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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Could it also be due to the foreign owned energy, water and utility companies constantly hiking their prices to crazy expensive levels, while making record amounts of profit at the same time? Also, all the profit they make goes out of the country and is not invested in repairs or improvements, hence why we now have raw sewerage being pumped into our rivers and seas, and water pipes leaking vast amounts of water daily, and NO new reservoirs being built, and the government lets them get away with it without fines or penalties? There is also some 'jump on the band wagon' going on to I suspect. When some companies put up the prices of their products for real reasons to do with transport costs or rise in cost of raw materials, other companies see people will pay more for their goods too, and so put their prices up (even if extra costa re not affecting production of their own goods).
  2. They are all totally domesticated birds. They have been bred for generations in captivity over hundreds of years and are much changed from their wild ancestors. Wild budgies, for example, are not available as pets...rightly so. Wild budgies are always light green and less than half the size of the domesticated ones. They are also very skittish and would not get tame or friendly to humans. The same goes for the finches and quails. It's like the yellow canary and white magicians doves. They are totally domesticated and don't exist in the wild..they have been bred for thousands of years in captivity....same as the chickens and geese on farms. They can't go back to the wild as they have lost most of their survival instincts through generations of captive breeding for size, colour mutations and tameness. If they were set free they would flutter around aimlessly, not know how to find any food, and not be afraid of predators like cats and hawks. They would only last a few days at most. It's like how a pet dog is no longer a wild wolf, and if someone released their dog into the wilderness it would not survive long, or the big fat white pet rabbits with floppy ears...they would just happy hop about getting picked off by foxes or birds of prey. I don't agree with having any wild animal as a pet. I also don't agree with keeping pet birds in small cages. They need room the fly and exercise to stay healthy and happy. Occasionally I have had some escape...and thankfully they always come back in a day or two and I just open the door and they go straight back inside. I have even had serval stray budgies turn up trying to get in with mine. Again I open the door and they fly inside.
  3. I've seen some people around my area grown plantations of mahogany trees. Don't know if they would be better than teak for your situation. You might have to fsrrilaze the soil if the teak trees have used up all the nutrients after all those years of growing.
  4. HI. Are they any other people on here that keep pet budgies in an aviary in their garden? I keep and breed budgies, Chinese Painted Quails and Gouldian Finches. I'm interested to chat with anyone who also keeps birds as a hobby, especially if you are located in Chiang Mai. VID_20200418_164124~2.mp4
  5. A lesson is how uncontrolled tourism can wreck the environment.
  6. I never drank alcohol when younger for religious reasons. Then, at around 24 years old, when I realised religion was a lie, I started enjoying and appreciating life more....which included drinking alcohol. As I have got older alcohol has lost much of its attraction for me. I gradually drank less and less. These days at age 46 I hardly even drink it. My last drink of alcohol was about 5 months ago. One factor is the widely available alcohol here in Thailand is #@#%!. Anything that tastes good is imported and is a rip off price. Even though I could afford it I have no desire to be ripped off and the tax go to the government. When I visit the UK or abroad I will have an occasional drink, as I can get the stuff I like, such as a good brandy, port or red wine.
  7. Well if he did give special rights to a women that would be sexist and distrimination. Men and women are equal these days. Why give up a seat for a perfectly healthy woman just because she is a woman? Give up a seat for a pregnant woman fine, or a disabled / elderly one. And also a women should offer her seat to an old man or disabled one.
  8. We have lived here in chiang Mai for 16 years. With the exception of the couple of years covid was problem, the air pollution just gets worse each year. This year was the worst for a long time. So we have actually sold out house and are moving back to our home country. We will be taking all the money we bought here back with us too. Another factor that influenced our decision was the uncontrolled 'development' that has snowballed out of control. All the countryside and villages around us are being destroyed, land filled in and huge housing developments springing up. It's really got spoilt for us.
  9. I don't thibk Thai people speak extra loud really. There are a few (mostly drunk women) that can speak loudly and get screechy, but that would be the same most countries. But Thai people do make an absurd amount of annoying noise with music, parties, village announcements over the loud speakers, temple events, and my top annoyance...tbeir phones without using earphones on a cafe or on public transport.
  10. This is interesting reading, but I don't know why my post got so many sad emoji. I did make a typo. I meant to say my main meal was between 7 and 8 pm...not 8pm and 8pm lol. I'm very happy with my diet and body. I weigh 62kg,.. I am 47 years old and weigh the same as I did when I was 21. I can wear the same size jeans / clothes as I did back then. I'm slim and we'll toned, even have a bit of a six pack, and no tummy buldge. I also have lots of energy and no health problems. When I got my blood test at the hospital all the results were good..no cholesterol problems, no diabetes, and my heart is healthy with low resting heart beat and normal blood pressure. For food for an average day would be no breakfast, bowl of beef egg noodles for lunch and then a large portion of 'normal' farang food in the evening. It's always home cooked and no processed food. I make my own chips, mushy peas, pizza and bread etc. For drinks I drink various teas (no sugar added) or water. Sometimes a sugar free fizzy drink or soda water. Now that was an average day. So, occasionally I will deviate from this. For example, if I'm in a hotel I will have a breakfast there if included in the price. Also I might have a fruit smoothie with yoghurt (but no added sugar) if I go shopping at a mall. Sometimes I will eat steamed sweet potatoes (I love these) or the occasional couple pieces of fried chicken from the market. I do not follow any special diets like the no carbs etc. My belief is simply have a variety of food and do not over eat any one kind. Also avoid highly process stuff, sweetened drinks and anything from 7 / 11 haha.
  11. I stopped eating breakfast years ago. I never feel hungry in the morning. These days I also stopped snacking. A typical day I'll eat at about 1om a bowl of noodles. Then I'll eat again. At about 8 or 8 pm with a normal farang meal like pie and chips or Indian curry. That's it. Also no sugary drinks or alcohol.
  12. Seems like a bad idea to take stuff from a wildlife / Nature reserve..... Is that even legal?
  13. So you basically a selfish and rude person with no regards to other peoples feelings?
  14. This is hilarious. You are telling gay people to keep a low profile so straights won't bother them? There is no reason to say they can't have a party or festival..but everyone else can. That to me is discrimination. Religions have festivals, people have wedding parties, the place people work has work parties, a society or club has parties and celebrations......so why can't the gay community have a party and celebration?
  15. Well I agree with her there. Are you saying you actualky think Liz Truss is a good leader and you think the tories are doing a good job at the momen, you know, free from corruption and care about the the British people ????
  16. To get a golden visa, more options are Purchase real estate valued at least €500,000. As of 2022, real estate purchases in Lisbon, Porto, or coastal areas such as the Algarve no longer qualify. Real estate investments must instead be in inland Portugal or the islands of the Azores and Madeira
  17. Anyone staying for longer than three months will need to apply for a residence permit from the SEF.
  18. Purchase real estate, in the interior or islands, for at least €350,000 for refurbishment purposes. Make a capital transfer of €1.5 million or more to Portugal. Invest at least €500,000 in research activities in Portugal’s scientific or technology industries
  19. As I said.. We did a lot of research. You can not simply buy any house you like, move in and live there permanently on retirement.
  20. I can't go into it here in detail. We did look into it. It's not straight forward. They restrict what properties you can buy.. And you can't get residency for years...plus other requirements. If you are interested you can look it up too. We don't want to be doing visas, paperwork, going to immigration, buying a property of a certain age or state or repair, and restricted to certain areas of the country. We just wanted to go to France or Spain, buy a nice house and I woild get a job while my partner retired. We looked forward to being free to travel and explore Europe too as and when we fancied. Now it's very restricted and by the time 5 or so years is up we are going to by at an age we may not be able to enjoy it so much. Just feel like a great opportunity has been closed off to us and others that wanted to live or work easily in Europe.
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