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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Far from it George...smile.png

    So you answer, can gay folk sire naturally....?

    Is that a joke?

    Of course they can.... just the same as any man...

    And so what if they could not anyway... lost of women can not have children... so they just adopt... or get the husband to use a surrogate same as these gay guys did.

    That is no answer to my question......

    Here is the answer to you question

    Yes gay men can sire naturally.

    Is that a clear enough answer?

    I have a gay friend who has 3 children...

    I have a lesbian friend with 2 children.

    These people are the biological parents of the children... and they had sex to make the children.

    OK now.. or are you going to keep asking your stupid question and mot listen to what people are telling you?

    If you think a gay man can not have a child naturally.. please explain to me why? Would you say that you could not sire a child naturally as you are a man and don't have a womb?

  2. Please tell me what people think happens to the cute little tiger cubs when they grow into adults?

    Have you been to this place or a tiger kingdom place where you can hold and have your photo taken with lots of tiger cubs?

    Did you notice that they always have lots of tiger cubs.. all year round, every year, every month.. lots of very young ones.

    Now how can they keep them all?

    Could it be they are killed or exported live to China for their demand for tiger body parts?

    These places are in reality nothing more that farms. The farm the tigers, not for tourists to play with, but for their meat and bones.

    Its well hidden.. and its rich and influential people who run these things.

  3. All this because they don't want to work weekends!

    Its time to shut down the NHS and put them all out of work.. then see what other job they can get where they only have to work Monday till Friday... and where they can get such big wages.

    It would be better if the system was like the private hospitals here in Thailand... and every other country for that matter.

    It is disappointing to see that, even after all the years of Tory lies and corruption, people still fall for their spin. Thankfully you are very much in the minority in the UK - most people in Britain recognise the benefit of having a free-at-source health service; most people can see the fundamental flaws in your proposal and recognise the inherent immorality of restricting quality health care only to those who can afford it.

    And what do you think happens now at weekends? Do you think hospitals kick the patients out and lock the doors???

    I think its more immoral to use the failing and sub standard NHS as a political tool.. when people are sick and dyeing because of medical negligence, dirty hospitals, long waiting lists for operations, lack of beds, and closure of smaller local hospitals.

    Of course we could have a safety net system for the very poor.... but most of the 'poor' in the UK are fat lazy spongers sitting around getting benefits and popping out kids.. and their fat sedentary and often drug taking lifestyles cause most of their health problems in the first place.. which the rest of us working people have to pay for.

    These strikes will cause lives to be lost and peoples health to get worse.... this is the immoral thing happening here...

    And, after what I have seen of the negligence, incompetence, and filth of a typical NHS hospital.. with several friends dyeing of infections the picked up in these places, and other family members getting substandard care and misdiagnosis.. left to sit in blood soaked and urine soaked sheets for hours as the staff were too busy to change them.... I would rather go to an animal hospital to get my treatment!!!

  4. That they got a zoo permit and no one was prosicuted is disgusting and an embarrasment to Thai Buddhism.

    As usual money talks here...

    Giving the place a zoo licence will do nothing to help the conditions of the animals.. in fact it will gve the temple more confidence to openly display illegal animals and carry on with the illegal animal trade.

    How can Buddhist communities allow any temple to keep any animals in cages.. its completely opposite to Buddhist teachings... wich is about setting animals free.

  5. Another promise.. another crackdown... makes them sound professional and impressive to most of the Thai population.

    But nothing will happen.. and just to stop any people starting to ask why these promises and crackdowns are not happening they will come up with another super headline NEW CRACKDOWN on something else.

  6. I would say 90 percent of the women working in that industry for the sex tourists really like doing what they are doing and are not forced into it. Tell them to give it up and go work on a market stall selling vegetables or work in a shop for next to nothing wages and they will tell you were to go.... Apart from the money they get the night life and all the excitement that goes with it.. so the are going to find it boring doing most other jobs.

  7. All this because they don't want to work weekends!

    Its time to shut down the NHS and put them all out of work.. then see what other job they can get where they only have to work Monday till Friday... and where they can get such big wages.

    It would be better if the system was like the private hospitals here in Thailand... and every other country for that matter.

  8. Unfortunately the concept of giving up a seat for a lady or whoever seems to have disappeared worldwide.

    I don't think is right for a man to give up his seat for a women....

    These days is equal rights...

    But I do believe in giving up a seat to some in real need of it.. like the elderly, disabled etc.. just not to a perfectly healthy female.

    Also hold the door open for anyone behind you regardless of age, sex or whatever.

  9. I have found the opposite.

    On the Song Taew truck we have in Chiang Mai the people are always really nice. I always see the young men get up and stand on the back of the truck to let the women, girls and older people sit inside in the shade.

    If the bus gets really full they will all help pass down small wooden seats for extra seating... and they all help the elderly on and off. Its normal to help people with they shopping bags too.. and they all chat to each other.

    Once here was a younger woman who would not move up along the bench to let someone sit down.. well the old ladies started to shout commands at her and made her move up.

    In the UK on public transport the young people are likely to attack you rather than give you their seat! Much better here.

  10. A slightly better shot of the Grey Breasted Prinia

    Thanks for all input on ID etc

    Thats a better photo... I never realised how long their legs were.. and its got big knees!

    They look nicer in real life than in the book I have.. where they just look like boring brown sparrow things.

    I am up North in Chiang Mai.. have never seen a crow up here..... anyone seen one in Chiang Mai province? Do you think the farmers shoot them in my area and thats the reason they are not here?

    We have a LOT of noisy red watled lapwings.. calling and flying about day and night. Seem to like chasing each other about in the dried up rice fields. Also lots of oriental skylarks in same area.

    Also have quite a few ashy wood-swallows which all line up on the electric wires near the lake each afternoon.

    I need to borrow a friends camera.. start taking photos.. as I have to get too close with my phone.

    (Lesser whistling ducks have come back again today too).

    • Like 1
  11. If rapists of any kind want to rape in toilets they'll just do it regardless of the bigot laws. I'm surprised the haters aren't trying to keep gay men out of men's toilets because they might get turned on by something.

    I suspect that will be the next law they bring in... to ban gays from using public toilets, eating at public restaurants, using the bus or public transport, or associating with families with children, in case they turn them gay for their gay political agenda or molest them.

    After that they may deport the gays and trans.. or just round the lot up and shoot them.

    I really think that some of the posters on here would be more than happy to go along with that... as it will protect their rights and their Christian faith.

  12. You guys who are backing this law... how are you going to feel when you have several ladies in your men's restroom.. all putting on their lipstick and adjusting their tops, combing their hair in the mirror.... I hope you won't feel embarrassed and have to hide your 'equipment' when you at the urinal.. or have any unfortunate 'accidents' if the trans women are very sexy looking. You do realise that the majority of trans women are attracted to men... so the women in the next bathroom would have been perfectly safe.

    You can rest assured you little girl ix safe in the ladies toilets now as they trans women are with you and your little boy..... guess you will have some explained to do to you little boy in there with you.. why there are women in the guys restroom?

    Oh, and the straight heterosexual pervert will still be attacking women in the ladies toilets.

  13. I would not try to fight.. I would RUN!

    Fights here are not exactly fair. The Thai guys like to fight in a huge mob all attacking just one person. Once the person is down they keep attacking them over and over again, even if they are knocked out cold. They will use lots of weapons like iron bars, knives, glass bottles, etc. No witnesses will come to assist out of fear of getting attacked themselves.

  14. I really can not understand why some people keep saying the gay and Trans community what MORE rights than anyone else...... can't you see we just want the same rights... and is that wrong? I think some people would like Gays and Transgendered people to have NO rights.. in fact just persecute them.

    The men that say they want to protect their wives and daughters..... what if your son or daughter was gay or Trans... would you not want to protect them?

    And refusing to help or serve another human being just because you don't like the look of them or don't agree with their ideals or beliefs is just EVIL in my opinion.

    This new law is a disgrace to America.. and it makes America look backward...

    These have been implications be people on here that Gays and Trans should be grateful for not being killed.. like they are in other countries.... I a guess that shows what kind of people they are.

  15. To all those who agree with this law... I don't think you understand what it really means for the minority groups its harming...

    The law will allow local governments to actively discriminate against gay and transgendered people... with no protection for these people and no rights.

    It will allow businesses to be able to refuse to serve people just because of their sexual orientation. It will allow emergency services to refuse to help gay or Trans peple.

    The restroom thing is just part of the implications...... It is more dangerous to force transgendered people into men's restrooms. Think how dangerous that will be for a transgendered women... and how she will feel.... Men will think she is a women in the wrong bathroom... or she would be 'outed' as a transgendered woman. There is a real risk of harassment and violence from straight men in the bathroom.... and there is no protection for her.

  16. Carrying on the theme of migratory birds in Thailand and whether they return to a patch. I have some evidence that this is the case.

    At my old house(garden as patch) I had a Eurasian Kestrel roost on the security grill outside my bedroom window for 3 consecutive seasons(Mid September to late March) 2012-2015. I'm sure this was the same bird, given the location of the roost and his growing tolerance to me.

    Likewise, although no real proof they were the same birds, over the same time frame I had a Taiga Flycatcher, Asian Brown Flycatcher and Siberian Stonechat as consecutive winter season visitors to the garden.

    I know in the UK there is a lot of research on birds like Cuckoos and Ospreys, tracking them in migration and watching them return to the same patch the next year.

    We had the same pied wagtail come back to our garden every year for 5 years. We knew he was the same one as he had a broken leg that stuck out at a right angle to his body.

    The first time we saw him I felt sad because I thought he would die.. as they are ground birds and need to be able to run to catch insects.

    At my house he used to eat the mynah bird pellets that my pet mynah threw out of his cage.

    However, he was able to cope with his bad leg.. he even had a mate with him each time he came here (but no idea if that was the same mate each time). His mate used to run about catching insects.. and he used to slowly hop about.. no idea how he ever caught anything.

    I was very impressed by him.. and how he even managed to migrate each year too. Just shows how tough birds are.

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  17. Works the other way around too.... I had a farang couple as neighbours a few years ago.

    The got friends with another farang on facebook.. talked to him on the net and phone for about 6 monts.. kept telling us how nice he was and such a nice family with a little girl.. and he was coming to stay with them for a holiday... we thought that was strange.

    But then they told me his wife is divorcing him and taking his little girl and he needs money for laywers. So they sent him money... and guess what.. he did not contact them ever again.. and the neighbour couple just can't understand it.....

  18. Those Shama are beautiful.. and you will have nice bird song in your garden. I have one as a pet.

    At my place I was lucky to have a flock of lesser whistling ducks have a few days stop over on our lake. First time I have seen wild ducks here.

    We also get 3 different kinds of kingfishers stealing my goldfish.. more now as the natural pools and ricefields have dried up.

    Also have lots of white breasted water hens... and the small Asian barred owls. This year we have several nesting pairs of collared starlings and Koel

    We tend to get the bigger birds here for some reason.. the smaller ones are missing. But it may be because there is some kind of black hawk here.. which I can not ID.. it is about the size of a female sparrow hawk... it has sadly killed a lot of my budgies through the aviary mesh.. and also taken some bantam chickens! The lady that cleans our house swears it a kind of vulture... but I thought they were extinct here. She told me it is migrating so hopefully it will be gone soon. I keep trying to photograph it.. but its so easily spooked. If I got a photo I will post it for your help ID it.

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