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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 37 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Ah, I get it. Like when restaurants refuse to serve "right wing" politicians, or cancel reservations of pro life groups. That sort of thing? 


    Because I have never heard of a restaurant throwing someone out because they were gay. I mean, how would the restaurant even know?

    We for asked to stop showing we might be gay, or leave as we were going to upset the other customer.


    The other customer could not care less, it was the restaurant owner who was homophobic. (and I later found out a costed gay).  I was only 2O and was really upset about it.  It was so humiliating and we left.  We are still together over 20 years later. 


    BTW all we did was give each other a hug and a quick kiss at out table. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Then go work somewhere where your choice and your body don’t put the health and life of others at risk.

    Tell me how not being vaccinated against covid puts vaccinated people at risk?  


    Or don't you believe being vaccinated protects you from covid? 


    If you are fully vaccinate and then die from getting covid what the heck is the point of being vaccinated in the first place? 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Apparently you are unfamiliar with the concept of excess mortality. Since everyone dies, there is a fairly consistent number of deaths every year.


    When the number of annual death rises significantly, scientists look for a cause. The last couple of years, there has been significant numbers of extra deaths, due to  Covid.


    Covid Deniers don't worry about excess mortality, unless it is caused by immigrants in caravans, or Hunter Biden's laptop.




  4. 12 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    You seem uninformed about the seriousness of Covid. 


    It doesn't just kill the old and the weak.


    No you are correct, but I think you will find by far the largest percd rage of people that die from it now are old or already ill with serious health conditions. 


    I was very much worse at the beginong of the outbreak I agree.  


    But I don't agree there is any need for the fear, lock downs and over the top mask wearing in all places outdoors now. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    The numbers in the US are similar Covid only killed 250,000 under 65. I am sure that number doesn't bother you.


    I personally would worry about a disease that killed that many people, but that's just me.

    Well, they are not know for their good health in America.  They are the most obese nation in the world, live on a diet of processed foods full of sugar and fat, don't exercise and just generally full of health problems to start with.  


    That number you stated... Is that in one year or since covid began?  You might want to compare that number with Americans who died of heart diseased...


    About 697,000 people in the United States died from heart disease yearly. 







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  6. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    I'm so sorry you are so delusional .....  so the thousands upon thousands that died world wide didn't really have any COVID ....   they just died,  the young kids, the old folk,  the everyday folks just got a cold and died.


    Shame on you for being so stupid and selfish .....  god help me I hope I never see you in a bar ... it's the stupidity of your type that make this world so uneasy and problematic. 

    Wow. So aggressive.  You sound fanatical. 


    Why so angry?  


    I said that the first covid and varients were serious and dangerous.  But that is long over now. Its weak now and no more dangerous to healthy peoole than the flu from what I can tell.  I never said a that covid did not exist or did not kill people.  


    Yes, people can still die of it now, but statically they are either very old and weak or have serious pre exiting conditions, which could just as well kill them if they got a cold or flu on top of them or even food poisoning.  


    Everyone in my family got all their vaccinations and all up to date, yet all of then got covid, some TWICE!  I have never had it so far.  I am happy for you to do as you think best.  I would not be angry with you for getting vaccinated and washing your hands all the time with sanitizer.  Good for you. 


    Take responsively for your self...same as I am doing.  



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  7. 16 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Everyone should continue to take precautions and preventative measures including wearing face mask in public areas which are populated and wash and spray hands continiously.


    From recent deaths in Korat,  the COVID-19 virus is still prevelant and can kill anyone who may be susceptible.

    To think otherwise is very fool hardy and irresponsible.   imo




    I have not had any vaccines for it.  I used to sneak out at lock downs for a drink with the Thai village locals  I dont wear face masks, only when it used to be insisted upon..never now.  


    I have never had covid either.  I believe its real, and cam kill old sick or weak people.  In the early days it was more dangerous.  Now is no worse than a cold.  Get over it. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, wenshidi said:

    I have a couple of mynahs nesting in my fire escape. They are fascinating creatures to observe, but I wish I knew more about them. Does anybody know of any useful resources regarding mynah bird behaviour and communication?

    There is lots of stuff O. You tube.  Also wiki has a page about them.  I had a pet one... The kind with the spiky crest. It learnt to talk too.  Rescued it from the middle of the road on my way home from the bar.  It had fell out of a nest and was covered in ants and had a broken leg.  


    He was the best pet I had.  He found a female one year and they nested in the roof space of our out building and had one chick. 


    After that they all flew off to join the big flocks.  


    It was funny seeing him sitting on the trees and speaking English words to his mate.  

  9. 14 minutes ago, Shannoblic said:

    I have total Police clearance from the UK.  I was a University and College lecturer for some years and needed it.  I have a certificate from the Police in the UK and could produce it on demand. 

    You will need to apply for the correct documents... Voulenteer forms.  Sorry.  Don't do it without the official permission....just not worth the risk. 

  10. 52 minutes ago, tandor said:

    Frankly, for a 1kg bag, which if inspected would be declared unfit for human consumption, would only be fit for animal feed. You have the issue of insects secreting faeces and other hormones, plus eggs, which on entering a humans; digestive tract could cause massive infections unless correctly identified prior. So, where other posters have said..''boil 'em up..extra protein" etc...is just gung-ho talk and irresponsible. IMHO.

    What?  They are safe to eat. So are their eggs. They are only eating rice, and so their microscopic  poops will just be the indigestible parts of the rice grains that you would eat anyway.  Jeez. 


    I take it you don't like eating the fried bugs and insects here... Lol. 


    I really dont know how you think eating a few tiny rice beetles will give your digestional tract 'massive infections'! 



  11. 4 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Was thinking the other day how I haven't heard any Koel calls in recent times around my house. One of my favourite sounds; THE sound of southeast Asia for me. Never understand why people dislike or get upset by koels calling each other. Doesn't bother me at all, in fact I like it, when I hear them calling in the wee hours.

    Any reason they might move moved? Nothing particularly has changed in my area. Might they return? Are they only noisy during mating season?


    Edit: my wife says she hears them, must be me switching off.


    My wife's favourite is the bird that sings "I didn't do it, I didn't do it"  - lapwing 

    It is approaching their breeding season now.  Outside the breeding season they don't make the calls.  It's the males calling as they chase the females through the tree tops as part of their courtship.  You should start hearing them again anytime now.


    They are a very interesting bird in terms of their life cycles and behaviour.  I have rescued and had reared 3 of them over the years....ones that have been thrown out of the nests as the other birds recognised them as imposters.  They are basically a kind of large parasitic cuckoo. 


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