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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 12 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I wonder how many of you if told by a work colleague or even a relative that they had PTSD caused by their job that you judge them secretly as weak people?


    I know I would if my son or daughter was a emergency services worker and they told me that 

    Wow.  Your poor kids to have a dad like you. 



    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Not so ugly now ????





    They will be lovely then they grow up. I used to keep and breed these zebra doves for the bird singing competitions....they were 'pedigree' and could get a good piece for them.  I even bred pure white ones, which are very rare and expensive!!!


    They are such gentle and cute little things. 




  3. 4 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    I know that I am getting old, but when I was a Kid, the Teacher or helper on the Bus simply counted Heads on, and Heads off the Bus.

    No AI or modern tech involved and simples.

    But this new idea is perfect, because now when the kids are left to cook to death in the bus......no one is to blame...they will just say it's 'smart system failure'.  Everyone off the hook...and no need to expend energy making sure the children are all off the bus.

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/18/2022 at 11:18 AM, PoorSucker said:

    I was told they were served at a restaurant on the mountain side of Chaweng 20 years ago. The blood in Lao Khao was popular among the Chinese population for boom-boom.

    Idiot Chinese traditions.  They must be responsible for making many species be threatened with extinction......Why do so many of Chinese men seem to have a problem getting a hard on anyway? 


    And the various parts of the wild animals they kill do not have any medicinal properties in the first place. 

  5. There is news that China is locking down cities again in their zero COVID policy. 


    How are these Chinese getting out to come to Thailand?


    Well, I guess one good thing is so long as some can sneak out or pay their way out...China will never be free from Covid...(as these travelling ones will keep bringing COVID back into China.)..and keep the country in lockdown....

  6. 9 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    To all the animal haters here  : What meat will you eat when they're all gone ?

    Human meat , Cannibalism ? Most probably you'll turn into something like this :

    simon pegg zombies GIF

    or this

    The Walking Dead Nyc GIF by ADWEEK


    Vertebrate wildlife populations across the globe have dropped dramatically over the past 50 years, according to a new World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report, published last week. Between 1970 and 2018, populations declined an average of 69 percent, the researchers say. 

    “It is very much a red flag and a warning signal that… the life support system on Earth is in trouble,”

    I don't eat any meat.  I have been vegan for a out 15 years.  I definitely don't want to eat Thai street dogs.  


    All you animal lovers that think every animal has the right to live are so 2 faced. I bet you are eating meat or dairy products...and what do you care about the poor animals that were killed and ground up to make the dog food that is being fed to the street dogs? 

    • Like 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    It really depends on the location and hospital.


    I live near a very large regional (upcountry) government hospital. In over 20 years, have only once encountered a doctor there able to communicate in English. Most can't speak or understand  a word.


    in Bangkok the doctors will speak English - but it is getting to the doctor that is the issue as the nurses and clerks do not, the procedures and red tape are initially very confusing, and everything (signs, forms) is in Thai.



    I am in Chiang Mai and have used 3 different government hospitals and all the doctors and make of the staff could speak enough English to understand me. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, crouchpeter said:

    Don't even think about a government hospital unless you speak Thai or take your interpreter! (My pet name for my wife)!

    I have not found that a problem.  I always use government hospitals and I have no Thai interpreter lol.  The doctors all seem to be able to speak good English....they must learn it when they are studying.   Maybe a very small private hospital would be different...like some of the nurses could not speak English well, but OP should have no problem with a large government hospital. 

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  9. 21 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    They did not reach the egg and join together and  reproduce and form a foetus 

    But they had the potential to......


    Btw that baby looks horrific.  I just hope it will be ok and not have serious health problems or disabilities...leading to a sad and painful life. 


    I don't get your point.  So what if this baby can live and was not aborted, what has that go to to with other cases?   


    Are you a religious person and that is why you don't agree with abortion?   I just don't get why is concerns you? 


    Maybe you can volunteer to home all the unwanted babies at your house if you are so concerned they all get a life?  Do you not think that perhaps some are better off not being born, like ones with terminal diseases, crippling disabilities, serious genetic defects, and mental retardation etc? Or you think a woman should keep the baby resulting from being raped? 


    How about an unwanted, unplanned pregnancy that was an honest mistake, where there is not family stability or finances to support the resulting child? 


    Things are not black and white in life and what right have you got to impose your views on others, when you dont know the situation?  




  10. 4 hours ago, connda said:

    I can't even get my vet to terminate an unwanted litter of puppies once a bitch is impregnated.  And I've been their more than once.  But now Thai doctors performing abortions on humans?  Hey, no problem!  :thumbsup:

    Well - this is about "sustainability" which is a euphemism for eugenics.
    "There are too many useless commoners on the planet and we need to get rid of as many as possible.  And they fart methane which will end all life by 1999.  2005, 2015, 2022, 2027, 2030, 2050.  As long as the Obama's and the Gore's have beach front properties I'm not concerned about "sustainability" and CO2 or methane. 

    Now, my vet is a good Buddhist.  She doesn't want to take lives.  I understand and respect that.
    However - I wonder where they are finding the non-Buddhist doctors to staff the abortion clinics at the 110 hospitals nationwide?  Or are they BINOs (Buddhists In Name Only)?  You think Christians are against killing fetuses?  A Buddhist doctor who believes in Karma and Buddhist Hell (like my vet) is going to be really reluctant - in fact will refuse - to do the procedures.

    I'll have to ask my wife for her take. 

    How about being a responsible dog owner and get your female dog fixed so she can't have a third litter of unwanted puppies?  It is also preventing her getting some kinds of cancer.  





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  11. 4 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    This is one I am sure there are many more as I heard often


    Well?  He is correct.  I'd the later term pregnancy will kill or seriously harm the mother and / or baby than it is common sense to have no limit on the abortion time in that situation.   Or would you rather the woman dies or the baby born with severe disabilities or health problems? 


    Come on.  You took was the guy was saying our of context and twisted it to meet fit your anti abortion agenda. .  He is not saying to abort babies moments before birth for no reason other than the mother does not want it!  



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  12. 1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

    Do you? I would think it would be within 6 or 7 weeks. Find the link yourself as it was on one of the news stations maybe the one you follow CNN.

    So you base your view on when women should be allowed to get an abortion from knowing nothing about it!  


    You do not agree with abortion after the embryo is 18 days old then...as that is when the heartbeat starts.  


    Also i failed to find any links to people wanting to legalise abortions up to minutes before the baby is going to be born.  I dont know where you got that info from. 





  13. 9 hours ago, 2009 said:

    Interesting point.


    British style Chinese food only exists in Britain, and it's just served to the Brits. It ain't Chinese food, that's for sure! Chinese people don't eat that. It ain't their cuisine.


    So, if you can't call it British cuisine, then what do you call it?


    I thought that the British style Chinese food was similar to what they eat in Hong Kong, not mainland China. 

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