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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. In Canada only rurals and uneducated or no class people take off their shoes. I have been t houses with expensive persian rugs on the floor and people come into the house straight from the rain with shoes on. If you took your shoes off to go into those homes you would not be welcome back because you had no class. To take off your shoes is just not done. We leave that to other less refined people.

  2. I cannot wait for this. 

      I think it will be very entertaining.It will fun to see how punishment  McGregor can take. If he can take it he may win. Reminds of a Rocky movie where Rocky tells a young guy  "It is not how hard you can punch it is how hard of a punch you can take." A guy like McGregor could have a block of cement on top of his shoulders. Mayweather may only be hurting his hands when he hits him. Or Mayweather simply out boxes him and wins.

  3. I have been told Prayuth is modelling Singapore as what he wants for Thailand.

      So I was wondering if Yingluck now is seeing herself as the Aung San Suu Kyi for Thailand. She may be taking the martyr  role. As we all know Asians are great on copy cat stuff. She has stated she will not run she will go to jail if need be. So it appears the stage is being set for martyr role.

     So what are peoples thoughts on Yingluck playing the martyr and positioning herself for international recognition and support? And if she does take that position what do you feel are her chances of success,? Or how will it play out?

  4. Mexico is still the wild,wild west.I remember at Easter time years ago when bandittos would come out of the mountains on horseback  with rifles hanging from their saddles and pistols on a belt either off their shoulder or around their waist.They slept in hotel lobbies and no one said a thing.. After Easter the rode back into the mountains.. Gun battles are part and parcel of life in Mexico and will be for a long time to come. This is not news it is updates.

  5. Anybody here remember the Belmar Hotel? It was just south of the popular Senor Frogs restaurant.which was tourist must visit resraurant. Well if if you ventured into the backstreets behind the Belmar you would have found Mexican style men only bars where  if you looked at someone the wrong way they would have slit you like a ripe tomato right there in the bar. They sat drinking with either a gun,knife or razor blade in front of them and would use them without a moments hesitation. What used to be behind the scenes is now more exposed.and written in the news.

  6. 13 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "......my retirement visa (marriage) ........."

    If you are retired, with a Thai wife and are extending your stay based on retirement, no home visit.

    If you are extending your stay based on being married to a Thai, then possibly a home visit.

    It's easy to tell from the income you declare, B65,000 pmo vs B40,000pmo.

      not in my case. 

    I was on retirement visa for 4 years never a visit. Got married bought a house stayed on retirement visa. One day wife got a call immigration would come check me out the next day. They came took info and if I remember correctly they  ask my wife for money for processing fee..I am still on retirement visa it hasnot changed for years.

  7. 16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    he biggest internal security threat the Philippines has faced in decades and a shock to neighbouring countries worried that Islamic State is trying to establish a foothold in Southeast Asia.

    The Islamic State is not trying to establish a foothold. It has a foothold in Southeast Asia. As it also has in the UK,Belgium, France etc

    I take my hat off to those brave souls who risk their lives to go where they go with only a hard hat. The asylum seekers the world over could take a lesson from these young men and go home and risk to better their homeland

  8. That is a very tough area of Mexico. I used to got there a lot back in the 70's. It was quite lively even then.  We had helicopters landing on the road in front of the hotel  which was right by the beach.Store owners pistol whipped and robbed at closing time. Razor blade fights at brothels (between the girls). Back then was easy to be taken up in the mountains to meet the big guys. So i would speculate it has just changed with the times. 

      What I used to find amusing was the federalies  riding around in the back of pick ups with lots of gun power. In the brothel areas  they used to sit outside each brothel with ready to take charge.



  9. Not sure if this is help or not but will mention anyways.

    Do you have pain associated with the urine in blood?

    Is there pain trying to void?

      The reason I ask this is these are symptoms I had before my bladder just quit working .

     But reading your post I feel you are way out of shape and the exercise is giving you blood. in urine.But you also had blood before exercise so makes it questionable.

     I would go to urologist and get fully check out. Once your bladder goes it is hell.

      But to be honest urologists some times are stumped too. In my case I had blood and pain. They checked and gave me antiobiotics. for infection. This stopped the bleeding.but this   was repeated 2 years later,then 1 year,then 6 months,then 3 months then oh sorry your bladder does not work you need to catheter the rest of your life 4 or 5 times a day.

     So what I am saying is go urologist and get it checked out thoroughly. I had ultra sound,MRI,scopes through everywhere  you name it they scoped it nothing found. No prostrate problem,no cancer nothing. I was put in hospital twice and monitored and probed for 2 weeks each time nothing was solved..

      So no easy answer but do not let it slide. Also get many opinions.




  10. I did not vote. 

    It can be both dangerous or safe up to you.

    If you come and did a little homework on what there is to do and see and what dangers to be aware of you will be fine.I bought a Lonely  Planet book before coming the first time and read it cover to cover  and it helped a lot. Read a bit about the culture to have an idea.

      Or jump on plane with more money than brains and come here and party like you are bullet proof and you may test the bullet proof foolishness.


  11. Just now, wildewillie89 said:

    Like I said, part of rehabilitation is not causing further pain to the victim. If you do not understand that simple concept, then sorry, I think it is you with the 'issues' (what a pathetic statement to start a reply with).

    I, or anyone else,  couldn't give two shits what the man does in his own private space. When did I ever say he should be locked in a room and never be allowed out?..but does the victim and her family give two shits what he does in the public space? Probably, yes. 

    Of course the past is the past for some. But is the past really the past for those who were raped? If you were raped would you like to see the guy who looked you in the eyes when he did in the media all of the time? Probably not. 

    Seems you're just another sucker for a famous person. 

    Like I said you have real issues. Seek help ok.

  12. On 6/15/2017 at 7:02 AM, wildewillie89 said:

    Yes they do, but usually second chances don't continue to infringe on the victims. They just go somewhere, keep out of the spot light so their victims do not have to deal with them. If he was 'rehabilitated', he would surely realise that putting himself out there all of the time would be causing a lot of pain to the victim/family. 

    Maybe he isn't as rehabilitated as you think. Maybe you are just a sucker for words if they are coming out of a famous persons mouth, Rehabilitation is not about words in exchange for payment, it is not about 'serving time', it is about learning, it is about understanding how your actions hurt innocent people and it is about changing your ways so your new actions do not continue to hurt those/other people.

    So if that is the case and someone still continues to pay serious money to see the man, what else could anyone feel but suspicious of that person. All they are saying is i don't care less about a little girl who was raped. All i care about is my photo opportunity with the convicted man who did the raping...because i may get some Facebook likes, or it may be a conversation starter due to his fame. 

    Ok you have issues here.

      But to not recognise what this man did with his life once justice was served  goes against all reasoning for letting him be a free man after he paid the price.To keep pursecuting him and not leave it behind is of no value to any one especially those who were victims. the past is the past and good men leave things like this in the past and support men who worked their way out and became good citizens.

     I feel guys like you who do not let it go are the problem now.

  13. When we first bought our house and moved to the village my wife told me to throw many things in the river I will not do that. But many times when coming home and crossing the bridge near our home I will see village people throwing all sorts of stuff off the bridge into the river. If they do not burn it then throw it in the river.

     The garbage collectors hate out house we have  the most garbage in the village.and we recycle and burn.,so really not that much.

  14. In the old days out west where I grew up when we had a problem with something we put a bounty on it. People made money by eradicating the problem . Maybe a bounty should be put on refugees. Ever one you bag is worth x amount of money.Then homeless Aussies could get money bagging refugees.


     I would really like to know how Australia came about to be legally responsible to refugees. Does not make sense to me. Their own home  country should be the legal responsible country. If their home country is unwilling to be responsible maybe they should have stayed home.

  15. 26 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Constand and other accusers say Cosby, the star of the 1980s hit TV comedy "The Cosby Show," often plied them with pills and alcohol before assaulting them, in a series of incidents over four decades.

    Pretty hard to give drugs and alcohol to some one who does not use them. I wonder how many other men did drugs and drank with these ladies before sex? Or is because he is a celebrity they can con the courts? Go out any night of the week and you can find men and women drinking and doing drugs together then having sex.,it is all by adult consent.

      i like the part about a series of incidents over 4 decades. Sounds to me like party sex.

      As a man I would feel a woman who will drink with me ,do drugs and have sex more than once with me enjoys partying with me. Why would a man think any thing else? When they consent more than once under the same conditions what should a man think?

  16. 56 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    If you enjoy drugs and want to take them freely, then move to Amsterdam. Enough said, drugs are a scourge and druggos need to be eradicated. Don't try the alcohol is a drug ..bla ..bla .. ...  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy ... drugs do.

    Do not get me wrong I think the crime in drugs is the real problem  So I am totally with you on eradicating hard drugs on the street.

      But as far as getting drunk and running around naked,it was nights like that which made me stop drinking

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