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Posts posted by pop3

  1. The police here aren't going to help you much beyond directing traffic around the Sawang Boriboon Foundation people as they zip up your body bag.


    The police these day's don't want to get involved in anything after sunset on the dark side. can't say I blame them really, what's the point of carrying a gun when your out numbered five to one by the kid's out there carrying the same.

  2. Yes scum is a good word for these people but this is not a new phenomena and certainly not only happening in Pattaya, I remember this happening in the UK and France and the US. it seems to come in phases, during the mid 70s it was all the rage, the problem is what precaution can the rider take ? the wire is so thin. :o

  3. Here's a problem that I know others of you will have had from time to time, possibly not knowing of it till something goes wrong.

    A mouse, or mice in the engine compartment, they like to eat the small electric wires that are found on modern car's / pickup's

    If left to their own it will only be a matter of time till they damage wires to the ABS, lights, fuse box ect, I have removed mice before with a baited trap but is there any thing you can put in the engine bay ( apart from a cat every night ) to stop them moving in in the first place. maybe something they dont like the smell of ? :o

  4. Having just had to reinstall Thunderbird I now find what used to be the email address at the top in ( All Folders ) now on the bottom, and what was the bottom one is now on top, having been used to them the other way round for a few years now it's anoying to have them the other way.

    Is there a way anyone knows to change them round again ? :o

  5. Yes obiwan I would really like to have that option but when I try starting from F11 all I get is the message... ( A disk read error occurred. press ctrl+alt+del to restart ) then it just starts up on ubuntu again.

    If I start from BOIS F2. and select my second hard drive the one with Windows XP on it then it just starts up on ubuntu just the same ?

    I might have to end up installing XP and ubuntu on the same hard drive yet as I have tried lots of what is on ubuntu forum in Terminal but nothing works, I think Linux is great but the Terminal is a place best left to Linus Torvalds and Ari Lemmke :o

  6. My computer has two (IDE) hard drives fitted, one Seagate 160GB. and one Samsung 80GB.

    On the 160GB drive I have Linux Ubuntu v 7.10. on the 80GB drive I have Windows XP.

    I have been looking for information on how when I start my computer I can have a choice of what drive to open.

    Do I need to start my computer from the BOIS ? if so how can I from the BOIS choose what hard drive I want to start from ? any help please as I can't find a step by step explination anywhere. :o

  7. Im using ubuntu v7.10 and all is well eccept for a problem on my Evolution mail.

    I am using pop with gmail. I can send mail ok no problem but I cannot recieve mail to Evolution ?

    I get the message... Error while fetching mail. cannot get message gmail. input/output error.

    I think it's just a simple setting but which one ? :o

  8. Ive been trying to download Easypeasy for my Eee pc 701 from. jaist.dl.sourceforge.net

    The download would take 122 hours !

    Where are you all getting these downloads from ? 122 hours is a lot of twiddling thumbs and drinking coffee :o

  9. I was in Tuk com Pattaya Thai last week when I noticed a phone guy dial in a number on a Nokia phone, moments later a message came through with information on the phone including the day the phone was made. in this case 28th Feb 2008.

    He said it was a number available to teknitions to find out the age of a phone ?

    Anyone know anything about this ?

  10. All i can say on this subject is POP3, fuc_k OFF and get a life you nosey bastard. you asked a question and got some answers but still choose not to believe them. Just what are you trying to prove... :o

    You know in the four and a half years I have been on this forum it has always been a little fiery at times when discusing relationships and politics, but this kind of abuse when talking light heartedly about something like this is uncalled for.

    I think Thai visa needs to re think what were all here for.

  11. Driving up Pattaya klang this afternoon stuck in a very long traffic jam, had nothing better to do than look across at all the other cars stuck going the other way, every car with the window open was driven by a farang, in all the cars I never once saw a Thai with his window open,

    After all this time and the comments on this thread it is still my belief that the overwhelming reason that the farang drive with their windows open is to be seen, I am farang, I have money, look at me :o

    I don't know if this says more about your desire to be noticed or your view that others have a compulsion to be noticed. Either way it is bizarre.

    I like the airflow in a moving vehicle. I am not particularly bothered by the heat as I spend little time in aircon anyway. I also like the sound of the air going by. It is white noise that blocks out everything and lets you think. Being noticed is a negative to me. It gets tiresome smiling and waving to all the people that want a little interaction since farang are an odity where I am.

    I think your assumptions stem more from your location and mindset than any true motivation by those you are judging. After all the responses, none of which seriously claiming "being seen" is a consideration, you cling to your original assumption. I think the question you should be asking is "Why is it so important to me to believe that farangs with their windows open are just showing off?"


    Yes I think you could be right on my location and mindset, bizarre Pattaya.

    The fact that nobody has admited opening the window wanting to be seen does not surprize me, sure some are smokers, and sure some just like to drive with the window open.

    As for... "Why is it so important to me to believe that farangs with their windows open are just showing off?" all I can comment here is why is it so important to farang to come up with every excuse in the book as to why they are not opening the window to show off ?

  12. DAF33

    I had one for 6 months after a divorce in the 80's after down-trading 3 times to raise cash. I couldn't get any lower but at least I remained 'mobile' which was one of my objectives.

    Here's the beauty compleat with a photo of the DAF Variomatic transmission.

    Just like the automatic bikes everybody is riding round on these days, I wouldent be surprised if we see Variomatic transmission make a come back :o



  13. Driving up Pattaya klang this afternoon stuck in a very long traffic jam, had nothing better to do than look across at all the other cars stuck going the other way, every car with the window open was driven by a farang, in all the cars I never once saw a Thai with his window open,

    After all this time and the comments on this thread it is still my belief that the overwhelming reason that the farang drive with their windows open is to be seen, I am farang, I have money, look at me :o

  14. I should have known ...writing about my isuzu and praising it into heaven.......

    After 22 years and now 871.200 kilometers it said...enough is enough..

    I think by the initial sound of it , that the camshaft broke, but it can also be a lose/broken piston shaft.

    It was pretty noisy. Lots of clonks and clunks rattle and smoke, it died within a few seconds.

    Whatever it is, I am not going to open up the engine and see what is wrong.

    Not going for repairs, because i know i will end up rebuilding everything and the cost would be too much for a vehicle of this age.

    Oh well, after all this time and kilometers it is ok, this car has really served me well, in european and tropical environments and the breakersyard will be it`s next `home`.

    Still i am sad to see it go, i was a kind of proud to drive it, especially since no one would really believe at first glance it was that old already. :o

    Ive just noticed this post, Sorry to hear about the crunch :D

    It's always sad to see a trusted vehicle go to the graveyard, I remember an old 1973 Range Rover I had for many years before moving to Thailand, Everything was worn out on it, the V8 engine had virtually no oil circulation due to sludge build up, when removing the rocker cover the sludge was so thick and dry it was touching the valve springs !

    I have no idea of the mileage that engine had done as the speedometer cable had been broken for years, It was around 24 years old when I sold it for the same money as I bought it, 500 pounds... I even had to hold it in second gear as it liked to jump out, everywhere there was fluid there was a leak, but the reliability was amazing, I never found out what happened to it ?

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