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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 17 minutes ago, Caps said:

    No I am not missing the point, and they are not all from war zones, some come from countries that are not at war,  if they were then where are all the women?  Maybe the men left them to fight?

    The family concept is working well for the Austrians, maybe its one rule for the well off countries and one rule for the rest?  If is was the very essence as you put it then Austria should have to keep all those that made it there.  Also that would mean that the Dublin Agreement is a waste of time and paper, a bit like the EU.

    No one ask Italy to let them all in, they could have and should have all been taken back instead of giving the People Traffickers a licence to print money

    You are so right and say it so well wish I could have said it. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

     Correct me if I wrong but it seems you have nearly double what is required for your visa sat there doing nothing for 10 years, I cant understand why you would want do that. But hey, its your money, your choice. :smile:

    You are right it is just about double what I need for extension of visa. Old habits is all I can attribute this too. I always like extra money easy to get in case I need it or want it. It is not about being rational. In Canada I used to keep $20,000 canadian in my checking account so when ever I wanted to buy something I could just write the check. I really like real cash easy to access. always have.

      Also could care less about the interest here because it is my understanding I would have  file tax and claim the interest and pay tax on it.

  3. 26 minutes ago, JoegaToe said:

    Presumably in support of a credit card for which the bank requires a fixed deposit over which they hold a lien by way of security?


    For the sake of clarity, my cash need not stay at KTB and it is not a security deposit and it, along with other cash deposits held at that bank over which I have control, will be moving imminently.  And they will be reported to the Bank of Thailand.

    Are you trying to put words in my mouth. It is not there for credit card. I do not have a Thai credit card thank you. It is simply money in an account. It just sits there and rots so I can show immigration I have over 800,000 in an account. every year.

  4. People say this parent is so bad and should be treated like a criminal. These same people probably see no problem with a parent getting on a leaky boat with no engine and venturing out to sea as a refugee as a caring parent. What double standards. the refugee in the boat is welcomed but the guy who works in a community supports his children and lets them play while driving is seen as a bad parent. If he was a refugee doing it well crossing a border  would it be ok.

  5. 16 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Iraqi Christians have been migrating to the US for around 100 years. If you're unaware, Iraqi Christians have undergone repression and murder in Iraq. The current deportation orders are being opposed by an elected Iraqi Christian heritage US politician, among others. Do you agree / disagree with his & others POV that Iraqi Christians face severe treatment / lack of protection if forcible returned to Iraq which equates to unreasonable additional punishment.

    None of it is America's problem so why bother just send them back no matter what the history is. They are who they are.  No one else is responsible send them back.  Not a problem America should be concerned about. The environment we are born into is not our chosing or others problems simple as that

  6. 36 minutes ago, webfact said:

    U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith granted a preliminary injunction requested by lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union, who argued the immigrants would face persecution in Iraq because they are considered ethnic and religious minorities there.


    Goldsmith said the injunction provides detainees time to challenge their removal in federal courts. He said many of them faced "a feverish search for legal assistance" after their deportation orders were unexpectedly resurrected by the U.S. government after several years.

    Quite the mess huh.

      They consider themselves ethnic and religious minority in Iraq. That's what they are every where so what is the difference?

      I like the part about resurrecting after several years. How long does it take to get some one out of America?

  7. 8 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Tnews reporters went to investigate and said the situation was perilous. If something fell on a tourist they might not just be

    injured - they could easily die in such an accident

    We are talking tourists here right. So what is the big deal if a tourist gets killed? Tourists die everyday in Pattaya one or two more makes no difference.

  8. Let's be honest folks. How many young men at his age would not be over their head with themselves  if they made the money he has in such a short time. He has made more  than many people will make in their life time and he is so young. I feel he is just bouncing around trying to deal with what he has. Who would not be cocky at his age.Probably over 90 % of the people who dislike him will never or have never made what he has made already.He is very young to be dealing with such celebrity status and wealth give him a break.

  9. The Tourism association should hire him. 

     He does more to bring attention to Thailand than probably any one else on the internet. He single handed gets millions of views on things in Thailand he is an asset not a liability.

     The Thais should thank him for his contribution to bringing Thailand to the masses. More tourism more business etc.

     Must remember there is no bad press.

  10. On 7/14/2017 at 5:33 PM, KenKadz said:

    Courts of Appeals

    There are 13 appellate courts that sit below the U.S. Supreme Court, and they are called the U.S. Courts of Appeals. The 94 federal judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a court of appeals.  The appellate court’s task is to determine whether or not the law was applied correctly in the trial court. Appeals courts consist of three judges and do not use a jury.

    A court of appeals hears challenges to district court decisions from courts located within its circuit, as well as appeals from decisions of federal administrative agencies.

    In addition, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has nationwide jurisdiction to hear appeals in specialized cases, such as those involving patent laws, and cases decided by the U.S. Court of International Trade and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.

    Learn more about the courts of appeals

    That is all very good. But appeals is all after the fact that a judge makes a ruling and effects each and every Americans. 

     A judge can be bought make a ruling then fight it in appeals is totally ass back wards.  Before the ruling is enforced it should be endorsed by a panel of judges. this would illeminate such rash rulings.

     And lets not forget Judges can be bought. Who is to say judges will not do this despicable kind of action for money or loyalty? Judges should  not be give power over elected government sorry.

  11. Should isolate them and let them die of old age. Never to have children again.Or be in position to parent.  How a person is brought up shapes who they are and what they do with their lives.Mother's raised these IS militants and gave them the values that brought about their willingness to do what they did. The mothers and wives are facilitators and breed this filth and parent them to be what they became. Show them mercy but isolate them and let them die a natural death with time.

  12. 33 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Perhaps presidents shouldn't be allowed to make rash executive orders?  No proper legal check was done by Trump and crew before this mess started.

    Who says it was rash? The response surely was. 

     Perhaps this had been on the back burner waiting to be applied by the president.

     Well we are using perhaps. 

    Perhaps he did what other presidents before did not have the balls to do or the thick skin.

    Perhaps he did what was needed to done but left undone.

  13. 48 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Maybe the US should do something like have a panel of judges review an individual judge's rulings when challenged. I even have an idea for a name for said panel. It would be called a Court of Appeals. 

    If I was American I would want it reviewed before being applied. not after the fact.

  14. It never ceases to amase me how a single judge in America can make a ruling that influences the whole nation. Should something as powerful as that be allowed to any wing nut who managed to get a judge position. It should at the least be put in front of a committee of judges before being put in place. A single judge can be bought like any one else in the world and it only takes one judge on the take to make rulings that affect all Americans.in a negative way.

  15. 1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

    Really? So when you sit around your friends house in January you're all wearing your winter boots? I doubt it.

    Although I come from Canada too, and I wore shoes in people's house without giving it a thought. I now find the act to be outrageously inconsiderate and I can't bring myself to do it even if they tell me to leave them on. I also leave them outside the door, but I sometimes catch myself and bring them inside. When your shoes are minus 30 you learn a lesson.

    Victoria  does not require snow boots do not have snow most years. And it seldom freezes there.

  16. Shoes is a culture thing and yes I do respect the Thias and remove my shoes here. 

     But what gets me about uneducated  thias is they do not close gates or doors. I had a real problem with friends of the wife and daughter  and family members coming to the house. We keep the gate closed to keep the dogs in . these people would come leave the gate open and the dogs would get out. It made me look bad in the village as an irresponsible dog owner. I started locking the gate. They also never close doors. When family or friends come to the house I am kept busy closing doors they just leave open. I do not want mosquitoes in my house but they do not care. Leaving gates and doors open is not culture it is as the op would put it."uneducated scumbags" If you come on some ones property and a gate is closed close it after you enter not culture but lazy ignorant. When you come in their house if door is closed ,close it after entering.that is not culture that is ignorant and lazy.

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