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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Would you guys be fine with your 20 year old good looking daughters marrying an overweight 70 year old Thai immigrant to your country, who was only there on a retirement visa and could not speak a word of your own language, and who already had grown up kids and an ex wife?
  2. Our resident mynah birds kill them on sight. They don't eat them once dead, just leave them on the driveway. Had a live one in the house and I used a broom to push it out the door....but the thing was so fast it got onto the broom and ran up the handle towards me!
  3. Put up an electric fence....not difficult. Don't wait for government help... There are lots of wildlife charities and elecphat Conservation groups that could raise the money to installs livestock electric fencing. How aboht the farmers get a bit more proactive and take responsibility for their crops? They could even start up a go fund me page for donations to help them and keep people and elephants safe.
  4. Op if you can't trust her, feel the need to check up and spy on her, and are getting stressed up about the relationship.......then you know its time to end it. It's not working. Kick her to the curb and get on with enjoying you life.
  5. You have probably pushed wax deeper into your ear with the cotton when cleaning. There is no need to clean inside you ears like that. Your ears self clean. You only need to clean them when you shower and not poke things down into them.
  6. This can't be good for the environment. More huge plastic bags with toxic chemicals soup and human remains inside. How to they dispose of them?. They try to say cremation is bad as it makes harmful ennisions, but this new way will be worse. How do they think the water gets hot...magic? Best way is to chop up the body and feed to the seagulls.
  7. If you are the one paying for the school....stop paying and send your girl to another school or keep her at that school and stop paying for the extra maths stuff. If your wife does not like it, then that's just too bad for her. If she wants to divorce you over that matter then the marriage is not worth being in anyway. But, actually, how is your child? Are you perhaps worrying too much about it? If she gets a nap in the afternoon or sometime in the day that is fine for her to sleep less at night. Does she get stressed and upset about the extra work or does she just moan about it(like a typical kid would). Or maybe she actually enjoys it? If she seems OK then I would say let her keep doing the extra work.
  8. Make them fight lions and bears like the Romans did. Would being in a lot of money and good entertainment... bet they would stop arriving in such numbers then.
  9. I've just looked up the 'Thai Elephant Conservation Centre (TECC) in Lampang' on You Tube. It's just the usual elephant rides, forcing elephants to do shows for tourists, and being kept in chains. Poor elephant. These places need to be closed down. It's just animal cruelty. It's not about elpahant Conservation.
  10. I looks like an Anthurium hookeri hybrid. Belongs to the birds nest fern family. It likes shade to partial shade.
  11. Damn. Well I never heard of the guy. I certainly won't be following his health tips.
  12. Yes. But goat and sheep leave rather dry pellets. Geese and ducks leave huge amounts of sloppy wet poops that really stink.
  13. To keep grass down you need sheep...not goats. Goats are browsers not grazers. With sheep you will need to have someone trim off their wool at regular intervals. I would not get geese....they are very noisy and also leave feathers and sloppy stinking poop everywhere.
  14. Exactly. We also need to make the zero hours contracts illegal. These businesses that employed migrant workers from the EU were exploiting them. It was worth it to do these jobs for the EU workers as our £ was worth more back in their hone countries. They could work here a few years, and also get government help from various benefits. They could stand it as they had a plan to return home with the money. And good for them, most worked very hard. However, it's not worth British residents doing these low paid jobs, they would be worse off! These companies offer no paid holidays or leave, no job security or sick pay, no contracted hours etc. I know of farmers who paid well under the minium wage, cash in hand. The workers sleeping all together in outbuildings or shabby accommodation...and the cost of the accommodation and transport taken out of their wages. Yet these farmers were very wealthy,, driving about on expensive cars and living in huge houses. They need to pay a fair wage and have contracted jobs....then British people would work for them.
  15. They can invest money on humans too. It's not one thing or another.
  16. Really.....this enclose cost 25 million baht?! It just looks like cheap fencing, some electric fencing, couple of cheap trees from the plant market and a bowl of dirty water?
  17. So, if they do not need a doctor to confirm the person is dead before cremation, what is to stop anyone drugging someone so they appear dead and then basically murdering them...cremating them alive?
  18. Hmm.. Now the poor lady will probably get into trouble for defermation....as she is spoiling the airports reputation.
  19. They also might collapse, or the hand rail come away from the wall. I nearly fell head first down some stairs when I tripped on the grip / anti slip rod that had come loose and was like a trip wire.
  20. Under thai law prostitution at any age is illegal. What can you do?
  21. How is it a 'woke mess' that 2 people of the same sex can get married and not be discriminated against in law?
  22. Seems a good thing. The kids are outside, socialising peacefully with their friends, out in nature by the lake, doing no harm to anyone, and getting the medical advantages of the weed. What's this hang up you have on cannabis? I'd much rather have my kids using it that drinking alcohol, smoking tabacxo, or doing other kinds of drugs. It does not have a negative affect on society, it more healthy, had some health benofits, and not addictive and does not cause people to get violent. You should switch your efforts into banning alcohol rather than weed.
  23. Why is it so hard for people to understand this? OP. You cannot do work at your wife's business. You must have a work permit. You not 'just help out' nor can you do voluntary work, even for a good cause of some kind.....without proper documentation.
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