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Posts posted by pop3

  1. I have used a Panasonic DVD camcorder model VDR-D220 to record some video onto it's mini DVD disk. all went well so I then decided to transfer what was on the mini DVD disk to my hard drive so I could then put it onto a normal size DVD+R 16x 4.7GB 120 min disk

    To my horror I noticed I had three files ?

    VR-MANGR BUP file 10KB. VR-MANGR |MPEG file 10KB. and VR-MOVIE VRO file 1,365,266KB.

    I then used ImgBurn to burn it to my normal size DVD, it went through the whole process but when I removed the disk and tried it in my stand alone DVD player on my TV all I got was the message NO DISK IN MACHINE. But the disk plays ok on my computer ?

    Can anyone relate to this problem :o

  2. it's slow - I would rather fly, unless you have time and want to see the countryside.

    the only time I was travelling penang-bangkok the train derailed before hat yai, apparently no injured. Definitely you need a sleeping compartment, beer and good companionship

    Yes I am hoping to see lots of countryside, I have never done a long trip on a train before so it's going to be an experience from what Ive heard, not too keen on the derailing part of it,

    As for beer and a good companion shouldn't be a problem.

    Is the sleeping compartment private ? :o

  3. Your in an awkward situation there, just like the deaf old granny that everybody talks about while she sits there doing her knitting.

    Learning the language to the level you need to understand whats being said is going to take time, a long time, what your looking for is a quick answer and I don't think there is one ? I would try to get out the house more and do your own thing.

    But really you only have yourself to blame, as was said before, get them out, if your partner won't agree to that then your going to have to make a decision...

    Remember... He who has the paso has the sayso :o

  4. Thank's JimShortz

    With the 13 hours and 42 minuets download time quoted look's like your first advice is the only real option at the moment.

    The main reason I would like to try something different is the fact I keep loosing the system restore option on my windows xp, I know Im not alone on this and there's no real answers to it anywhere,

    To me windows xp without system restore is useless, a time bomb till it get's so bad you can't use it, With the system restore option as soon as a problem came along that you couldn't sort out a quick system restore and you were off again. Windows must have know this themselves otherwise there wouldn't ever have been that option. :o

  5. A lot of people have paid 20/25.000 baht for their membership.

    Are you saying this money went to the staff member then he issued a fake card ? if so Tony did not get the money, will he honor your fake card ? if it's been going on for a while we are talking some serious money loss here.

  6. Yes you have a good point too PattayaDavid. but why is it not the same for all of us on TOT ? I cant view any video now on youtube, not even with a proxy, but some here in Pattaya can ?

    Then after reading your post about you not even being able to view Fox news video due to TOT blocking it I have just been to Fox news to see if I could view anything ? Fox news video opens and plays ok for me ? if TOT are blocking then why are we not all blocked on the same things ?

  7. One thing worth thinking about is TiT... Things have a way of changing here, it's quite possible we could change from ToT to another provider and that they confirm that access to youtube is no problem with them, also it's possible they are telling the truth, but then Tit comes into play and it all changes over night, for what ever reason youtube blocked again...

    Just a thought :o

  8. If I log onto youtube normaly then I just get the now famous sorry this video is no longer avalible.

    If I use a proxy then I can view the video but only for about 30 seconds then it stops and goes back to the begining ? I can re start it again but only for the same 30 seconds, then back to the begining again,

    Anyone els getting this problem ?

  9. I had those little creatures in my Jomtien condo but have not noticed any of them in our house upcountry. Here we have many geckos so maybe the geckos eat them ?


    My friend has them in his condo too, on the 12th floor !

    As far as I can see in my house geckos will not eat them, don't know why. ( mi aloy maybe ) :o

  10. Heres some photos of mine, the photo of them by the light gives some idea of their size.

    They like to hide behind things like wardrobes and cupboards, they are nocturnal so only move by night, our old house was alive with them so we were careful to not bring any here but there must have been one or two on furniture somewhere and now this house also has many of them,

    I have asked many Thais what they are but the reply I get is always the same, they say they don't know and that these small creatures have only in resent years started to come into the houses ? :o



  11. Yes back in Europe I too drove with my window down during the summer months, but in winter it was wound firmly up and the heater was on. if you look at the main point of my original post...

    (A large portion of farang generally come from colder climates, so why is it that so many drive around with the drivers window open ?)

    Farangs driving round in the tropics with the window open and the aircon off is like me driving around in Europe during the freezing winter with my window open and the heater off.

    As for the guy wanting to drive round with the sun roof open ? yeah great. I can just imagine sitting at the lights with an interia temperature in the 50s :o

  12. 1/ I'm thinking of closing my TOT Pattaya ADSL and switching over to TT&T MAXNET. Seems like users are satisfied and no blockage of youtube. I'd rather switch than fight (TOT)!


    Make 100% sure of that first, it might be out of the frying pan into the fire ?

    I have not been able to view any vids on youtube now for weeks ( pattaya TOT ) even the &fmt=18 does not work anymore.

    If youtube was derogatory to Thailand I could understand it but when we just want to look at some favorite old music vid's all this blocking is too much :o

  13. I think a dvd has 4.7 gb while a cd 750 mb so you can put 6 cd's on one dvd.

    The easiest way I guess is to copy your cd's direct to a dvd provided your pc has to drives, otherwise you will have to copy the cd's to your pc and than burn a dvd.

    Yes I will have to copy to pc first then move to DVD, it's the moving to DVD I have problems with, there only seems to be an option to move video not photo's ?

  14. Like many people I now find myself with a couple of thousand or so photos of everything and anything, I have them on CDR and CD-RW.

    Most are high quality 2048x1536 most in Jpeg. Am I right in thinking if I could store them on DVD I could put many more on the disk than I can on a CD-R/CD-RW ?

    If so what is the best way to get them from my folder to the DVD disk :o

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