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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Yes... Because heaven forbid anyone take personal responsibility for their actions. Always someone else's fault, and always other people should pay.
  2. I did not get the vaccination. I remember catching it mildly as a kid. I also got mumps That was much worse. My parents were not anti vax.. But in them olden times these vaccinations were not given out at schools.. (1970's in UK). But, we were tougher and healthier back then. Not like the fat, unfit kids you see around today. We ran around playing games with friends outside every day, did lots of sports and physical activity at school, ate good food and drank milk and water and sweets were a luxary, mabe a 10 pence mix once a week in a paper bag. We did not sit about all day indoors playing on a games console or tablet, drinking sugary drinks and eating fast food and processed food.
  3. Well, I don't like them either. But, at least he won't have dog crap outside his gate, because they dont crap where they sleep.
  4. I think the same as you. Immigration is always an inconvenience at best and a nightmare at worst. 90 day report irritating waste of time.. Several months of the year are way too hot, with horrific dangerous air pollution. This means using air con and air purifiers..which run up electricity bills. Electricity is not cheap.. Similar price to UK. If you want to eat western food it is MORE expensive than back home...and USUALLY not as good quality or not authentic as its hard to get the proper ingredients here. Retire anywhere other than Bangkok and there is no real public transport and no frequent modern trains. CM for example has no busses, and very infrequent extra slow trains. The beaches are in the south in tourist places where things are more expensive than living in your home country. The police are corrupt and you are best to stay away from them. The roads are a deathtrap..the most dangerous in the world. And the standard of driving is scary. These is very limited choice of western things like wine and beers, and they are much more expensive than back home. Thailand does have good points. The genesal Thai people are great, the Thai food is delicous and cheap, there are lots of new experiences and things to see, and you can live very cheap if you eat mostly Thai food, and there are no council taxes etc. However, if you want to retire here and live a western lifestyle it will be expensive.
  5. Yes. And also bad cars, trucks, bicycles, and walking. That would reduce accidents. On a serious note... Is it normal for children to be allowed on them? I would not let my 7 year old child go on one of those things..
  6. This is not true. Several farang I knew died here from cancer or old age complications and we not sent for autopsy.
  7. You are new in Thailand aren't you? If dogs sleeping outside your gate upsets you so much, you are going to give yourself a nervous breakdown here, because, believe me, this will be the very least of things which will bother you. I don't feed or pet stray dogs. I don't love them... I don't really like them at all. But for the life of me I find it pathetic for a grown man to be so upset and botherd by a couple of dogs only sleeping outside his gate...... and, BTW this is technically a 3rd world country, so you are living in one. Surosied you aren't getting bothered my roosters crowing, cows mooing, noise of people of scooters or parties, or birds calling. If you live in a Thai village you have to learn to put up with stray dogs and much more, or you will not fit in here and you will get yourself a bad name, and also be very unhappy and frustrated with how things work here.
  8. His house might be hard to sell with all the horrific problems it's got. God, I feel sorry for the poor guy.
  9. They are not sleeping around his house. They are outside his property on the street and sleep outside his gate. They are not on his private property. Jeezw what an odd response. Almost as if you never read the OP
  10. You said there were two. A couple is two. Of course they won't have ID tags on them. Are you new to living in Thailand?
  11. Why is it disturbing to you that 2 dogs are sleeping outside your gate? They probably belong to someone in your road / street / village. Unless they are barking and howling all night keeping you awake, why not let sleeping dogs lie? They could be an advantage to you. They will bark and alert you to potential burgers. They will deter people from trespassing, and they will drive off cats, other dogs and even snakes.
  12. Send it back the same way as they sent it there. These animals should not be in captivity. They should be working on getting them back to the wild.
  13. One of those 10 commandments is you should not kill. So they will be abolishing the death penalty? And also no more wars or soldier's? And no more guns? If they do all that, then I'm happy to let them have the 10 commandment shiny posters in the classrooms.
  14. It's not an excuse. It's the reason. It's clearly immoral and wrong, but what can we do about that?
  15. How stupid. Maybe Mahmoud al-Semary should also get only the Islamic religious leaders there for "erasing the Egyptian identity" as their religion was not Islam and they didn't have Islamic laws like killing gay people.
  16. The previous poster just explained why to you.
  17. Wait...they will be sayi g she died from the new covid strain next. Seriously though. How did nobody notice the car was there for 5 days?! And people walking past not see the dead woman through the front window of the car, or notice the smell? I find it scary how these days people are so unaware of their surroundings or what is going on around them.
  18. Yep. Looks cleaner than some humans houses I know.
  19. Or are criminals, using corruption, bullying or other dubious things to get their wealth at the expense of others.
  20. Agree. People are generalising too much here. There are plenty of violent men who don't have good genes...they can be short, fat, covered in spots, heart disease and diabetes etc. They are not 'alpha men' with muscles and six packs. Violent men can be any shape or size. They are messed up and disturbed anti social people. This is not what a man should aspire to be, thinking women will find that attractive ???? Also the 'woke' men or those who are kind and considerate to their women are not all small skinny guys with glasses and genetic disabilities. They also can have great healthy genes, be attractive and look like a body builder. Anyway, I dont think men can speak for what women want in a relationship... Sadly not too many women on this forum to comment on this thread. Would be interesting to hear from some.
  21. You should not let your cat free roam to be a bother to other people. Also, it can get easily killed on the road or get attacked my dogs or other cats. My neighbor has several cats that are a real annoyance to us. They wake us up at night when they are fighting and chasing each other around our garden. They crap and spray in our car port, scratch the motor bike seats, and it's distressing to see then killing baby birds from the nests in our garden. Our puppy also got it's eye badly scratched when it though it would try to chase a huge Tom cat off our patio sofa.
  22. Where the heck are you living? We have been here 17 years and lived in 3 different rural villages in CM. Never been anyone beaten up by an angry mob in any of them!
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