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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. It is not an issue of looking down on people, but one of not having anything in common with a great many people. There isn't an evil plot afoot. A TEFL teacher isn't going to want to be around me and I don't want to be around the teacher crowd. I am too young to hang around with the retired crowd up near Laguna.This doesn't mean their snobs. I just don't have anything in common with them at this point in my life. Why would I want to hang around with some guy that runs a low end beer bar/brothel on Bangla? What exactly am I going to talk to him about? "Oh gosh, your whores are looking disease free tonight".... A young family isn't going to have much time or patience to hang around with people like me because of time constraints and issues. It's normal. The end result is time management and directed socializing.

    And yes, some people do avoid some segments of the foreign population here. You remember those 2 idiots that that were fighting on the roof where one guy clocked the other over the head with a bottle? Because they avoid such people, does this mean that they are looking down on them? No. It's just that they have better things to do than to get drunk at 10AM and cause a public disturbance. Why would I want to hang around with the crude crew that makes their living off of selling timeshare ripoffs to people? If I didn't hang around with drunks and toothless mental cripples before, why should I do it on Phuket?

    I note the comments about looking down on Patong farangs. Does it bother me? No, because I understand why people would say that, and to a large extent it's a valid bias. Patong works for me because almost all of my friends are close by, I try to drive as little as possible, and I need access to certain locations. If people want to draw conclusions based on my location, good for them. At the end of the day, I know what my bank balance is and I know what my job is. No one's opinion is going to change that.

    Excellent post. And really at the end of the day other than your friends and family who gives a f**ck what other people think of you/me.

  2. This thread is meaningless at this point.

    It's like a Thai soap reading all of you with your opinions no actual expertise, the funniest being you lot that say don't come to any conclusions because nothing has been proven yet, c'mon........

    Mozkito's "get a life" is a humorous one too, that phrase needs you to move over to Mr. Karen Bravo's thread you snob you ;-)

    It will be in interesting case to follow though, I don't know how many of you remember the old Batman and Robin series (great show), but they always used to end in a perilous situation and then "to be continued".

    ................to be continued

  3. Can't pull the wool over your eyes, eh?

    Feel free to say hello next time you see me parked, though in all likelihood, it will be at a bar.

    I said hello to you when i asked who the bike belonged to.

    That will get you thinking.

    yeah Peter ! Way to Sherlock Holmes the goof who needs to post with a ladies name. A drink or two on me when we meet.

    Too bad we couldn't get you on the Aldhouse case a week and a half ago........

  4. Can't believe you pathetic lot are discussing this.

    I'm far too good to join in this thread.

    I agree here, just like the old Groucho Marx comment "any club that would have me as a member I wouldn't want to belong to".

    Wait a minute, does that make me a snob............????? Ah hel_l now I've confused myself, where's my Alzheimers medicine.

    • Like 1
  5. i was told he was on a plane to the uk a couple of days ago, allegedly he flew from cambodia, as soon as he got on the flight, they notified the uk authorities.. i would love to see him sent to the usa, prolly wont happen tho.

    The U.S. does currently have a Marshall's plane sitting at Don Muang not being used :whistling:

  6. Hi,

    if you have the kata beach resort on your right , as you get to the T junction go straight ahead to the top of the hill , its the last building on your right.

    If you look at the picture on the previous posters link , where the top unit now is there used to be 2 thai style bungalows now converted to the penthouse.

    Booked my father in there last year and will be staying there again from 21st sept for a couple of weeks.

    The owners name is Mr. Fleming , hes out of the country untill 1st september will try to pm you his number when i can get it.

    The rates for the penthouse depending when you stay are around 5,000 - 6,000 a night. Not sure about the other rooms though.

    dam_n just looked at the site 8,000 to 14,000 a night this year ! jees :(


  7. So doesn't this make Charley Jr. an accessory to murder? He saw the fight, saw the guy steal the knives and does not notify anybody?

    Maybe he's part of the coke ring and helped the guy get out of the country.

    Were I the police I'd sure like to have a sitdown with Charley Jr.

    Libel and slander laws in this country are draconian. If he sees this, you could have a problem.

    I don't think so

  8. Info on the area much of it taken from the recommended restaurants section:


    Many premium resorts with good restaurants. Marriot currently offering 2 for 1 with AMEX


    INDIGO PEARL - Probably the best sunday brunch on the island

    NAI HARN (not sure if this is still up to date)

    Nok Yoong (somewhere in the bendy Nai Harn Road)

    Oasis BBQ chicken (before Soi Cokmakham)

    Lorenzo's in Nai Harn (At the main entrance to the Royal Meridian Yatch Club) Great pizza, great other items too, also great music, although a touch expensive compared to maggies, worth it for the location.

    The best Pizza in Thailand is to be had on NaiHarn beach. Owned and operated by an expat Italian guy who learnt from a master Pizza maker in Italy before he moved to Thailand to be with his Thai wife. Called Lorenzo's - looks very downmarket shack in amongst the other restaurants / shops but it really is the bet Pizza. Cooked in authentic stone oven (built himself). Has a tree in the middle going through the roof. Open everday / evening during the season. A bit hit and mis off season


    TWIN BROTHERS restaurant right on Surin Beach. Run by a great guy named Bow as in Ow!

    PEPPERS - on the road leading to Laguna. Offers decent western food on with good beer selection and pool tables

    OPUS ONE - in Surin Plaza- expensive, but absolutely magic place to be.

    BLACK CAT - Good Restaurant in ChernTalay with a large selection of quality thai and western food with a french touch. (also a good cheap thai restaurant next door)

    MCDONALDS and PIZZA COMPANY - Bangtao Tesco Lotus Complex

    TWIN PALMS - Another amazing sunday brunch, Indigo pearl has all you can drink wine though.

    Markets all serving good food, fresh produce and some clothes :

    ChernTalay Market oposite police station every Sunday and Wednesday

    BangTao Market near Tesco Lotus every Monday and Thursday

    Bangtao Market near Mosque every Tuesday and Friday

    Outside Mosque in BangTao during Ramadan in the evening many food vendors

    MacDonalds and Pizza Company as recommended restaurants? I'd say that just blew up this list..............

  9. The bald guy in the video is Charley Jr, the owner of Freedom. Too bad neither of them phoned Oi or Deshawn to tell them Lee was on his way with a knife...

    Lee sold Coke in Phuket and is involved with the local mafia. Maybe they are hiding him or helped him escape?

    So doesn't this make Charley Jr. an accessory to murder? He saw the fight, saw the guy steal the knives and does not notify anybody?

    Maybe he's part of the coke ring and helped the guy get out of the country.

    Were I the police I'd sure like to have a sitdown with Charley Jr.

  10. JK. I suspect you might be happier long term by staying in Kho Lak. It meets your needs of gym, internet, beach etc, while being significantly quieter, cheaper, and more laid back than practically anywhere on Phuket. Of course Kho Lak has its high season tourists, but they are easily avoided if desired. Ten minutes out of Kho Lak, you can find the quietest of seclusions if you so wish.

    Good suggestion Thules, I was going to suggest Khao Lak too. Quiet up there.

    The other place I would recommend is Koh Lanta, December you see lots of Swedes, but after that most of the high season pretty quiet, some really nice beaches there, and a relatively new Muay Thai gym.

  11. What you need to be clear of mmh8 is there were witnesses that saw the guy kill.

    All the other stuff is rubbish, I agree. Including the ring fight video, who cares.......

    He's a twit of a Brit who couldn't handle his booze or his anger, especially when a better man knocked his a*s down. So he sneaks up and murders.

    Complete coward and will get what he deserves.

    Why is Thai Visa allowing on this thread and the other one the publication of unsubstantiated 'facts'?

    Thaiwanderer - whats been "substantiated",

    people saw the fight at Freedom, they saw Lee steal the knives from 7/11 (so did we on the video), GF saw Lee stab the deceased, and you are going to sit there at your keyboard and claim no one can call him a murderer because there is an "ongoing investigation"?

    You would have been a perfect O.J. Simpson juror......... head in the sand.

  12. Dr Captain at Bangkok/Phuket Hospital (Ophthalmology) seems to be pushing cataract surgery to just about every patient who visits him for any reason and that leaves me feeling very nervous. Captain advised surgery soon whereas Bumrungrad said it could easily wait, in all probability, for another five or seven years, Captain suggested to me that was "old thinking"!

    Thanks Chiang Mai, appreciate the input.

    My pal says for sure when he looks out one part of his eye, it's like looking into some fog, so I dunno, I'm not a doctor nor have I experienced cataracts. But I do have a good joke to start everyone out on this rainy Monday morning:

    Japanese businessman goes in to see his Opthamologist.

    Opthamologist sees him says " oh, I see you have a cataract"

    Japanese businessman says "no, I drive a rincoln"

    Actually have to give credit for that one to a fellow TV member who told me the joke. Happy Monday !

  13. A friend of mine needs to have cataract surgery and is wondering if anyone has had or knows anyone who has had this surgery at Bangkok Phuket Hospital.

    As it's not offered at Phuket international, his next option is BKK.

    Any feedback is appreciated, thanks, GOM

  14. Yes, of course you are right. What was I thinking. There is no crime, corruption, sex industry, murder, stabbings, shootings, suicides, fatal accidents, drugs and scams on Phuket. No farang has ever been forced to pay for the damage to a Thai's motor vehicle, despite the Thai crashing into them. It's just a myth. All the locals smile and go to the temple every day. Phuket is "the real Thailand." :) :) :) :)

    NamKangMan, not real sure what your beef with Phuket is (your GF here leave you(?)does she have black hair and brown eyes, about yea tall, I know her), but to start an argument that Hua Hin is more Thai than Phuket, is laughable. Both are tourist spots, that more of the tourists in Hua Hin are Thais from Bangkok, I'll agree, but to say it's "more Thai" is stupid. Tourist vacation spot, is a tourist vacation spot, period.

  15. his not from manchester his from birmingham i dunno why his dne this. 7 years ago he was lovely person its been years and years since i last seen him carnt believe his dne this

    It's the longterm steroid usage lilmisscheeky18, it alters the users brain. There was a well known wrestler in the U.S. that killed his wife and their child, I think it was last year. When they did the autopsy they found his brain had become deformed due to the steroids.

    You sound like an old friend or even maybe a relative, I am sorry for you and people from Lee's hometown that know him. He blew it bigtime.

  16. So its now offical

    no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

    all competition will be locked up forever



    Thailand is buying Swedish fighter jets, Israeli guns, a Singaporean warship, Russian shoulder fired missiles and Chinese surface to surface missiles. I'm sure I read something about a cargo plane full on North Korean arms confiscated by Thailand as they let the people on board go free. So much for your presumption about the USA being the only arms supplier! bah.gif

    Agreed, whole heatedly.....Look, I love all the Brits that claim Thailand as their own, and the various other EU members that dwell here. That being said, enough is enough guys...All the "anti-American" sentiment that still resonates here is more or less boring. Jealousy is ugly, we (Americans) don't want to shoulder the decisions of our elected officials. We live here for just that reason.. We have no affiliation with the decisions made...that's why WE live here too DIC*S....:jap: Enough Yankee bashing...We all know the score...the biggest boy on the block makes the little kids do his bidding...Remember WWII??.......We pitched in, and on that same note...I remeber offering the Brits help again before facing Germany in the world cup...Just think where you would be had you accepted our help again....uh, point being.....lets all put the politics in Singapore where this site is actually run from:o Let the moderators sort it out....B)

    I'm an American here in LOS, I don't understand your point of no affiliation with decisons, unless of course you don't vote and then you should not say anything either way because you do not take part.

    I'll bash GW Bush every chance I get as he was the worst president in the history of the U.S. (off topic), but overall this is a bit hypocritical.

    The U.S. sold and gave Afghanistan weaponry to fight the Russians. Much of this weaponry is now being used against NATO forces in Afghanistan. If I'm a father or mother of a British soldier killed by weaponry supplied to Afghanistan by the U.S., where is my Victor Bout to extradite?

    • Like 1
  17. No surprise to see a huge 100+ post thread when someone says "I don't like it here". Some considered answers, some of the usual bozos who say "leave". Leaving is not so easy, you have to find a new job, have to research where to go... Like some on this thread I have been here a while. Living 10 years in Phuket, married, kids, bought a house, drive every day - traffic is not a "nightmare" .. can be annoying sometimes, I try to let the idiots just get on their way, but I don't think driving here is worse than England, and I don't even want to think about the couple of times I drove in Italy!

    Is Phuket a perfect world? No! But the bits I don't like, which basically means "Patong", I avoid. I go to Patong only if it's necessary. Patong is not Phuket, just as Phuket is not typical of Thailand. I just feel like raising an issue with a point that gets raised a couple of times on this thread, someone said:

    Good post PB, I agree.

  18. I bought a Lenovo laptop from Banana IT in Chalong in March.

    They loaded it up with OS and some programs I needed, out the door for under 18,000thb. I thought it was a good deal and so far have had no problems.

  19. How could these people be so idiotic? Don't they read newspapers?

    Be real!! He's on holiday, people automatically go into "holiday mode" when they travel for a vacation.

    Indeed we do

    Exactly right.

    I walked into my local mom and pop mninmart last weekend and noticed a European holiday type at the ATM.

    When I walked out he entered the minimart sort of mumbling preoccupied with something, as I walked by the ATM it was beeping, card still in there open for a transaction. Grumpyoldman honest to a fault, cancelled, grabbed the card, as the man came out handed it to him. He was thankful and said that was very honest of me, I just sort of raised my arms "ahhhhhh hel_l, no big deal".

    Vacation mode for sure, he was just not thinking.

  20. would just like to point out only someone who has never been in the ring or has to shut their eyes at violence would believe a lunge for the ear was made in that video. So the guy followed him down to the canvas, so what happens in boxing too when you get the flow,

    who knows what is true on this site with scaremongering rubbish coming out of people and gulty by forum members,

    insert link to flying pigs found to be more tasty than ground based variety

    What you need to be clear of mmh8 is there were witnesses that saw the guy kill.

    All the other stuff is rubbish, I agree. Including the ring fight video, who cares.......

    He's a twit of a Brit who couldn't handle his booze or his anger, especially when a better man knocked his a*s down. So he sneaks up and murders.

    Complete coward and will get what he deserves.

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