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Posts posted by mickmac

  1. A very sad day indeed:

    chonabot Posted 2005-03-29 20:12:13

      Brilliant Band , some of the best crafted songs from the last 50 years IMO.

    Agree with every word you say. I count myself as very fortunate to have seen them perform live. One of my fav. tracks: Sister Madly

    R.I.P. Paul, ( I can still see you running around the balconoy in the De Montford hall as if it was yesterday)

  2. Hi Waldwolf/Slimdog, thank you both for you answers.

    WW: I had a noisy hard drive for about 12-18 months, 2 nights ago there was quite a noticable change to the noise it was generating. I managed to copy some data I need for work to a CD rom. The noise stoped and the screen came up blue with an error message. Stating that an error had been caused possibly by the addition of new hardware, so I was to remove the hardware and its software. The thing was I have not added anything new for quite a while,(several months). I then tried to use the restore cd disks I recieved with the computer. I started the machine and got the Toshiba screen displayed. I then followed the directions on the jacket, to start restoring the system. It looked as if the system went into DOS. Eventually the screen came up and asked did I want to re-format the hard drive,(drastic I know), to which I said Yes. Was I sure? Yes The screen then reverted back to the Toshiba screen, and just kept on repeating the routine, did I want to restore factory settings etc.

    So it appears that the factory issued restore CD could not write to the hard disk.

    That in addition to the grating noise and the change in the noise it was making immediately prior to the "crash" has led me to make the assumption that the problem was hard disk related.

    Any further thoughts gentlemen?

  3. meemiathai Posted Today, 2005-03-31 12:30:51


    Stupid government. Think of a way that can make EVERYONE even the man who sleeps in the cave know! And make sure they come in english, cantonese, shanghainese, mandarin, portuguese, german, french, dutch, japanese, korean and the list goes on............!  Cos not everyone speaks thai!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some type of Klaxon audio warning system could be the answer, so when it goes off all will hear it and regardless of their nationality will hopefully re-act.

    Then again Ole Taksin doesn't own shares in that system, so he will not benefit from it in the same way as using his telephone system would.

    I would also like an answer re: my first point, the collapse of the mobile telephone system immediately after the quake, as this is an integral part of his plan to get the warning "out there", whether it be in thai or in any other language.

    Is your government going to address this issue or just blindly follow the Leader as appears to be the norm!

    You were right "stupid government" if they are going to set up a system let them think things through properly, with thoughts to getting the message across to all to minimise the loss of life to all nationalities, after all it was not just Thai's that died in Phuket, Phi-Phi etc.

  4. I have a Toshiba Notebook, 3yrs old, but still very good. Until today everything worked fine, but now it would appear that the hard drive has thrown its hand in.

    I have tried to reload the factiory settings from the oribinal CD's but to no avail.

    So I am thinking of taking it in to the Toshiba building in Bkk. I have a few questions.

    A) Has anyone used this facility for repairs?

    :o If so how was the service?

    C) How expensive are they?

    I am located in Chiang Mai, so if there is anyone that can be recommended in CM to do a decent job please let me know.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

  5. But I think that the communications system must still be improved, as the local mobile phone networks collapsed altogether shortly after the quake.

    Please take note of this Mr Thaksin, it might be a bit of a major flaw in the developement plan for your early warning system.

  6. I try to do my bit in the Kitchen, my g/f appreciates it, we also barbecue etc. and we all join in. G/f, her daughter, son and myself, a kind of communal thing. Sometimes I get it into my head and cook on my own, knowing that they like spag. with a nice garlic and basil sauce, along with roasted belly pork and garlic bread, or salmon steaks lightly coated with cornflower then pan fried. Things like that, just simple but tasty.

  7. There was a brief piece about the trial on the ABC Asia Pacific News today. There were a few words from the Father of the young lady that was murdered.

    It cut away to POS running through the court hallway so as not to be caught on the television camera. By all accounts he is now saying that it was not him, that it is a case of mistaken identity!!

  8. Please enlighten me as to what is the difference between having a tourist visa in your passport as to getting one on arrival? If you only have a one way ticket, or no forwarding ticket surely that is the problem area. The only time having a visa would help you out is when it is of the non-tourist type. If that is the case then please make it clear.

    I am sure there are quite a number of people similar to myself who find it hard to get longer stay visa's organised. I work at sea and find it very difficult to get the correct visa organised,( though will possibly get married to my Thai lady next year so a quick nip across to Malayasia and sort out a non-imm O visa should resolve the issue), mainly due ot the fact that you have to give your passport over to the captain on arrival on the vessel.

  9. monsieurhappy Posted 2005-03-17 10:00:25

      QUOTE(booma @ 2005-03-17 02:03:03)

    The BBC has just broadcast an item saying 'Scientists researching the earthquake that caused the Asian Tsunami, have reported that there is a high chance of another quake'

    This was just popped in at the end of the bulletin.

    I'll try and find the link!

    These "Scientists" are from an "Irish" university so think what you will!! 

    I think they got it right!!!

  10. I'm afraid she is just guilt tripping you. Personally I would not give in. My son got into quite a bit of debt, all his own doing, at a very young age, 19 yrs old. He asked me to pay it off, but I refused. It was not that I could not afford to do it, it was that if I had done so he would not appreciate the value of money. He finishes paying it off next month.

    Your daughter is just using you, the more you give the more she will want. Just make her aware that you will be there for her if her world falls apart, and that there will be an air ticket out for her if/when she decides to leave Thailand, but that the free hand outs are over. She appears to want to make her own decisions, which at 28 she should be doing anyway, so she should be able to stand by them rather than depend on you.

    How much money is the boyfriend giving to her, or are you and your husband expected to provide for him as well through subsidising your daughter?

  11. (And still waiting for the GUILTY verdict.)

    Unfortunately RDN I think, along with several others, that this will be a very long wait indeed, if it arrives at all.

    Personally, I think he will walk away from it. It looks as if he has too many "friends" in all the right places.

    As to him having an unfortuante accident, ie, lead poisioning, where lead is travelling at a very high velocity, this may also be discounted, again due to his connections, this time on the other side of the law.

    I don't feel that the judicary involved will give a rats a** about any tourist implications, after all parts of Thailand has already been devistated by the Tsunami and the affect this has had on the tourist industry is much more than any verdict the judges will bring in. This guy going free will only make a small ripple in that pond. People will start coming back in a year or two after all has been cleaned up, they will remember the Tsunami but not the Police Sargent that kills.

  12. Memo from the beloved leader

    Dear Pol. Gen. Chalermdej Jombunud, " Please check all companies with the exception of The Shin Corp. If you want to know anything about the company, asks the largest share holders, my maid and the chauffeur, I have nothing to hide, but do it quick before the details of the Australian Free Trade agreement become known"



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