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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Nice of the current government to give King Charles a pay increase from 86 million to 125 million, while constancy cutting poor and disabled people's benifits as poverty increase and people are forced to use food banks to survive. As usual taking money off the poor to give to the rich. You can not think this current government is good for the UK.
  2. Yes. It was stolen illegally off them. It's fair enough to say sorry and give them it back. I'm sure they EU let the other nationalities stay there.
  3. Hand the country back over to them totally. It's their county.
  4. Op why on earth doesn't your wife have a job? Is she lazy and does not want to get a job? She must be very bored and not have much self worth if she is just a kept woman.. She does not even have children to care for. What's she doing all day when you are at work? I suspect she is just wanting you to build her a house..for her own reasons...and playing the old sob sorry of being bullied by her family so you feel sorry for her and cave in.
  5. Thank you for your reply. I was sure a trained hunter would be more than capable of shooting to kill a large fat sick feral dog with a single shot. And an instant death by a bullet to the head is causing far far less suffering to a street dog than the other do gooders 'kind' option involving..... 1. Chasing the frightened dog about and putting it through the stress of capture. 2. Keeping it in a cage at the medical place while holding it down and jabbing needles into it. 3. Cutting it open and cutting out its reproductive organs before stitching it back up and leaving it with a painful wound. 4. Keeping it caged up on a strange place while it recovers, surrounded by loud barking dogs and scary people. 5. Stress of handling and transport before being throw out onto the streets to fend for itself and avoid getting run down by a truck or poisoned / abused by cruel people.
  6. What? Can't professional gun trained people / hunters shoot to kill a feral dog?
  7. You are right. It's so easy to solve this problem within a few months and never have it happen again. Hire professional people who are trained to use guns to go out and kill all the dogs one area at a time. Then make it lawn all owned dogs should be mixrochipped and registered and make it illegal to let dogs roam the streets and illegal for people to abandon and dump unwanted dogs. End of story.
  8. On our property neighbours cats have shredded up our motor bike seats, killed nesting birds, sprayed stinking urine up the walls in our car port and porch, clawed open trash bags making the contents spill out, woke us up at night with their screaming and wailing when they are fighting (which sets our dogs off barking) , and the cats crapped in our plant boarders and vegetable bed (so we have got cat crap on our hands when we are planting). They have also got muddy paw prints and hair all over our patio furniture seat covers. We had an aviary in the garden with finches and quails, but the cats would climb on it at night and spook the poor birds, and injuring or killing them through the wire mesh. All the noise woke us up in early hours of the morning so I would go out to chase them off. I had to give away the surviving birds for their own safety. One also got squashed by our truck which was disgusting and upsetting to clean up. We had to spend money on pigeon spikes to put on the garden walls to try to keep them out, but they always find a way in. Cats are very annoying for some people... And cat owners seen not to care in the least if their wandering cats damage or disturb their neighbours property.
  9. Apart from hunting and killing native species, cats can also transmit diseases to local wildlife. The Toxoplasma gondii parasite carried by cats can infect birds and other animals and cause severe health issues in humans as well. This is spread in the cats poop. Please keep cats indoors or in an outdoor enclosure.
  10. It's total madness to spend time and money capturing, sterilising and treating dogs for disease...then just to dump them back on the street..... They should house the captured and de sexed dogs and cats in rehomeing centers and put them up for adoption. Those that fail behavioural tests or can't be rehomed after a set time need to be put to sleep. In most countries it would be illegal and considered aninal cruelty to be dumping dogs and cats on the street to fend for themselves....but these dog charities seem to think that's fine. It's idiotic.
  11. Time to make people wear special cloggs when using these things.
  12. The poor taxii driver just made a mistake....he thought to ass soft power to 'attack' tourists..
  13. What the heck is the Soft Power? I also though they were trying to tempt tourists to come with a free covid booster shot.
  14. I though it was just me. On my phone I have to open each link in a new tab. On my PC it works fine though.
  15. Yes.....but the stairs would probably be collapsing instead haha.
  16. The dead guys sister told the killer not to worry about it?!????
  17. Do you think the rich guy with connections didn't just pay someone off for the problem to go away?
  18. So your mother would also be happy to hear political leaders and people in the public eye set up programmes to convince people that women should have the right to vote removed, and black people should not be allowed on buses......and Jews should be deported.....as its 'free speach'?
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