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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. The man is rehabilitated what more can you ask. Better than a repeat offender do you not think  That aside he was a great fighter and  should be respected for doing what he did with his life after a major mistake.

      For me it is curiosity as much as any thing I want to stand beside him and get an understanding of how  solid and strong he is. He looks so powerful in the upper body.. He could probably kill me with one punch.

  2. Are there 9 others here who want to secure a VIP table for 10 at 200,000 baht that is only 20,000 person. I would pay that just to meet him. I really would like to meet him He was such a powerful fighter. Arturo Gotti was my all time favorite sad he hung himself. I would have paid more to meet him.

     Does anyone know what they mean by a top table for 50,000

  3. 51 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

    You were on their territory or moving that direction.

    A public hospital is not the dogs territory. It may be to the dog but not to people who  need medical care.To try and justify the dog's actions is beyond reason.  How did it become the dog's territory? If people did not go places dog's were then the dogs would rule by territorial rights.People should be able to go to the hospital without being afraid of being accused of provoking a dog by being in the same room. A room the dog should not even be in. Get a grasp on reality.

      Perhaps your post the dog should sue her is just a troll and we all bite into it.

     And please do not selectively take from my posts. I mentioned the ways they attacked and in most I wasnot even aware they were there till they attacked.not visible ok. So pretty well impossible to be moving that direction as you put it.

  4. I had a job where i had to go to people's home's. I have had dogs come around from out of no where and bite me. Absolutely non provoked I never seen them till they were charging. I have been cornered more times than I wish to remember by dogs. They came around corners of the house at full run to get me, they hid behind bushes and attacked when I was beside the bush. they even jumped throuh screen doors. Most attacks were before I even got to the door. No owner around Even if a dog whisper says  she must have provoked does not mean it is true. I speak from many experiences.

  5. Everyone talks about Thai baht  and how it affects trade and tourism. When I first came to Thailand I got 18 baht to the dollar.and the rest of the world did not even know they were there. It jumps to 30 baht and hey they are a player the world took notice.. Their exports were dismal at 18,but at 30 baht the exports became the highest in the region.Can some one explain to me how that works?

  6. 1 hour ago, optad said:

    He won't get a 'settlement'; ie in lieu of a possible win in court against a tangible defendant.


    He may qualify for thai compensation as a victim of crime which will be peanuts. 

    Ok say it anyway you want  but he will in all probability get the money he wants or is money the wrong word to use. As did the Aussie bar towel thief.

  7. I think the whole thing is the pot calling the kettle black. Obama had close ties with Russia. Maybe wants to hid behind attacking Trump. 

    Just got this from Yahoo news

    Obama was pressed by a similar situation in 2013, after evidence surfaced that Assad violated Obama's "red line" by using chemical weapons. Instead of following through on his threat to hit Assad in response, Obama agreed to let Russia step in and deal with the chemical-weapons stockpile.

     Obama went to Russia for help and Trump is same situation used American missiles to make his point.

     Who really is in bed with Russia.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gary A said:

    A bit off topic but there is a lot of waste from the pineapple canning factory. Some time back I was talking to an Aussie butcher. His beef was excellent. He was buying his beef from an Aussie  beef farmer. The question came up as why that Aussie beef was so much better than the normal Thai beef. He told me the secret was the feed. They were feeding their beef the pineapple scraps from the canning company.


    I took that with a grain of salt. Does anyone know if beef cattle will eat pineapple scrap or was the guy pulling my leg?

    Cattle can probably eat it. I think it is called a by product for cattle. But it would be in limited amounts because it is so sweet. Your friend was probably pulling your leg. Silage,grain and seed oils are what give the flavor and texture in most cases.

     Canada Alberta beef beats Aussie beef hands down.

  9. 3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Well the junta got to blame someone or something. Can't fool all the people though. Consumption is seriously down and declining and will take along falling indirect taxes. More companies go bust and less revenue and corporate taxes. The current account surplus may sound good but reflect on poor manufacturing outlook. However one thing is looking up despite the reduced revenue is that the submarines and tanks purchase will go according to plan. The next government will probably staring at a zero or even a minus treasury coffer. I hope some then will take the junta to task for serious dereliction of duties and seized the generals' assets.. 

    Cannot do a thing to him it is in the new constitution he is a safe as can be. It was one of the first things inked in.

  10. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    But those tribunals are operating within the law. There is nothing illegal about them. Any more than there is something illegal about agreements to submit to private arbitration in a dispute rather than go to court. If you own a credit card in the USA you have agreed to this. Does that mean that most Americans don't accept the rule of law?

    If they are legal they are legal I didnot question legality I simply showed that the Sharia law that these protesters do not want in their conutry is there and applied in their communities. They have a valid protest. So they are not wrong Sharia Law is there veiled under tribunal law.  So it is  in America.   What they seem to want is to not let it be there.

     Oh and credit cards a legal contract nothing to do with tribunals. I whole different ballpark.

  11. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    There are private arbitration panels set up in UK and the US by various religions - Islam and Judaism being two. But participation in them is strictly voluntary. No one can be compelled to participate in them or accept their judgements.

    But they are there right. So some in their community still wish to live by them right. There must be a support for it in the community for the courts to be needed so posts like the one below  by Trentham mean nothing. Just what should be not was is. The protesters deal with what is not in theories .

     SHARIA REQUIRES MUSLIMS TO LIVE BY THE LAW OF THE USA. and any other country in which they reside .

  12.  I thought I read posts in other threads that showed areas of England that have Sharia law applied and even have some court system set up.. So most posts here about accepting the law of the country is crap posts

     That aside  as i read this thread I realize posters here know as much about sharia law  as they do Thailand  Which means most of then know f all Just talk about it to express a poorly informed opinion or have an emotional opinion.

  13. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Apisak went on to say that the ministry is now concluding assistance measures for the poor and the underprivileged whose annual incomes are lower than 30,000 baht. 

    More than 14 million people have applied for state welfare while the ministry is now reviewing their claims, a process which will take approximately one month. 

    Applicants who qualify will be entitled to different types of assistance including a career training program.

    Gee the government is ending helping 14 miilion very poor Thai's  If my math is right that is about 1/5 of the population.  They can work quick if can do 14 million in one month.. That is a few hundred thousand a day. Must have a lot of people working on that. or will simply rubber stanp refusals. 

     Revenue is down need to get money for submarines some where.

  14. 56 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    You are either deliberately missing the point for the purpose of trolling, or you seriously lack reading comprehension. If it is the former, my policy is to avoid engagement. If it is the latter, my advice is for you take a remedial reading course.

    I side with Wake Up he explained why he said what he said you  refuse to accept it.

  15. 1 minute ago, Here It Is said:

    If the illegals weren't there in the first place then companies would have to employ regular staff on statutory wage limits.  So your thinking is back to front.

    read the whole posr please it is in reply Foozool. 


    9 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

    California is golden state. Why ?

    because of farms and who works at farms ? Many illegal Mexicans. Do you think Americans will work at farms for less than $10 per hour that Mexicans do. 

    Prices will adjust with new labor rates and that will be beginning of disaster for all Americans.

    last presidents were not stupids nor they were in love with Mexicans.

    if Mr Trump thinks by doing this can get a few followers, go ahead you will just make the situation tougher to Americans huge inflation.

    And just for the sake of arquement. If the work wasnot there for them they would not come huh.

  16. 20 hours ago, sirineou said:

    One of the people I have working in my shop in the Us is from Costa Rica 

    Best worker I have,

    he has being here for twenty years, and has a working permit , but not permanent status. His permit is renewed every year.

    His children were born here grew up here and are American citizens, but cant sponsor him until they are of age.

    His Father back in Costa Rica is sick and could die.  He cant even go back home to see his father because he is afraid he might nor be able to come back.


     We prospered from his sweat, and now he cant even go see his dying father. 

    I repeat OUTRAGEOUS!!!

    If he is doing everything legal why should he worry? Just curious to know. I feel people do legal to escape worries such as going back for parents deaths.

  17. 23 hours ago, Foozool said:

    California is golden state. Why ?

    because of farms and who works at farms ? Many illegal Mexicans. Do you think Americans will work at farms for less than $10 per hour that Mexicans do. 

    Prices will adjust with new labor rates and that will be beginning of disaster for all Americans.

    last presidents were not stupids nor they were in love with Mexicans.

    if Mr Trump thinks by doing this can get a few followers, go ahead you will just make the situation tougher to Americans huge inflation. 

    I got it know. The problem is not the illegals but companies that can make easy money but hiring illegals. So the real problem is the not  illegals  but their employers.Maybe the same companies might have to work harder  for less profit if they hired local and paid American wages huh. So lazy greedy companies are holding America at ransom saying let us do this or you will pay. I say do it  run the illegals outand see what happens maybe good honest business 's  could drive these companies out. with smart not lazy business practice.

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