so right on they are my new hero's. 

      The best one is Sarah Sanders. She is so good. I cannot see enough of her saying what must be said. She is America's dream woman.If I was American she would have my full support.

      The second one is Brigette Gabriel/. She says it like it is no PC. America needs more women like these.

     Go to youtube and watch these women set people straight.


  4. 1 hour ago, kwonitoy said:

    My Great grandparents also came from Ukraine, generation earlier, Also homesteaded in Sask.

    When I asked my greatuncle where them came from in Ukraine at a family gathering he got quite upset. Forget that place he yelled we are CANADIANS now

    Problem with a lot of immigrants, they want to import there culture and lifestyle and forget about the integrating part. 


    I'm from Edmonton but live in Thailand now, I'm used to being a minority here

    Last year on a visit home staying with my brother is northern Edmonton I felt out of place, a minority in my old hometown, and when I left I told my brother it's only a matter of time untill something happens. 14 months later.............

    I was raised in southern Alberta. I remember how Ukraine and other European family's came to Canada after WW2. They integrated quickly. Hard working honest people. We were good to them and they showed their appreciation by becoming good Canadians.. 

      I know of land owners back then giving land to immigrants to build their houses. that land now is worth a lot at the time it was just what was needed to give the family a start .Back then it was simpler and people were more humanitarian.

      But now the immigrants appear to see Canadians as a soft touch.  And they bring their way of living with them. The crime rate rises,welfare cases are rampant etc. the new immigrant is not like those of the past. If they were there would be no problems. 

  5. I thought times of the year and tides moved sand around. I used to go to Mazatlan Mexico a lot and the sand on the beach in front of the hotel would change , some months there would be amply sand beautiful beach to be on and other times there would barely be any area to stand on sand, it was all gone.. I was told the moon and tides moved the sand.Could be the same here I think.

  6. Today when ever i go to google the Thai flag is above the word google and the word google is in  a image of a thai boat. 

      My question is how could some   one do this? I thought google itself could only write their logo in their site. I am sure the rest of the world is not getting this google image. How is it done?

  7. I first started because I found most posters to be funny but uninformed. and their posts were a laugh.

     I started posting to try and get some sort of intelligent conversation. That was like hitting my head against a wall.

     Now I post to show how much smarter I really am compared to the average poster.

     I still get a good laugh at the guys who post links to support what they say. Makes me wonder how do they have the time to research so much and also post every hour. Sometimes I think they must have a research team doing their finding of things to link too.Either that or do not have a life of their own and live for forums.

  8. Gee doctors in Canada have told me warm water is easier on the digestive system.It gets into the system quicker. Cold water takes longer and heats the body because the body must generate heat to warm it before the body can use it properly But hey these are Canadian doctors what do they know?

  9. 1 hour ago, tonray said:

    No.. That's an Asian thing handed down from Chinese superstition. Cold water is warm by the time it reaches your gut. No effect

    I was told not to drink cold water also when I had sore throat. It has nothing to do with when it gets to the gut. It has to do when passing through the throat. Also warm water is best to drink anyways health wise.

  10. Khon Kaen ‘water war’ fear




    Concern as factory owned by Red Bull moves to lease more land.

    KHON KAEN: -- CONCERNS ARE growing that a dispute over water will erupt in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen after a factory owned by Red Bull becomes operational. 


    “If a proper plan is not drawn up now, I can tell you that a war over water will definitely break out here,” Songwut Kijworawut, director of the Nong Wai irrigation project in Khon Kaen, said yesterday. 


    The construction of the factory – owned by KTD Property Development, a subsidiary of the Red Bull Group and owned by Saravoot Yoovidhya, Red Bull’s CEO – is now ongoing in Khon Kaen without local opposition.


    However, residents have recently complained about the firm’s move to lease 31 rai (five hectares) of nearby public land for water storage to manufacture alcohol-free beverages.



    I hope Anupong reads this might get the point across to him..

  11. 4 minutes ago, mrdome said:

    freddie, you keep alluding he failed his training from the start or wasn't properly trained and that he was pushed through regardless of his performance,  comments for which you have zero proof and which the Minneapolis Police Department would vehemently deny. It wasn't a "PC-stunt", regardless of how many times you repeat that.


    Let's face it, if it had been a black victim and a white cop, the comments - if there were any at all - would be quite different.


    Let's face it, if it had been a black victim and a white cop, the comments - if there were any at all - would be quite different.

      You are so right. There would have been riots looting,beatings etc.

      You are seeing justice being sought in a legal way not thugs on the street as it would be  had been white cop black victim.

  12. With all the youtube videos out there about Thailand. I was wondering has anyone here seen themselves on any of these video's?

     Soi 6 ,walking street,Soi cowboy,KSR,sukhumvit etc all have many videos on youtube..

      I havenot found any with me luckily. But would like to know if other guys have been captured on youtube.

  13. 2 hours ago, timber said:

    Depends on how much of a hurry you are in.  I transfer by writing a check to myself.  Takes about a month.  With TMB.  Is simple not transfer fees and the exchange rates are acceptable. Not sure how much you can do this for, would have to talk to the bank.  Could write a check to someone in Canada you trust and have them do a SWIFT transfer which is a lot quicker.


    I am interested in how this works. 

      Do I simply go into the bank in Thailand where I have my account deposit a check made out to myself from my Canada account and wait a month or so to get my money?

      If it is that easy I will be doing that from now on the ATM fees and rates are terrible.

  14. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Interior Minister Anupong Paochinda assured on Tuesday  (Sept 12) he was ready to scrap a ministry’s order allowing a private company to utilise a community forest for the production of drinking water, and non-alcoholic drinks in Khon Kaen province if there is even one villager protesting  the project.

    I was under the impression this was news because village people were  protesting.

      I quess he wants names so these people can get attitude adjustments.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    A village of 180 and 40 of the men involved with the rape, well suspected of being

    involved, what a disgusting village!


    When you look at it that way. It would appear just about  every male in the village was involved. No wonder the village is more worried about their precious image than the well being of the girl. In many cases here in Thailand the girl who is raped becomes the quilty party when she looks for justice. What a sick society.

  16. 1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

    I think the US will call that bluff,

    I think the bluffing is over.  Kim is being forced to be aggressive. Soon he will have no choice but to send an armed missiles. It has passed the point of settling any other way. Pass Us governments did not deal with it just shrugged it off and now they have a major problem. Kim is in the position now of put up or shut up  and being Asian he will put up rather than lose face.and he wants his legacy of bombing the US also.

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