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Posts posted by racyrick

  1. With password, you mean the 4 digit unlock code? In that case it becomes difficult. Who knows the device might be stolen.

    You won't need old Apple ID and password to set up as a new device. Just hook it up to iTunes on your computer and it will ask you at first time use.

    Or on the device go to settings-general-reset and choose reset all content and settings.

    Thanks for your help.

    First off, I don't know what the 4 digit unlock code is or how you get it.

    I was referring to the original owner's email address and their personal password for the ipad.

    Don't know how to hook up to itunes on my computer, as a i said, not computer savvy.

    So, the easiest way for me to reset is to go to the device and go settings etc.?

  2. Friend just bought a used Ipad from another person.

    The original owner did not reset settings to the original factory settings.

    My friend does not have the email or password of the original user.

    How can he reset the ipad so he can set up his own account and buy apps?

    Thank you

    PS-Neither one of us have much tech knowledge, so lplease walk thru the process

  3. I would really like to thank everybody for the opinions and advice.

    Since I don't have a big budget at this time, I will probably buy a midrange Asus or Lenovo.

    Since most of these come with DOS, should I install Linux or Windows?

    I have read various opinions on this and I know this will probably spark a big debate, but remember, this computer will mostly be used for light gaming for my 8 year old son, surfing internet, emails and very light office applications.

    Thanks again for your help. If I had a little more computer knowledge, I would not have to open this forum. Feel like a dinosaur in the 21st century smile.png

    You will have much less issues with a Windows operating system if you intend to use this laptop computer for gaming. Most games are developped for this operating system and moreover, several gaming devices don't come with drivers for other operating systems. I would install Windows 7 (or have it installed) if I were you, but some models (such as this one, for instance: http://thesystem.co.th/products/preview.php?code=A0054530) come with an official version of Windows 8 already (or better 8.1, if already available) installed. You might consider keeping it then if you are not sure that you will get easily a "genuine" Windows 7 installation instead, or if the laptop comes with a touchscreen (then, a Windows 8 or 8.1 operating system makes sense).

    Even if there is few simple games for Linux, it's not an really an OS for gaming.

    One option would be to have a dual boot on the laptop. Windows for gaming, Linux for everything else.

    You could think it as teaching your kid to be a bilingual computer user smile.png

    That setup could be better for security as well if the kid wishes to download from the internet, at least the documents, emails etc would be more safe on the linux part of the computer.

    Thanks again Oilinki and GuyL for the advice.

    You have been very helpful!!

  4. It really depends what you are looking for in terms of size, weight, durability, functionality.

    We used to have Acer, HP, Medion, Toshiba, Apple and Lenovo at work. From these I found that for a Windows or Ubuntu machine Acer worked best for us. However none of those comes close to my current Apple MacBook Air which I bought July 2013. We had also bought one for my wife in 2011. They are durable, lightweight and just work. Not a single failed OS update as with Toshiba and HP.

    If your budget is low I would consider an Acer, Asus and also take a look at the new Chromebooks from Acer and HP. The HP seems very interesting as it's charger is a micro usb port same as many smartphones. So you can bring one charger on travels and potentially charge smartphone, tablet and chromebook (if you lug them all ;-)

    Whatever you chose, first install Dropbox.com on your current machine. Move all data folders to Dropbox and whatever machine you will use in the future or wherever you are you got access to all your files without hassle (available on smartphones too).

    If you are a light user of any office suite, consider Google Docs. I use it for all my personal spreadsheets, letters and CVs. No need to buy/install any office suite.


    I would really like to thank everybody for the opinions and advice.

    Since I don't have a big budget at this time, I will probably buy a midrange Asus or Lenovo.

    Since most of these come with DOS, should I install Linux or Windows?

    I have read various opinions on this and I know this will probably spark a big debate, but remember, this computer will mostly be used for light gaming for my 8 year old son, surfing internet, emails and very light office applications.

    Thanks again for your help. If I had a little more computer knowledge, I would not have to open this forum. Feel like a dinosaur in the 21st century :)

  5. I do not now...but many years ago the Toshiba warranty and service was the only valid in most countries. Anyway....if will be used just for Internet browsing, light office works, e-mail and chat, and not for heavy games and music programs, any laptop under 15K will do it very well, and with Windows XP even better. The "restore" fixture in XP save my computers many times from viruses and crashes, and from expensive services. Personally, and from past experiences, I like Acer and Dell, I do not like HP/Compaq and Lenovo.

    Thank you for your advice.

    I notice that all computers under 15k have dos as the operating system.

    Can I even still buy or download windows xp?

    It seems I can only get Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1.

    Thanks again

  6. For Windows, Lenovo are a good choice. Friends also like Acer and Toshiba. Avoid very cheap laptops - they are cheap for a reason... I avoid Asus, HP and Dell, as do many others.

    If money is not an issue, buy a Macbook Pro. I have had many laptops and desktops over the last 20 years, most running Windows and quite a few on Linux too. Having recently got a 5 year old Macbook Pro, I must say that I love it more than anything else I have ever used... The build quality is outstanding and, to me, the operating system is a revelation. I won't be buying a Windows machine again, i'd now rather have a secondhand Mac than a new Windows machine.

    I am awaiting the bombardment from Windows fanboys... No worries, I get the envy!!!

    I use Linux all day at work (mint), have three Windows machine in the house, and the one Macbook Pro. Guess which I use the most? OS X is beautifully elegant and is a pleasure to use; Windows is FINE, but hardly elegant! We all have our own criteria and can make our own choices, but for me the elegance of Mac is the trump... I feel spoilt using it!

    Just saying...

    Thanks everybody for the replies.

    As I expected, there reallly is no clear cut winner in any category.

    I was just hoping a clear picture would emerge.

    By the way, just looking for a mid price laptop (or inexpensive one) for my 8 year old son to use, mostly for gaming today and for my use, mostly for surfing the web and basic stuff. Nothing complicated or fancy or work related.

    If you have any suggestions knowing this imformation, I would appreciate it.

  7. I would like your opinion as to what is the best brands and service under warranty for laptops purchased in Thailand.

    What is the best brand?

    What is the worst brand?

    What has the best service under warranty?

    What has the worst service for warranty?

    Thank you or your help.

    I am having a hard time deciding what to buy.

  8. Do you want to know how to make one?



    Thanks-already know how to make at home.

    Looking to eat at a restaurant.

    By the way, the recipe is perfect except it should also have worcestershire sauce added in as well and then it would be perfect!

    Well, yes, but there are other flaws with this recipe. The eggs should be yolks only! Also, add about a teaspoon of a good dijon mustard and about the same amount of a high quality well aged balsamic vinegar. I would also double the anchovies to four filets. And if you are doing this from scratch, tableside, using filets instead of paste has greater eye appeal (who wants to see something coming out of a tube?).

    I know there are no rules, but these adjustments do provide a finer finished product.

    You are absolutely right.

    How could I forget these important ingredients.

    See, it's been soooo long since I had one :)

    Thanks for the post

  9. La Gaetana in town..

    Thanks will give this a try.

    The reason I said table side is that is usually the only way to get a real Caesar salad dressing made.

    The Farang restaurant may taste good, but it is not the real Caesar dressing.

    The dressing should not be white, it should be clear.

  10. I can't recommend the Ainol tablet. The store where I shop has had lots returned. I do recommend the Mach Speed Trio Stealth G2. I recently bought one and, although the display resolution is not as clear as I'd like, it's quite a good tablet. You can check it out on the Mach Speed website. Also, about three weeks ago, another poster mentioned a tablet that looked very good. You could search for his post.

    Thank you for the reply. I will check it out

  11. I saw an Ainol Novo 10 Forever tablet for sale on the aliexpress website.

    Does anybody know anything or have any experience with this brand?

    It is obviously a China made machine and uses an ATM7029 Quad Core

    Price is approx. 6,000 baht.

    Any advice would be helpful. Thank you

  12. For anyone looking for a Holiday Season lunch or dinner. Foodland's, Took Lae Dee restaurants, will be offering a great looking turkey meal. It will have US Turkey, Giblet Gravy, Stuffing, Cranberry Jelly, Sweet Corn, Buttered New Potatoes, and Baby Carrots. Cost is 199 baht. I even heard possibly Apple Pie. If you haven't eaten at Took Lae Dee, they do have pretty darn good food, and a family atmosphere. This meal has been put together by an American Chef whom works for Took Lae Dee. November 28, Thanksgiving. December 24, Christmas Eve, late afternoon. December 25, Christmas Day, beginning with Lunch. Bon Appetit,

    Can you please let me know where this restaurant is located.

    Thank you

  13. thanks for the dinner whats this? santa food? another american thing?

    The first Thanksgiving was when the local Native Americans kept the original pilgrims alive by bringing them food and showing them how to live off the land during a hard winter.

    We all know how the Native Americans were eventually paid back.........

    English and India (Gandhi in jail, remember that one KB?), Australians and the Aborigines, Israelis and Palestinians, lets not go Patong Transpo woes drumbeat here o.k.?

    Stoned Crab pub also having a gig in co-junct with the Navy League (back on topic).

    Thank you for the revelent posts.

  14. dream-on-in-thailand-dot-try-work-for-your-a-living ;-)

    Thanks for all your comments and advice, but most of you are missing the point.

    I am not a trader of domain names and I know nothing about that business, I just wanted to see what the value of my domain name was now that I am not going to be developing it.

    Just seeing if I could get any money for it, nothing more and nothing less.

  15. To be honest, you would be lucky to sell any 3 word domain - unless the domain gets traffic, has PR, or has a large amount of exact match keyword searches.

    I have sold a number of domains over the years, and most of my sales stemmed from being contacted via email through whois info, so it is important to at least make sure that your contact info is good.

    If you have no interest in developing it, then I would offer it for sale on somewhere like sedo.com or dnforum.com, and if you get no interest, sell it cheap on a webmasters forum like digitalpoint.

    Thanks for your post.

    I originally was going to develop the site, but I now will not.

    As i said, the price would be predicated on the potential for the site and the future, not the past or a parked, never developed website. That is why the value is so low, as you know.

    I am a novice at this, so don't know if sedo or dnforum will work for me.

    I would just like to sell this fast at a decent price.

  16. Apparently it's only worth $16. Hardly worth the effort.


    Ha ha what a crap valuation site.

    I happened to be looking at this site http://asiapropertyworld.com and put it in for a valuation. Result? Also $16 and the accompanying text said that there were no pages indexed by Google. This is a large site so I checked that as well by putting "site:http://asiapropertyworld.com" info Google with the result "About 199,000 results".

    Best of all you get the same answer of $16 for ThaiVisa.com If George wants to sell based on this I'll generously round it up to $20 laugh.png

    www.directfromthailand.com is a nice name but as has already noted something is only worth what someone else will pay for it.

    Thanks for that info. It seems that website evaluation is a piece of crap.

    Another website valued the domain name at $360. The link is below-


    As I stated before, the value is only worth what somebody else is willing to pay and everyone has an opinion as to what is a good domain or not.

    I guess the main thing is what you do with the domain name to make either your business or website successful.

  17. Apparently it's only worth $16. Hardly worth the effort.


    The reason it has a low value on your site is because the ebsite has never been developed.

    It has just been parked.

    There is very good potential for this site if developed, but the value of anything is always what somebody is willing to pay for it.

    Potential and wisdom sometime make people a lot of money. Everyone thinhks diferent and that is why there are successes and failures.

    Thanks for the info.

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