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Posts posted by mickmac

  1. Since my first visit to Thailand, back in 1987, I've liked the Thai food better from the little back soi stalls/restaurants all around than from the hi-so 5-star hotel type.Seems to have more flavor coming from a black, crusty seasoned wok. I love Thai food, spicey and all, but when I get a craving for a good steak with baked potato and veggies then I visit Banrai Steak House next to the golf course adjacent to Airport Plaza. They also serve Thai food. Prices are good too.

    I would not hesitate to recommend the Wanlamun restaurant, Chiang Moi Rd. soi 2. For both quality of the food and price.

    If you have not been there before, make the effort its worth it.

    A tip:- when entering the air conditioned room the pastry counter is there on your left, make your choice on entering, tell the waitress to regard them as sold. I say this as other diners who have finished their meal have a habit of buying up several of the cakes, sometimes there are none left by the time it comes around to the sweet course of your meal.

  2. ^ Hi, just drag the marker to 13 mins.. I guess you have tried this already...

    Luckily enough it has a transcript:

    I became interested in entomopathogenic fungi -- fungi that kill insects. Our house was being destroyed by carpenter ants. So I went to the EPA homepage, and they were recommending studies with metarhizium species of a group of fungi that kill carpenter ants, as well as termites. I did something that nobody else had done. I actually chased the mycelium when it stopped producing spores. These are spores -- this is in their spores. I was able to morph the culture into a non-sporulating form. And so the industry has spent over 100 million dollars specifically on bait stations to prevent termites from eating your house. But the insects aren't stupid, and they would avoid the spores when they came close, and so I morphed the cultures into a non-sporulating form. And I got my daughter's Barbie doll dish, I put it right where a bunch of carpenter ants were making debris fields, every day, in my house, and the ants were attracted to the mycelium, because there's no spores. They gave it to the queen. One week later, I had no sawdust piles whatsoever.

    And then -- a delicate dance between dinner and death -- the mycelium is consumed by the ants, they become mummified and, boing, a mushroom pops out of their head. (Laughter) Now after sporulation, the spores repel. So the house is no longer suitable for invasion. So you have a near-permanent solution for re-invasion of termites. And so my house came down, I received my first patent against carpenter ants, termites and fire ants. Then we tried extracts, and lo and behold, we can steer insects to different directions. This has huge implications. I then received my second patent -- and this is a big one. It's been called an Alexander Graham Bell patent -- It covers over 200,000 species. This is the most disruptive technology, I've been told by executives of the pesticide industry, that they have ever witnessed. This could totally revamp the pesticide industries throughout the world. You could fly 100 Ph.D. students under the umbrella of this concept, because my supposition is that entomopathogenic fungi, prior to sporulation, attract the very insects that are otherwise repelled by those spores.

    Here is a short clip of the fungi cordyceps at work:

    I presume the local Chiangmai uni that is growing the fungus is trying to develop bio pest control...

    Thanks for the update WR.



  3. If you want cutting edge stuff see:



    If you want to know what this is all about , watch the video here:

    Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

    and watch from 13 minutes in.

    Great video.

    It will revolutionize the pest contol industry.

    Video will not play past 5m 03 secs, so any chance of a brief precis on what he says after the 13 minute mark?

  4. If you are after a Concept II rowing machine, I would recommend you get in touch with them in the States direct, as they will sell you one and freight it to you for a lot less than you would be able to purchase it in Thailand off a local supplier.

    Hope this helps.

    Maybe, if you don't include custom duty, which as I understand, can be a substantial percentage.

    Tax is only 10% as it is exercise machine. I did post all the costs on this forum so you can search for it if you like.

  5. If you are after a Concept II rowing machine, I would recommend you get in touch with them in the States direct, as they will sell you one and freight it to you for a lot less than you would be able to purchase it in Thailand off a local supplier.

    Hope this helps.

  6. It's called "The Damned United" and it IS a very good film...but Chiang Mai does not get a mention.

    It's that good TP, that his family refused to go see it, or have anything to do with it. Its loosely, very loosely based on what happened when BC went to Leeds Utd. There is a lot of supposition in the film, saying that the actors performances were very good.

  7. Stayed at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile,on Nathan road, great location, very good Chinese restaurant there as well.

    Underground at the back of the hotel, got off the train, took the courtesy minibus to hotel, run every 15-20 minutes from the train station.

    Buy the all-in 3 day rail ticket when you arrive at the airport, and use that to get around. If you want to go to Disney land then it can be used to get you there, Disneyland is back out near the airport so you do get your moneys worth. The cost is 300 dollars, but you get 100 dollar refund when you hand the ticket back in.

    If you don't want to go on the water for the light show, then I would suggest going to the bar at the top of the Shereton and getting a window seat there. If you get the urge for steak then pop into Mortons in the hotel, expensive but great steak.

    If you want a good night out bar hopping get over to Wanchai there are some very good bars with live bands in some of them.

    Hope you have a great time.

  8. You could always look in Ban Tawa, saw some of the wooden type, also the woven plastic ones that are easy to keep clean. Closer to Chiang Mai if you go to Panthip plaza, down Chang Klan. there is a place there on the ground floor next to the side entrance. I have no idea of the cost, but they do look expensive. I have not managed to get a price list out of them, as I would like to take one home and calculate what I require and what it would cost me in my own good time.

    Hope this helps a little.

  9. The 4 billion frozen and seized by the UK sounds like a done deal. If so, records of deposits/amounts/history of accounts activity/etc, are probably a matter of record which a knowledgeable UK barrister may have had access to. The procedure and conditions for seizing funds on deposit, within certain countries are in most cases aimed at monies received/transferred as a result of very suspicious activity. For the beneficiaries of this amount of money to decline to even contest the legal procedure speaks volumes about its (money) origin. Certainly, the methods being employed in Thailand for return of deputed funds, property, etc would not work in the UK or any other responsible government of the world that I am aware of. In fact, the non response in the UK would seem to be an admission of guilt to charges of illegal gains charges which have been put forward here in Thailand. Just my humble observation of the limited information picked up via newspapers, internet, etc.

    Please provide links to this, since I can't find the story anywhere.

    Googling - 'Seized Assets United Kingdom Thaksin Shinawatra" gleans absolutely nothing in connection with this story. With the controversy about him owning Man City, one would imagine that the story would make at least one newspaper in the UK.

    I am not saying the story isn't possible, it is just that things like this do not happen in a vacuum in the UK.

    OK, via google I found reference to Arabian Magazine article which does include an interview with Thaskin and also notes the UK freezing of monies mentioned. On another note during my search another article mentioned a assets deceleration for he and wife when he became PM for the amount of 15 billion baht. I can be skeletal of news reports but when you hear so many different reports about different sums/their location, property purchases cost/location, etc for the referenced duo, my belief in the honesty and self proclaimed legal innocence of either one is shaken. Reference 8.5 on appropriate scale.

    That was the original article, which was pounced on by the Thai news about a year or so ago.

    Since then nothing.

    Aside from some pretty good investigative journalists and newspapers in the UK (or are we to believe Thaksin has put them in his pocket too), for those of you who don't watch British TV we have a channel called Sky Sports which devotes itself to finding out such interesting things as the fact that David Beckam's aunt's nephew once kissed Gordon Brown's cousin. If there isn't something worthwhile for the main news papers to find out and print about this story, the mere fact that Thaksin once owned a soccer club would make it newsworthy as far as this channel would be concerned.

    Secondly, what exactly would the UK get out of keeping this quiet?

    In a day and age when Russian oligarchs and god knows who else are actively welcomed in the UK, it was odd enough that Milliband caved on his visa (I presume Tesco to reward Milliband graciously), but how and why would you keep this story quiet from the main British press?

    If I remember correctly the Inland Revenue has put a "hold" on the monies made from the sale of Manchester City FC. The reason for this is that it appears to be owned by so many nomanee companies, and they want to know who the profit is going too, so correct tax can be applied to it.

    So if you look into the sale and where the profits have/haven't gone, you may get an answer to part of your question. As to the remaining amount, maybe it has been blown up out of all proportion, urban myth.

  10. I just picked up a copy of the new Citylife and on page 22, these same jokers have taken out a full-page ad where in the ad this guy Dirk refers to himself as "Dr. Dirk" 4 different times. Isn't there a law in Thailand (like in other countries) against people misrepresenting themselves to be doctors and/or using academic titles?

    Might he have a doctorate in some subject other than " Podology", would this allow him to use the title Dr. ?

  11. 'Slices of most items are paper thin (trying to make less appear as more).'

    This was completely opposite to what I was given to eat, 2 thick slices of pink beef, that was both very tender and succulent. As I say it was the only time I have been there, this was early December when we went. Maybe I just struck lucky that night, it might be that as we were going in there at approx 7:30 and as most people had eaten they were giving out larger portions, I don't know, but like I said I really did enjoy it.

    My friend, who took me to the restaurant, informs me that it was the Wednesday Carvery night that we went to, not the buffet. Sorry about that folks.

  12. 'Slices of most items are paper thin (trying to make less appear as more).'

    This was completely opposite to what I was given to eat, 2 thick slices of pink beef, that was both very tender and succulent. As I say it was the only time I have been there, this was early December when we went. Maybe I just struck lucky that night, it might be that as we were going in there at approx 7:30 and as most people had eaten they were giving out larger portions, I don't know, but like I said I really did enjoy it.

  13. Oneman If you read my post I do make comment re: Mi Casa, I then informed the OP of their sister restaurant Su Casa.

    I have no problem with other people and their sexual preference, nor their hangers on. So I guess I won't be bumping into you there.

    You could always ask them to turn the music down, or to change it, Annie,(one of the owners), has always tried to be attentive to her guests.

  14. Sorry, I got interrupted before I finished this post. I wanted to mention that they had someone dressed as Santa who did some magic tricks, they passed out some balloons and the dessert we ordered had cute 2" sugar Santa on top! Merry Christmas!

    One of my favourite restaurants in CM, even had the old wedding bash there. You could try Su Casa, their sister restaurant down off Neimenheimen, they specialise in Tapas there.

  15. .

    Thank you, khunphilip and newbie001 for your clear opinions about buffets.

    My recent experiences -- at a variety of buffets -- match your comments.

    After many, bad experiences, I've decided, "No more buffets".

    Christmas dinner, I too went to a buffet (not Shangri-La).

    The restaurant is normally superb -- ala-carte only, no buffet -- but the special, Christmas buffet was very disappointing.

    I paid the bill and left, then went to a little Italian place and had a plate of pasta.

    Newbie001 is right when he wrote:

    ... common though in chiangmai, to have a great place to eat and then after a few months or a year, they either raise rates, cut proportions, or quality and sometimes all three.

    I agree, and from now on, I'm not willing to risk any buffets; not at Christmas, not at any time, and especially not in hotels.

    From now on, I'm only willing to order ala-carte, where the food is cooked fresh.

    And if I ever see another chocolate fountain, I'll be out of there in a flash.

    -- Oneman




    Before you give up on the dinner Buffet in hotel's I would suggest the Kantari Hills hotel,Neimenheimen soi 11(?), on their Buffet night. I too do not have much time for buffets, but I was taken there by a friend. I was quite pleasently surprised. There was a choice of beef,chicken,lamb,pork along with a selection of vegtables, various salads etc. There was a sweet table as well, though no chocolate fountain I hasten to add. What surprised me most was the quality of the beef, absolutely first class, so much so I went back for a second lot. Okay maybe the Yorkshires could do with a little work, but I would not hesitate to recommend the place. My dining partner had the lamb and the pork as his main course, which he assured me he also enjoyed.

    I do not know what the cost was as my friend picked up the bill. As far as I know it is only one night during the week when there is a buffet, I think it was Thursday. They also had a couple of musicians in there who did a fine job, to say the least. The sound level was not too high so that you could actually talk and get heard quite easily.

    Before you ask.........no I have nothing to do with the hotel, or persons working there. I just enjoyed it and felt that I should spread the word.

  16. WJ, Thanks for recommending So-You. Really good. Was there tonight with my wife. I can't compare it to the expensive places in CM mentioned above but it compares favorably to mid-priced dim sum in NY and HK, especially when you take cost into account. Most of the dishes at So-You are 35 baht. We tried 8 different dishes. All were good to excellent.

    Now, what happened to the request for a separate food sub-forum? At least 7 of the threads on the first page are food threads.

    Have been in CM for 3 months and been trying to find a decent Dim Sim place that is half decent compared to HK or even London. Have to say, been hugely disappointed each time. Had high hopes for "So you" after some comments here, and probaly best value for the money, but I would just about call it passable as dim sum. Certainly would not go as far as to say its really good ! To compare it to the mid-price places in HK is stretching anyones tastebuds after having lived there for 9 years. I have sadly come to the conclusion there are no good Dim Sum chefs in CM simply because they can't pay a decent one enough to come over from HK. They say in HK they are revered much higher than normal chefs with higher salaries. Pity :) CM has some great food going for it but sadly authentic DimSim isnt one of them yet.

    Hi Sandy,

    Did you try the Fujian restaurant at the Mandarin, thats about the best in town IMHO. Its also the most expensive. Service takes a bit of a battering when there is a coach load of tourists in though.

    Give it a try and let us know how you get on.

  17. I can confirm, from expensive personal experience, that Fujian is very good, but charges for it ! :)

    Less costly, and with a nice view towards Doi Suthep, was the restaurant on top of the Duangtawan Hotel, sorry but I forget the prices (it was a year ago) , only remember the meal being very pleasant. :D

    I think this restaurant ha sthe best views in Chiang Mai, but I felt that the Dim Sum was only middling to say the least.

  18. ^whew...endure, me duck, I wuz shure yew we're gonna come out guns a blazin' again in defense of yer home town... :)

    yew wanna know why they ain't got a thai restaurant in Derby?...

    We've got three actually :D

    I went to the small one halfway up babbington lane a couple of years ago, ordered Tom Kha Gai, expecting a hot spicey Chicken soup. What I got was Chicken in luke warm Coconut milk, a complete lack of Galangal, Kaffir line, lemongrass etc. I was very dissappointed to say the least.

    The other one I used to go to was up past the spot at the back of Zanzibar,(used to be a cinema), that was quite good, as was the one opposite Bold lane carpark.

  19. Colino,

    Get up to the Flowerpot, Exeter or The Peacock for some decent beer. If feeling a little "homesick" for Thailand, possibly pop into The Tiger Vaults, as there may be some Thai girls in there,(with boyfriends/husbands), so if you are travelling with the wife/girlfriend there may be someone she can talk Thai with, instead of just your self. The landlord visits Thailand on a regular basis as well.

    All the best for the festive season, get yourself down to Pride Park and give a shout for The Rams..................

  20. I feel the Fujian dim sum on Sunday lunch is about the best in CM.

    The Holiday Inn buffet IMHO is decent but not a patch on the Fujian for quality and variety, though it is much cheaper.

    I have visited the Yangzijiang off NH, and felt it was in a similar vein to the majority of other Dim Sum places, (its owned by the same people that have the excellent Hong Kong Noodle place in Chang Klan Plaza).

    I would recommend that you try the normal Chinese a la carte menu at the Holiday Inn, as there are some really good Schezuan dishes available there, though it doesn't run cheap.

  21. I want to fly to Thailand around march or April from Dublin, Can anybody let me know the cheapest way of doing this. Thanks

    I used to use a travel agents in Dublin called Clubtravel, office in Lower Abbey st., I think their web site is www.clubtravel.ie You could also check on flights from Manchester and London, as it might be cheaper to fly to another location then get the BKK flight. I know Etihad fly into Dublin from Middle East, so you could look at their fares, though they seemed to have increased over the last 12 months. Also check up using a site like Kayak etc, they will be able to show flights, connections, prices etc.

    F.Y.I. I have absolutely no financial interest in Clubtravel, they were a company I used to use that was all.

    I hope this helps

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