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Posts posted by racyrick

  1. I am 61 years old and never owned a smartphone and I am ready to take the plunge. (My 6 1/2 year old dumb phone is ready to die)

    After reading several threads, I have decided on the Zenfone 5 for price and features.

    I will basically only be using it for sms messaging, phone and surfing the web.

    I will also let my wife use for LINE and my 10 year old son use for some games.

    Am I making the right choice?

    Is it easy for me to use for the above?

    Can I easily switch from English to Thai to use LINE only?

    Can I easily switch from using wi fi when available to my phone carrier network when not available?

    I am really Fred Flintstone when it comes to electronics, so sorry for the simple and basic questions to you.

    Any other advice, help or comments would be appreciated!


  2. Does anyone know of a moderate price coffee capsule machine and has a decent decaf capsule as well as an ethiopian coffee capsule?

    It's ok if the capsule has an African blend. Also would be nice if there is an Indonesian blend capsule as well.

    This is for home use.


  3. What is the availability of these devices now?

    I imagine the shopat7 offer may be well sold out by now?

    Any good locations for me to get but the 10" version?



    The shop at 7 still has them, but less than 200 left as of yesterday

    JIB Computer also still have a few left

    They are the only 2 places that have them

  4. Went to the Mobile Fair Saturday. JIB said they sold 40 on Friday, and only had 30 left.

    They offered a 200 THB discount and a free car charger.

    Bought one for me and one for a friend.

    Been playing with mine for a few hours, and it's a nice little unit. Very happy with it so far.

    Is the operating system as advertised-Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean?

    Can you upgrade for free to 4.4 Kitkat?

    If so, how do you upgrade? I am not a techie.

    Any update on how you like the tablet?

    Thank you for your time and help.

  5. Just to update some newer replies-

    somo-thanks for the kind words

    cdmtdm-comments to swissie made me laugh and your reply to kb was right on-thanks

    karenbravo-as cdmtdm said in his reply, I am not leaving Phuket willingly, I would love to stay here despite all it's faults, but if you read my op, you would see why. By the way, my wife would love to stay in Phuket as well, she also has no thumbs ;)

    dilligad- what I meant was while I was taking the course, I would have no income and would not have an income until I get a job, so I would have to rely on wrestling some money somehow or somewhere to make it through until I get employed

    Still trying everyday very hard to find a job here and pursuing anything and everything, but my clock is ticking

    Thanks again everybody, you really have made me feel a little better, breathe easier and helped reduce my anxiety, but truthfully, I am still scared and nervous as hell

    • Like 1
  6. Once again, thank you for all the replies.

    When I go to KK to live and have money or go to KK to visit, I need to meet all of you and buy dinner at a nice buffet or a drink somewhere to show my appreciation.

    Or maybe invite you to my English class when I am a teacher :)

    Let me address the latest replies-

    notable-thanks for the heads up on Groupon

    cdmtdm-thanks for the advice and comment to swissie




    korat28-what did the initials NES mean? Also, teaching is an option if you read my later posts and not just the OP

    noi657-thanks for the comment to bender

    swissie-I should not reply to your comment and I won't except to say I am a very lucky man for 10 years to have a great wife and a great mother for our child-rich or poor, happy or sad, cry or laugh WE ARE A FAMILY !

  7. Hi RacyRick,

    Sorry to hear about your plight, but you aren't alone. There is a lot of good advice in prior posts, but some that I would question. I'm 76, I've been in Thailand for 11 years and my wife is Thai. After 3 years, I got bored with full retirement, and wanted something to do here in Bangkok. After searching the newspapers for a while, I concluded that there weren't any good options for a 68-year old with a background in aircraft maintenance, telecom and international program management. So, 8 1/2 years ago I applied for a job teaching English - with little enthusiasm I should add. I was hired immediately and started the next day! It was difficult at first as my heart was in the hi-tech world, but boredom seemed even worse. So I persevered, almost quit a couple of time, but eventually got acclimated, and began to enjoy teaching. Four years ago, I became the Head Teacher and have no immediate plans to quit. Fortunately, I don't need the money because you won't get rich teaching in English, especially in Thailand. But it provides a decent living for those without additional income. My point is: don't write teaching off too quickly - it's probably your best, and maybe only, choice in KK.

    I've never been asked for substantiating evidence of my retirement income at the US Embassy; however, I always bring it, just in case. So you should be OK. (Grab a room in BKK for a month and apply for your visa here.)

    As others have said, you should consider teaching in BKK for a year or so. Easy to get a job, better salary that Issan, and it will allow you to build up experience plus save a little money if you are frugal. Just check ajarn.com for job listings. Accommodation is reasonable, especially up in the Rangsit area where I teach. So your family could stay with you which would be better than periodic trips to KK.

    I've plenty more info for you, if desired, but too complicated for a forum post. Since I'm a newbie on Thaivias, I don't know how to get my email address to you, but maybe one of the old timers can help.

    Best wishes - don't give up. Keep on truckin' and you'll be OK. DonMuang37

    I just sent you my personal email address to your Thai Visa message box.

    Just look at the bar on the top of the page when you sign in-it will be the envelope icon-just click and you will find it there


  8. Wow, all your comments have blown me away. It almost makes me want to live in Khon Kaen with all you good people as compared to here in Phuket.

    Phuket people are ..well, let's just say not very friendly as a whole and leave it at that. No disrespect to anybody.

    Let me address the latest comments-

    shaurene-nice to hear you look young. I am also very fortunate and look 45 to 50 and not 60.

    notable-thanks again or the good info

    robertthebruce-my wife will look for work as well

    duanebigsby-I love kids as well, so that will not be a problem at all. Thanks for the heads up

    karenbravo-as stated previously, going back to the USA can't happen with absolutely no money to use. Also, if I can't be with my family, there is no life for me. I waited all my life to have a child and be a father, if I can't see him everyday, then there is no life for me. I never had a dad, so this is the life I waited a lifetime for. I would rather die in my son's arms that a hotel or apartment in the USA all alone, but thanks for trying to help

    fourhart-thanks for that advise and option

    donmuang37-teaching is an option as long as I don't need a tefl certificate. I have no money for the course and no money or income to live while i am studying and after i graduate, waiting for a job

    loles-thanks for the backup about bender92. He is in worse shape than me. Everyday my son says " I love you daddy more than anything in the world" several times. That makes me the richest man in the world!!

    jasun-same comment as loles above-thanks

    notable- see loles above also and thanks for that

  9. If you go into the provinces you'll see people from Africa teaching English. Plenty have dodgy credentials, as well as appalling grammatical and pronunciation skills. Anyone who is a white native speaker can get work teaching English, Maths or science. Plenty of schools aren't bothered about which visa you're on either.

    Will they give me a work permit?

    I don't want any problems with immigration.

    Very tough here in Phuket if you do not have a work permit.

    Many people jailed, big fines and some deported.

    It's great that I don't need a teaching degree and that certainly gives me an option, but I do want a work permit.

    Please let me know.

    Thanks again for your help

  10. Once again, I want to thank all of you for taking the time to reply and help.

    Let me answer all the questions asked in the above threads.

    My wife's family in KK are old and poor and do not work. Her sister and brother help them and we do as well when we had any extra money.

    I am not eligible for social security in the USA until I am at least 62 years old-still 1 1/2 years away.

    Can't go back to America as first and foremost, I literally have no money and even if had, which is a moot point, my wife could not get a visa to stay with me because I couldn't qualify to support her

    Teaching is not an option as not to be redundant, I don't have the money for the course. By the way, can a 60 year old get a teaching job in KK?

    Are you positive immigration in KK only needs a letter from the embassy showing 400,000 income for the 1 year extension? In Phuket, very strict and they do not accept just a letter, need to show income slips or other proof if not in the bank.

    I have been to KK many times over the past 12 years. It is not my ideal place to live by any means, but I can adapt and as I said many times, have no choice. I will do anything for the sake of my son and family.

    There is no plan B unfortunately, I wish there was, that is one of my problems and why I opened this thread. I guess this is my plan B.

    I do not speak Thai or Lao

    I really should not address this, but to bender92, don't judge somebody's life. I did not ask for sympathy, I only asked for help and information for me and my family.

    I appreciate everybody's help and understanding and wish you all the best.

  11. I want to wish you Good Luck with your future and may things go right for you.

    Although, I live in KK, can't think of anything that would be to your assistance.

    It will be hard, but keep your head up, and don't despair, nobody knows what the future can bring.

    Forgot to tell you, had many Greek friends in my years in America and have been to Greece and the Greek islands many times.

    Big Greek community in Tarpon Springs and Daytona Beach, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Went to the Greek festival every year and when I get to KK, you can tell me where I can get my favorite Greek dish, in fact one of my favorite foods of all time -PASTITSIO


    • Like 2
  12. I want to wish you Good Luck with your future and may things go right for you.

    Although, I live in KK, can't think of anything that would be to your assistance.

    It will be hard, but keep your head up, and don't despair, nobody knows what the future can bring.

    I truly thank you for both of your replies and heartfelt wishes.

    I know it will be almost impossible to find a job, but I have to explore all options.

    In answer to your questions, my experience has been owning several retail businesses in the USA for 20 years , being a manufacturer's rep for NASCAR mechandise to stores, chains, casinos etc. and management in the vacation ownership industry for 15 years.

    I currently have a 1 year marriage extension based on my marriage. This is what really scares me as well, as I may not have the money to get constant extensions and a 1 year renewal is out of the question as I would not have a job and I do not have 400,000 in the bank. My family is everything and to me!! Without them....

    It is nice to know that there are decent people , such as yourselves, on this thread, with a heart.

    Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your help and wishes.

    • Like 1
  13. I may be forced to move to Khon Kaen from Phuket with my wife of 10 years who is 48 years old this year (who is from KK) and our son who will be 9 years old in July.

    I lost my job and have not been able to find anything.

    We literally have no money and that is why we may have to move.

    Is there any chance for me to find employment there?

    If so, what or where is the best place to look?

    I am a 60 year old American with 40 years of sales and management experience. Teaching is not an option.

    The perfect financial storm in 2008 wiped me out and we have been barely surviving the last 5 1/2 years here before I lost my job.

    This has been very hard for me and I'm very scared and nervous, but I have no choice.

    Thank you for your help and understanding.

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