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Posts posted by racyrick

  1. If you never got a reply from JSAT it would mean they never got it - see this autoreply I got from them;



    DELIVERED TO OUR OFFICES (So we may or may not get your email if our spam

    filter thinks it is spam).

    If you go to their website, they have a live online chat set up.

    I have used it a couple of times and they are very informative.

    Try it

    • Like 1
  2. Previous comments from my friend:

    Great system but fiddly.

    Lots of channels but set up is a pain as

    you have to go to each distributor/provider and wait for the list to

    download which with some having over 500 channels can take time.

    Once you've done that for the first time you are fine though.

    He's going through training pains having to load up his favourites.

    Has EPL so he's more than happy.

    Movies on demand and he said he was watching the new die hard in blu ray quality with no pixelation, stuttering or stops

    Speed is great but I will point out he gets high speed down as living in an area not densely populated.

    Since then he has said it's a great system but wishes it came preloaded as you have access to many different "server systems" each with 100+ channels which every time you log onto a new "server" for the first time takes ages to download the program lists. Once you've done this tho the speed is fine and even though they say you should have a 4Mbits connection he says he's had it running fine with uTorrent hogging all the bandwith.

    He added if you love porn then you'll never leave the house again!!

    Note the 4,100 baht price appears to be to have it installed on your own PC by buying an SD card and having it posted - the small box and keyboard etc is 7,000 baht

    Thank you so much for the review and feedback.

    I am curious as to the sound quality. Can you ask him his opinion.

    Also, I see on the jsat website that they have new system and it looks like some systems they sell are already preloaded.

    This is important to me as I have no tech knowledge.

    When did he purchase his system and which sytem did he buy?

    Thanks again

    He has the jsat pi small box with wireless mouse/keyboard.

    Sound and pictures is awesome but he is streaming blu ray and/or 1080 hd.

    John at jsat said he'll look at pre loading some of the typical standard channels the majority of people watch.

    Note my friend is really into his audio/video so if he's pleased then it must be a good setup. He's watching on a 55 in led Samsung and outputting through a denon amp to huge speakers

    Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

    Thanks 2unique, you have been a great help!!

  3. Previous comments from my friend:

    Great system but fiddly.

    Lots of channels but set up is a pain as

    you have to go to each distributor/provider and wait for the list to

    download which with some having over 500 channels can take time.

    Once you've done that for the first time you are fine though.

    He's going through training pains having to load up his favourites.

    Has EPL so he's more than happy.

    Movies on demand and he said he was watching the new die hard in blu ray quality with no pixelation, stuttering or stops

    Speed is great but I will point out he gets high speed down as living in an area not densely populated.

    Since then he has said it's a great system but wishes it came preloaded as you have access to many different "server systems" each with 100+ channels which every time you log onto a new "server" for the first time takes ages to download the program lists. Once you've done this tho the speed is fine and even though they say you should have a 4Mbits connection he says he's had it running fine with uTorrent hogging all the bandwith.

    He added if you love porn then you'll never leave the house again!!

    Note the 4,100 baht price appears to be to have it installed on your own PC by buying an SD card and having it posted - the small box and keyboard etc is 7,000 baht

    Thank you so much for the review and feedback.

    I am curious as to the sound quality. Can you ask him his opinion.

    Also, I see on the jsat website that they have new system and it looks like some systems they sell are already preloaded.

    This is important to me as I have no tech knowledge.

    When did he purchase his system and which sytem did he buy?

    Thanks again

  4. Looks like a Raspberry Pi, plenty for sale on Ebay UK ,some with XMBC already,

    installed, just add plug ins for the sites you want to watch,I have a Nettop Acer Revo 3700

    and a Aopen De45 and just stream programs I want to watch to my tv vis HMDI,

    regards Worgeordie

    The Jsat system could be just a glorified Raspberry Pi but I think the question is more about performance. You appear to be in Chiang Mai, how does streaming programs work for you there and how about your Internet connection speed? Satellite TV is not an option for some of us and we are exploring alternatives.

    Thanks for the replies.

    It sounds as if someone needs to be the guinea pig and try the system and then report back.

    They have a shop in Bangkok that they say you can see the system in action and ask all the questions you want.

    I live in Phuket, so I can't do that.

    Maybe someone in Bkk can go to their shop and give us a report.

    Thanks again

  5. fly with firefly or airasia to penang and sort it out your self or you want to sit on a minibus for 20 hours 555

    Only firefly goes to Penang and the times are no good to get back passport and return to phuket

    Also does not fly everday

    Do not want to go to KL


  6. I just had to do an emergency Penang trip.

    I went with KBV Visa Run. It had been about 7 years since I last did the Penang trip and boy has it changed- much easier and very fluid now.

    Very nice minivans, easy border crossing early in the morning, safe arrival at a nice hotel, gave over passport to hotel 'visa attendant', ate some lovely Muslim food during the day, slept, then got passport back in the morning ready for the trip home. The trip was roughly 48 hours, door to door, with a bag full of Crunchie bars at the end.

    No sweat at all, I was very surprised and recommend KBV. I was that pleased I even gave the driver a Tip.

    I just had to do an emergency Penang trip.

    I went with KBV Visa Run. It had been about 7 years since I last did the Penang trip and boy has it changed- much easier and very fluid now.

    Very nice minivans, easy border crossing early in the morning, safe arrival at a nice hotel, gave over passport to hotel 'visa attendant', ate some lovely Muslim food during the day, slept, then got passport back in the morning ready for the trip home. The trip was roughly 48 hours, door to door, with a bag full of Crunchie bars at the end.

    No sweat at all, I was very surprised and recommend KBV. I was that pleased I even gave the driver a Tip.

    Thanks for the reply.

    What type of visa did you get?

    Any negatives?

  7. One trip to make application and return next day to pick up passport/visa so two trips where you need to hold taxi as is a residential area. Normally using a visa service will be about the same price as the taxi trips. Hotel front desks often offer such service or work with those that do.

    Last 2 questions-

    Can anyone recommend a good safe and reliable visa run service from Phuket to Penang?

    I hate riding the vans at night, but is this the best way to go? Total cost 4,000 baht

    Thanks again to all!!!

  8. Non-o is cheaper by 900 baht than tourist visa with extension.

    Plus if he planning on getting a 1 year extension he would have spend 2,000 baht to get another visa from immigration he has a tourist visa.

    It should be no problem getting the visa in Penang. He can use an agent which makes it real easy and normally cost less than two trips to the consulate.

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    Just to clear, I married my wife in the USA in 2007.

    We recorded our marriage at the Amphur in Phuket for many reasons.

    We did not get married in Thailand.

    Do I need to bring the original house book or just a signed copy?

    Do I need a letter from my wife?

    Please explain what you mean by two trips to the consulate?

    Thanks again

  9. For a single entry visa they normally do not ask for financial proof.

    You will need marriage certificate, signed copies of wife's ID and house book.

    Thank you for your quick response.

    Just to clear, I was married in the USA in 2007 and moved to Thailand in 2008.

    We recorded our marriage at the Amphur where we live in Phuket for many reasons.

    Did not get married in Thailand, only recorded our marriage.

    Do I need to bring the original house book or just a signed copy?

    Also, do I need a letter from my wife?

    Thanks again

  10. I need some help please. Long story, but I will make it short and to the point.

    I need to get a single entry non o mariage visa and want to go to Penang.

    I have a Thai wife for 6 years and a 7 year old Thai son. Have both Thai and USA marriage certificate and my son's Thai birth certificate.

    I don't have much money in the bank if that is necessary.

    What do I need to bring with me to Penang to get the above and is it a simple process?

    Thank you for your help.

  11. >> Need some help. I am a foreigner working for a company legally with a work permit etc. for over 1 1/2 years.

    >> When I started, and still to this day, they have no probation period, no standard operating procedures, etc.

    >>My question is, if they fire me, am I still entitled to the 3 months of my salary as severance? I have no employment contract, but I do have a paper showing the guarantee of my salary that I used to try and get credit cards and for immigration for my extension of visa based on my marriage to a Thai.

    I am answering from hard-won experience on both sides.

    You are entitled, regardless of the existence of a contract, that is irrelevant. Even if you had a limited-term contract, that is irrelevant. All that matters is that you were working for them for the required period of time, that you were terminated but not "for cause" (serious egregious violations of law, harming the company etc), and that you are not a teacher for a private school. Being a foreigner is irrelevant, as long as you were working legally (and even then some people say they've gotten help).

    All you need is proof of regular income payments, payslips or tax records is fine.

    Nothing to do with the Labor Dept, it's a special Labor Court - if you're in BKK, it's on Rama IV heading back toward Silom on the right from the Hualumphong station area, just a block after you go under the highway overpass.

    The Labor Court will provide you with free assistance, they have English-speaking lawyers/clerks. It is the one institution I have found in the Thai legal system that is impervious to money/status/corruption, they are genuinely committed to helping employees get what the law states is coming to them.

    In your case you are due 90 days + another month if they don't provide you with proper written notice more than 30 days before the ending of your last pay period.

    The problem is if they don't want to pay, it can take 3+ months before the hearing, possibly dragged out for a total of over a year. And if the court orders them to pay but they don't can take even longer. But it costs you nothing to file - you will need to get the company papers listing the registered owner, but the clerks can help you with that, or of course your lawyer if you choose to get one. WIthin a day or two, the company will receive the notice to appear, and if you're lucky they might just pay out right away, especially if they value their reputation as a good employer and law-abiding company.

    If you want your own private lawyer, they should do it for about B10-15K flat or a percentage - don't go over B20K even if it's on spec.

    Good luck!

    Thank you Big Johnny and everyone else. You have all been very helpful. I appreciate all responses. Case closed

  12. Thank you so much for the information and link.

    It does say in Section 118 (2) if you work at least 1 year and less than 3 years, you are entitled to severance pay of ninety days wages or the previous ninety days wages prior to losing your job.

    Sadly Racyrick, you may not get anything due to lack of a contract.

    Don't just think that you will get money.......but if you do, then regard it as good luck rather than an entitlement.

    Just curious, you don't think the letter I have that guarantees my salary and states the start of my employment will do as well as my work permit along with my tax payments?

  13. Need some help. I am a foreigner working for a company legally with a work permit etc. for over 1 1/2 years.

    When I started, and still to this day, they have no probation period, no standard operating procedures, etc.

    My question is, if they fire me, am I still entitled to the 3 months of my salary as severance?

    I have no employment contract, but I do have a paper showing the guarantee of my salary that I used to try and get credit cards and for immigration for my extension of visa based on my marriage to a Thai.

    Thanks for your help.

  14. Do you need to get a work permit for the following situation? If so, how do you go about it? There is a company in America that wants me to be a sales rep for their product. They only have an office in America. All items will be ordered online and paid directly to the company in America and shipped here. How can I be a sales rep here legally? Thank you

  15. 1. yes, you could do that, as long as your income is at least 40,000 a month.

    2. The multiple-entry visa will give you an unlimited number of entries into Thailand, but each entry is only for a maximum of 90 days. After that you have to leave, but can return to Thailand the same day for a new 90 days.

    3. A copy of the marriage certificate, your wife's ID and a note from her asking for a visa for you should be enough, as well as your bankbook showing some funds.

    You apply day 1 and pick it up the next working day.

    Thank you so much Mario for your quick response and accurate info.


    I only need a single entry visa as I never travel out of the country and don't want to do visa runs.

    Can I get a single entry Non O visa in KL instead of a multi entry?


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