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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Now it is no evidence she left. What is to follow? Probably lots of speculation with no substance or just plain  lies. 

     I feel she either will never reappear or be found dead.

      If never reappears is best for junta. That will pretty well put an end to the red shirts and  her political party.  Smooth sailing from here on in for 20 years.

      Her brother is powerless against this. It is not politics. It is war and only one side has an army.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Personal choice to run.


    But how many high profile cases can you name where a person has been through a lengthy trial, appearing personally and delivering statements, and then legging it at the last minute?


    Polanski in very different circumstances. But can't think of anymore.


    Don't think there's a protocol or even a "Jumping bail for dummies" guide. But most get out quick before a security presence ensures they can't. But then again, they don't live in Thailand.

    Just curious if there is no protocol as you state now why did you say " innocent people run quickly" That is what my post was about not the history of people running or what happened in the past.  It was the fact you said  They run quickly and do not hang around. There is no protocol for that and never has been so that post was pure conjecture admit it.

  3. Hitler said it the best when he said. "Tell a lie enough times and people will believe it' And lies are exactly what is being put out there about what happened. If she could I am sure she would make a statement to her faithful followers.

      So until Yingluck appears in public I consider all the talk about her running a lie. I should mention I amnot a follower of hers.

     It would be in her best interests to speak to the nation and  explain to all her followers why she did what she did.  But of course if she has been killed or abducted this would be impossible to do.

       So why is she silent? Why does her brother only quote famous people on twitter? Think about if folks. Are we as gullible as many people here feel the Thai's are.? The media mentions she ran everybody buys into it absolutely no proof. You guys took the bait hook line and sinker.

  4. People just never cease to amaze me  in how they can go to forums and discuss things that are all conjecture and rumour .

      No one knows what happened to Yingluck no one knows where she is. There is no real evidence she left. There is no evidence she  is still here. But how many posts do we have going discussing how she got out, of Thailand? How her brother is involved?  Who planned it.? Who helped?  People are posting pure speculation based on  rumours and conjecture. All these threads are just old women gossiping. When the facts are out maybe then we can have threads of credibility. Until then it is just a waste of time to read  posts of fantasy.

  5. If the US really has ThAD in SK why did they allow this missile to go where it did.  How did the US know it wasnot an attack? Why did they let it happen? KIm knows the  US are all talk and just provided it. How can the US know that the missile was not an attack? They cannot know so they will sit back till Kim really does send a nuclear missile to Japan or America. I think Japan should question their relationship with the US. It appears that since it wasnot a threat to the US it was not a threat. The US seems to have taken the stance if Kim bombs Japan then maybe they will react. Until then Kim is free to practice sending the missiles.

  6. I am amazed no one even thinks she may be dead and gone never to be seen again. Maybe she just disappeared of the face of the earth. No body no proof.

      Having her missing forever solves just about all issues with her.and her family,the red shirts etc. Every thing that had to do with her will just fade away in a year or two and be forgotten. 

      Problem solved and no need to answer to any one about anything. she is gone and who knows where. No body no death.

  7. Really why should anyone care. 

    this is not politics. It is rich people playing power games. All parties are lead by rich leaders. 

      When Thailand gets a grass root political party that is voted in by the grass roots people then I feel we will see politics.Until then we see over grown brats kicking sand in each other faces.While the populace watchs and nothing happens for their benefit.

      It is real life soap opera.

  8. I think he should forget the wall. Be nice to the illegal immigrants.let them register and stay. If they have children let them stay too.

      BUT if they or their children have children the born in America children must go back to the home country.Make it that illegal refuges will be treated very good but well in America cannot have children.If they have children then they must decide go back home with the babies and I mean babies 1 month old or stay in America . Do not allow  children of illegals born in America have access to America in any way.If caught in America immediate deportation with in 24 hours no excuses or questions ask.The children born in America are barred for life.But the parents as illegals can stay.Then see how family orientated they are or if they are selfish and send their kids back home alone.

       The good part about this after one generation that family is basically out of America. 

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