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Posts posted by racyrick

  1. I have an excellent domain name related to Thailand that I would like to sell.

    It is great for product sales, exporting or anything related to Thailand.


    What is the best way to sell this domain name?

    Thank you

  2. Does anybody know a good and reasonable web designer in Phuket?

    I need a basic web page designed for products to be sold and have it both in English and Thai.

    There will be many websites to design. Thanks

  3. Thank you so much everybody for your replies and encouragement.

    On a personal note, this is very hard for me and my family and it is nice to know that I have a good chance to get what is legally due me. As you all know, it is hard for farangs to get a job and one that pays good money, so this hurts.

    I wish everybody all the best and hope this never happens to you!!

  4. I had a different topic last week and now I have an update and a different situation.

    My company is trying to make me quit instead of letting me go so they won't have to pay my 3 months compensation after termination.

    Last week they gave me 30 day notice to leave verbally.

    Yesterday they told me I had 2 options- I can quit or I can stay, but they will lower my salary by 30,000 baht per month.

    Of course I will not accept the cut in salary.

    My question is, can they cut my salary and force me to choose?

    I thought I once read that a company can change your title or position, but they need to continue to pay your original salary and can't cut your salary.

    Is that true?

    Thanks in advance

  5. Thank you again for the information.

    First off, I am on an extension based on my marriage, so that is not an issue for me.

    I was only notified of my termination orally and there is nothing in writing and they will not give me anything in writing.

    Does that mean that I am entitled to an additional 7% compensation?

    And is that based on the total 3 months compensation they owe me?

    If you do not have notice in writing, you are not on a fixed contract due to end, plus you are made redundant at the end of this month, then you are owed an additional payment equivalent to the notice/salary period; it is my understanding that it is this additional 'no notice given' amount that would be subject to the 7% interest levy.

    Your employer should already have formally notified you in writing as regards redundancy, or have issued the due warning letters if they are trying to fire you for a disciplinary matter.

    No idea as to the effective response time for compensation, but assume weeks/months vs hours/days.

    Thanks again for all your replies.

    No written notice given only an oral firing and was told I have 30 days as of the other day.

    No warning letters ever given and their is no disciplinary issues.

    I have gotten fired just because they do not want me as an employee anymore.

    No real or valid reason given other than the above.

    I am sure they would say it was a cost cutting measure as a reason, I assume.

  6. Thank you again for the information.

    First off, I am on an extension based on my marriage, so that is not an issue for me.

    I was only notified of my termination orally and there is nothing in writing and they will not give me anything in writing.

    Does that mean that I am entitled to an additional 7% compensation?

    And is that based on the total 3 months compensation they owe me?


    Thank you so much for the quick reply.

    I have a feeling the company will not want to pay me after termination.

    Do I wait the 7 day period and then go to the labour office and file a complaint?

    If so, any idea how long it takes for them to act on my complaint and get my compensation?

    Thanks again

    You are eligible providing you were not on a fixed term contract.

    Guess you have to wait the 7 days, before you go to Labour and your employer should be the one cancelling your WP in this case.

    Do you have notice in writing?

    If not they will owe you more, i.e. the due notice period plus 7%.

    p..s. If you are on an extension based on Working in Thailand then your extension will be invalid the day your WP is cancelled; so you need to make plans to head for the border, or to make a 7 day extension to gain more time to leave..

  7. They have for sale in Baan Saan, maybe buy a piece & take it upstairs to one of the shops to cook for you?

    Thanks for the tip, but where is Baan Saan? I live in Chengtalay and not familiar with Baan Saan.

    I believe he is referring to Banzaan which is a wet market in Patong opposite (approx) the back of Jungcelon.


    Thanks, Thought that might be the case.

  8. They have for sale in Baan Saan, maybe buy a piece & take it upstairs to one of the shops to cook for you?

    Thanks for the tip, but where is Baan Saan? I live in Chengtalay and not familiar with Baan Saan.

  9. Funny Thing Today we Phuket Game Fishing Club took an American visitor out Fishing and he really wanted to catch a Wahoo . We got him one and we got 16+ 1 1/2" Steaks out of it Great eating.attachicon.gifDSC00476.JPG

    Why didn't you put it back into the water for others to enjoy as well ?sad.png

    first it is a very tasty fish, secondly, not very easy to handle as he got razor sharp teeth, so put him back is always a gamble with your fingers if not handle correctly.

    regarding the tip walking down the beach road and search for it, dont think so, you will find mostly king mackerel, wahoo is not very common in sea food restaurants here.

    Congrats on catching the wahoo, but why didn't you save me a nice juicy steak sad.png

    I have never seen wahoo on the streets in Patong-not an option.

    I want wahoo!!

  10. Keep us updated, first I ever hear this would be possible.

    But there definitely is a Thai version of Paypal, I attached for example screenshots of the "add bank" part in the Thai paypal version.



    What is the web address to get the Thai banks?

    Is it just paypal.com and you enter Thai address?


    No specific URL to go to Thai Paypal.

    When you register a Paypal account, they ask you location/address (and preferred language. either Thai or English), if you choose Thailand and give a Thai address, you automatically will always end up in the Thai version of Paypal after you log on.

    When you have a Thai Paypal, and you go to "profile" and choose "link or add bank account", then you will only get Thai banks you can choose out.

    Remember, Paypal has a rather complex fraud prevention mechanism, so it's possible that trying to register a Thai Paypal while not actually being in Thailand might get blocked.

    I registered mine in Thailand, linked a Thai ATM card and a Thai bank account, and have had no problem logging in and using it while abroad.

    Thank you for the info.

    I live in Thailand, so should not be a problem

  11. If you never got a reply from JSAT it would mean they never got it - see this autoreply I got from them;



    DELIVERED TO OUR OFFICES (So we may or may not get your email if our spam

    filter thinks it is spam).

    If you go to their website, they have a live online chat set up.

    I have used it a couple of times and they are very informative.

    Try it

    • Like 1
  12. Previous comments from my friend:

    Great system but fiddly.

    Lots of channels but set up is a pain as

    you have to go to each distributor/provider and wait for the list to

    download which with some having over 500 channels can take time.

    Once you've done that for the first time you are fine though.

    He's going through training pains having to load up his favourites.

    Has EPL so he's more than happy.

    Movies on demand and he said he was watching the new die hard in blu ray quality with no pixelation, stuttering or stops

    Speed is great but I will point out he gets high speed down as living in an area not densely populated.

    Since then he has said it's a great system but wishes it came preloaded as you have access to many different "server systems" each with 100+ channels which every time you log onto a new "server" for the first time takes ages to download the program lists. Once you've done this tho the speed is fine and even though they say you should have a 4Mbits connection he says he's had it running fine with uTorrent hogging all the bandwith.

    He added if you love porn then you'll never leave the house again!!

    Note the 4,100 baht price appears to be to have it installed on your own PC by buying an SD card and having it posted - the small box and keyboard etc is 7,000 baht

    Thank you so much for the review and feedback.

    I am curious as to the sound quality. Can you ask him his opinion.

    Also, I see on the jsat website that they have new system and it looks like some systems they sell are already preloaded.

    This is important to me as I have no tech knowledge.

    When did he purchase his system and which sytem did he buy?

    Thanks again

    He has the jsat pi small box with wireless mouse/keyboard.

    Sound and pictures is awesome but he is streaming blu ray and/or 1080 hd.

    John at jsat said he'll look at pre loading some of the typical standard channels the majority of people watch.

    Note my friend is really into his audio/video so if he's pleased then it must be a good setup. He's watching on a 55 in led Samsung and outputting through a denon amp to huge speakers

    Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

    Thanks 2unique, you have been a great help!!

  13. Previous comments from my friend:

    Great system but fiddly.

    Lots of channels but set up is a pain as

    you have to go to each distributor/provider and wait for the list to

    download which with some having over 500 channels can take time.

    Once you've done that for the first time you are fine though.

    He's going through training pains having to load up his favourites.

    Has EPL so he's more than happy.

    Movies on demand and he said he was watching the new die hard in blu ray quality with no pixelation, stuttering or stops

    Speed is great but I will point out he gets high speed down as living in an area not densely populated.

    Since then he has said it's a great system but wishes it came preloaded as you have access to many different "server systems" each with 100+ channels which every time you log onto a new "server" for the first time takes ages to download the program lists. Once you've done this tho the speed is fine and even though they say you should have a 4Mbits connection he says he's had it running fine with uTorrent hogging all the bandwith.

    He added if you love porn then you'll never leave the house again!!

    Note the 4,100 baht price appears to be to have it installed on your own PC by buying an SD card and having it posted - the small box and keyboard etc is 7,000 baht

    Thank you so much for the review and feedback.

    I am curious as to the sound quality. Can you ask him his opinion.

    Also, I see on the jsat website that they have new system and it looks like some systems they sell are already preloaded.

    This is important to me as I have no tech knowledge.

    When did he purchase his system and which sytem did he buy?

    Thanks again

  14. Looks like a Raspberry Pi, plenty for sale on Ebay UK ,some with XMBC already,

    installed, just add plug ins for the sites you want to watch,I have a Nettop Acer Revo 3700

    and a Aopen De45 and just stream programs I want to watch to my tv vis HMDI,

    regards Worgeordie

    The Jsat system could be just a glorified Raspberry Pi but I think the question is more about performance. You appear to be in Chiang Mai, how does streaming programs work for you there and how about your Internet connection speed? Satellite TV is not an option for some of us and we are exploring alternatives.

    Thanks for the replies.

    It sounds as if someone needs to be the guinea pig and try the system and then report back.

    They have a shop in Bangkok that they say you can see the system in action and ask all the questions you want.

    I live in Phuket, so I can't do that.

    Maybe someone in Bkk can go to their shop and give us a report.

    Thanks again

  15. fly with firefly or airasia to penang and sort it out your self or you want to sit on a minibus for 20 hours 555

    Only firefly goes to Penang and the times are no good to get back passport and return to phuket

    Also does not fly everday

    Do not want to go to KL


  16. I just had to do an emergency Penang trip.

    I went with KBV Visa Run. It had been about 7 years since I last did the Penang trip and boy has it changed- much easier and very fluid now.

    Very nice minivans, easy border crossing early in the morning, safe arrival at a nice hotel, gave over passport to hotel 'visa attendant', ate some lovely Muslim food during the day, slept, then got passport back in the morning ready for the trip home. The trip was roughly 48 hours, door to door, with a bag full of Crunchie bars at the end.

    No sweat at all, I was very surprised and recommend KBV. I was that pleased I even gave the driver a Tip.

    I just had to do an emergency Penang trip.

    I went with KBV Visa Run. It had been about 7 years since I last did the Penang trip and boy has it changed- much easier and very fluid now.

    Very nice minivans, easy border crossing early in the morning, safe arrival at a nice hotel, gave over passport to hotel 'visa attendant', ate some lovely Muslim food during the day, slept, then got passport back in the morning ready for the trip home. The trip was roughly 48 hours, door to door, with a bag full of Crunchie bars at the end.

    No sweat at all, I was very surprised and recommend KBV. I was that pleased I even gave the driver a Tip.

    Thanks for the reply.

    What type of visa did you get?

    Any negatives?

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