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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Now that the PM has been warned by experts that his policies might not work, will he be liable for a criminal charge of negligence if there are further floods in Thailand? And if so, will his assets be confiscated?


    Just askin'


    I feel there is a better chance the experts will be charged with defamation. Next tine they will keep quiet.

  2. 5 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Speaking as s rightwinger?

    No not as a right winger  I was speaking as a person who  seeks equality. 

      I am so left in the 80's I was blackballed and under so much threat in my home city and province ( a red neck right wing province and city)  I had to transfer my job and move within 1 week.I was established and owned 2 houses.  I had to get out. Now when I go back people who know my past stare at me and give me nasty looks.

      No I am not right wing but I do stand for fairness. Most people seem to forget about fair play and equal say for all.  That is why we are where we are in this day and age. 

     It should not matter what a person.s personal views are to stop other from expressing theirs.

  3. 5 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Speaking as s rightwinger?

    No not as a right winger  I was speaking as a person who  seeks equality. 

      I am so left in the 80's I was blackballed and under so much threat in my home city and province ( a red neck right wing province and city)  I had to transfer my job and move within 1 week.I was established and owned 2 houses.  I had to get out. Now when I go back people who know my past stare at me and give me nasty looks.

      No I am not right wing but I do stand for fairness. Most people seem to forget about fair play and equal say for all.  That is why we are where we are in this day and age. 

     It should not matter what a person.s personal views are to stop other from expressing theirs.

  4. What gets me  wondering about America. Is if it is the land of freedom of expression why do people always have to disrupt right wing protests? Do they not have the right to free speech also? They should be allowed their say. No one has to listen no one has to care what they say but they have the right to say it.If right wingers used violence to stop anything they would be the bad guys and go to jail. If right wing protests have violent thugs show up and destroy the protest it is ok. This is not the American way that America tries to say it is.Seems as though violence against right wingers is ok. Quite a double standard as I see it  speaking as an outsider.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

    Germany is a pretty good example in fact. Germany endured the worst century imaginable from 1914 to 1990, and today 80 million Germans still speak German as a native language, eat bratwurst and sauerkraut, listen to polka music (well, maybe not so much anymore!), and are as obsessive/compulsive about keeping records as ever before. The country has emerged from being an international pariah to becoming one of the most progressive and open and nonviolent countries on the planet,

    53 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

    happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children. And

    , you can get better döner kebabs on street corners in Berlin than you can in Istanbul, that’s a plus for Berlin!

    I’m totally an open borders person -- not tomorrow, not in our lifetimes, but as an ultimate goal for humankind. Open borders lead to less conflict. To me, nativism is devolutionary.

    Very good reply. We are getting off topic here and I probably started it  So I should stop now. 

      Lets agree that you are open borders and I am closed and leave it at that. As far as borders are concerned.

      Just one thing I opening do not agree with in your post

    is happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children

      I think it is in the millions and the Germans are not to happy with it from what I see.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

    Wow, what a hateful, inhuman, and unreal view you have of the world. To believe that somehow preserving your own “culture” -- whatever “culture” you come from and regardless of the fact that all cultures are naturally evolving all the time -- is more important than the lives of people who are not clones of you, is barbarism. If this kind of exclusion to the point of exporting war is what your “culture” is all about, then your culture should be wiped from the face of the earth.

    Please do not think my outlook is culture based I am a loose cannon  I am not a spokesman for my culture. . But I do respect culture and borders which now it seems many do not. Perhaps Germany was a poor  example when I think of it now with their history. I should have used Sweden.or France.

  7. On 8/9/2017 at 11:06 AM, FitnessHealthTravel said:

    Seriously this just goes on and on. At some point the DNK will pass the point where it will go for it and then all hell will break loose. They have nothing to lose. Guam is a smokescreen, Japan and South Korea will fall in hours of this starting for sure. They need to take this very, very seriously. Kim Jon has been schooled for this, he knows nothing else and will not settle, ever. The US needs to take these guys very seriously and stop mocking them. They will destabilize this region for decades if this starts from their side first, that's for sure.

    This has me thinking. If NK did major damage to Japan,how much would that effect trade for Asia? 

      Would it be beneficial to America and negative to Asian economy? If it hurts Japan real bad may be very good for Europe and America. Japan was a big part in creating the problems the world has now. So maybe pay back time..

  8. 1 hour ago, zzidenn said:

    Where do you get this kind of nonsense? HBO? We are talking about the real world and not some entertaining tv-series. 

    In  my humble opinion this is not nonsense it is reality. I do not watch TV so it did not influence my thinking.. A war is the answer may not be pretty but puts everything back in true perspective. Counries and citizens will be too busy rebuilding to bother with illegal act  activities. The people smugglers of refugees will be out of business and no need for a fence in America.And borders will mean borders. And people will not care about political correctness but about getting things done to get back to a better life.

      The world is steadily going down the tubes. Soon they will need reservations in countries like Germany for the ethnic groups to maintain their culture in their own country. becuase the refugees and illegals do not respect the culture or the people or the country as soon as they step foot on foreign soil they start making demands for it to change to suit them. A good war would keep these selfish ungrateful bunch at home.

  9. 1 hour ago, aslimversgwm said:

    You lunatic you! We don't all have a death wish. Or do you think you'd survive a nuclear holocaust? What a benile response.

    I am one that is willing to be taken out id it benefits the world. I would gladly die if it helped to bring the world back to its senses.

     The world needs order back. Borders have to be respected and protected against all people  that includes refugees. and illegals.  People have to stay in their home countries and work things out. America has to stop bullying small nations . America needs to let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. Capitalism with a military hammer is not capitalism it is military control.

      I say have a get go. Drop the worlds population and make them work to recover and most people will be to busy to think of becoming a refugee or illegal and will

    stay home and rebuild.  The world is over crowded and no one has the answer. The answer is simple have a war that takes out millions.

  10. 48 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    but when you have an unpredictable and aggressive person who don'st

    relay care how many of his people will perish, that this is anybody game.

    That is what I like about the guy. He is unpredictable and aggressive.. If there is any one out there willing to stand up to America it is Kim a little nation willing to take the fight on no matter what the costs. If he named his party something with Democrat in it every one would love him. 

  11. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    The major problem with actually doing that of course, is that millions of innocent people on both sides would get killed.

    Donald's increasingly aggressive and poorly thought through rhetoric, is simply adding fuel to the flames. If this becomes conflict, it has the very real probability of being the "end of the world as we know it", so calmer heads, really do need to prevail.


    I like the direction this is taking. " end of life as we know it"  Life as I knew it has already ended. Borders crossed by illegals with support to do it by misinformed people. Political correctness,crippling every one. Women lib enabling the uniformed and easily lead. The world is now a basket case. It is not the world I know.

      I say let them go at it and maybe it will be a correction on what the world needs.Make nations make strong stands and stand by them. No more political correctness.  Get down and get the job done. 

       Let the war begin.

  12. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    But rumors were rife on social media that staff at Suvarnabhumi had been assigned to solve problems at Bangkok's other main airport where five hour queues last week saw people who didn't want to lose their place urinate on the flo

      I wonder how people like me who need to catheter would deal with lines like these. I could not even urinate on the floor. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

    here is an exerpt from that CNN story:

    "Aggravating flooding through poor drainage and short-sighted planning is the sprawling, rapid urban growth across South Asia, built to accommodate the millions of rural residents moving to cities.

    "You still have to have proper draining. It was a green field and now it's an urban area. Quite often, if you don't do that, (because) you've concreted everything the flood run-off is so much higher and the deaths are much worse," Oxford University visiting fellow and WWF advisor Paul Sayers told CNN."
    sound like bangkok ?

    Ya but you do not understand Thai ways.

  14. Reading this thread has been inlighting. 

      It has helped me with understanding racism.

     I would like to give an example of how I understand racism now. I will use black and white because it is the probably the most open.

      If a black person calls another black person a  N  it is ok for reasons not understood by all. But if  white calls a black a N there is a problem. So what I get from this is the word N is and only can be used by blacks. and not by whites. as understood by blacks So the blacks discriminate against the whites making the N word only to be used by blacks .So I see that as problem in not allowing whites to say it because they are white. 

      It is neither the word N or the color of the speaker it is the hate towards the speaker if he is white.that is racist.

  15. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    That explains confessing to the one they're in for, but the other 18 where there's no evidence?  Can't imagine they'd get a lighter sentence for 19 than they would for one.  But that wouldn't be the most vexing thing I've heard here.



    The police probably have 18 unsolved cases. If he confesses to them all their job is done. He co operates and walks free . Cops work done for 19 not 1 and criminal gets off scot free as payment.

  16. 1 hour ago, Ahab said:

    I am from America and because I was born white, I am now considered a racist by many on the left in my country. I don't believe the white people (or any other color of people) are superior to another. I believe that are really only two kinds of people in the world, those that are decent and those that are not. I also believe that the color of your skin has nothing to do with if you are a decent human being or not. In America the debate about race has degenerated to the point of if you are white you are racist, and you benefit from "white privilege", even if you grow up as poor as anyone else. 


    Examples of what you are talking about are important, because many of the claims of "racism" (in places such as the USA) are total kwai scat. It has gotten to the point that I tell people that I am racist (just because of my skin color), even though I believe that skin color is no more important than the color of one's eyes in determining a persons character. This is where the race issue has devolved to in the USA (in my opinion), so an example would be nice.

    This is the post of the year. 

      Congratulations you said what I feel.


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