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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. "The six "premium" beaches are Bi Leh, Koh Rok, Samsao and Ao Kha beaches in Krabi, Lidi beach in Satun, and Tai Muang beach in Phangnga, said Worasart Apaipong, PCD's deputy chief."

    Nice google search post................... blink.gif

    OP, depends on the season, now we are in surf season so a lot of the beaches that during high season are suitable for kids, now, are not. One poster suggest Ao Yon, it faces away so yes, not a lot of surf but not a lot of clear water due to the lack of water movement. Also, when they find box jellies here, it's in those types of waters.

    StevenL pipes in with the Nai Harn Lagoon, excellent suggestion. Yannui beach is pretty protected too, as well as Ao Sane which is out past the Puravarna Phuket Yacht Club.

    Bangtao beach is probably o.k. too, but again, subject to surf season.

    Come high season all the beaches will be o.k. for your child.

  2. As the opinions show.. Theres no right answer.. Only what balance suits you now and going forward.

    Strongly suggest spending some time to make your own judgement call.

    9000 isnt generous for an ok place to live for wife and child IMO.

    That's a good post LIL, exactly right,different strokes for different folks and the only way the OP is going to get the answer is to get here and look around.

    OP have you been to Phuket before?

  3. In case you don't want to buy 5L, Montclair is also sold as 75 cl bottles and it is in my opinion the most acceptable cheap wine in Thailand. Its from South Africa. Now available in 7/11 anywhere in Chonburi and coming to BKK (but can already be found in any BigC and Lotus supermarkets branch in BKK)

    If you want to buy not so expensive wine but good go Chile and Argentina.

    For those who don't know "Red table wine" is the worst quality in France and I wouldn't even use it to cook.

    French wine suxx compared to Chile, Argentina, California, and Australian wine if you can't buy it for more than 1000 th (french wine that they sell 500thb in Thailand is the one that we pay 50thb in France).


    On the advice of people in this topic, I tried the Monclair Bin 5. 7-11 sells it in 37.5cl bottles for 150 baht. I've surveyed about 10 7-11's here in BKK, and about 8 of them sell it (as well as Jacob's Creek wines and other Montclair wines). All of the 7-11's near my home (near CentralWorld) sell it.

    I thought it was pretty good, especially at 150 baht per half-bottle.

    Thanks for the heads-up on it guys.

    There should be a Wine Connection somewhere near you.

    They often have nice deals in their promotional section.

    Right now there is El Supremo Syrah from Argentina at 349, I find it to be worlds better than Mont Clair. Also there is a Rooks Lane Australia for 399, both the red and the white good.

  4. Its a bit hard to follow the OP's post but I think it is the BANK that is suggesting that she gave the card to someone to withdraw the money, something which I don't think the OP agree's with.

    OP loses me, I can't figure out, did the man who did the illegal withdraw have the ATM card and pin #? OP how do you suppose that happened? Does your GF keep the card and pin# together in her handbag and the man stole the bag? Confusing..........

  5. Banan it, Homepro Chalong

    Laptop dealer close to Toyota and next to Proton dealer in town

    Big C basement

    HP/Compaq shop in town

    If you just need the hardwear, choose any one. If you want it loaded with free copy software, Big C. Just got aCompaq there at 14.600 baht with all my desired software installed

    7 years ago it was hard to find a laptop to buy in Phuket at all, but still some way to Pantip Plaza:)

    KBB that's a great price, is that an Intel processor or AMD?

  6. I'd say Nai Yang is a bit far from the hospital, no?

    Yes it is.. But then you would hope to not need to be doing that drive too often.

    Nai Yang to Phuket international, several times a month, heavily pregnant?? Im sure his wife will love you for that sugestion. :D

    I'm not sure Rawai is the place that fits your requirements the best either. You asked for a town near a beach with plenty of shops gyms etc that isn't too lively. A place just like that doesn't exist, so as LivinLOS said, it's all about getting the balance as close as you can. The first thing I would ask is, will you have a car? and do you require having any of the beach, resteraunts, and shops within walking distance, or are you happy to drive to them all? Because with your need to be near the hospital and all those things, yet still have peace and quiet at night, I would say Kathu or even Phuket town would be better, especially given your budget.

    Good luck with your search and your new baby.

    She asks for a town near a beach and you suggest Kathu and Phuket Town? How are those places better, because you have Makro and Robinsons?

    Nai Harn/Rawai has the beaches, lots of good restaurants, 20 minutes away from both Central shopping mall and Robinsons Phuket Town.

    Yeah, that beach at the Saphan Hin incinerator.................

  7. and you have to assume these are left drunkenly in the worst places, outside safari etc..

    There was a hash runner by the name of "The Reverend" who a few years back was schnockered out of his mind and "lost" his car in Patong.

    Parked it somewhere, the next day couldn't remember where. Combed Patong for days, never did find it. Finally went to the police (mistake) to report his car "missing".

    I'm sure the BIB had a good laugh there when Somchai's brother in Isaan received an inexpensive vehicle.

  8. I would say you could look at Rawai / Nai Harn at one end of the island, or if more peace was sought Nai Yang at the other end. Both have ups and down but fit the general desire for less busy.

    I'd say Nai Yang is a bit far from the hospital, no?

    OP, 9,000thb going into high season is going to get you a hovel, 12,000-15,000 per month is a little more realistic for a comfortable pad.

    There are some nice bungalows at Yannui beach, which is part of Nai Harn/Rawai as recommended by LIL. I agree, this is the area that would probably suit you best, but start locking down something now as prices will only climb as we head into high season. Comb the classifieds at our friendly sponsor here, The Phuket Gazette.

    Also, go through some past threads on this forum, the same topic comes up regularly.

    Cheers, GOM

  9. ็How about Monty's Bar & Restaurant on Sainamyen, bottom of Harsip Road. Scotties bar used to be quite popular, think the name's changed but still there on Sainamyen.

    LIK, do you mean Montes Bar? Nobody there named Monty, the guy's name is Werner.

  10. I always point people toward the J Hotel which is under The Travellers Bar sign that's about 50 meters up from the beach.

    This time of year 450thb for a seaview room with a balconey, can't go wrong.

    For cheap eats there is the noodle cart guy in front of the minimart, and then down in front of the MacDonalds mall, all sorts of barbecue carts, burgers etc. Grab a noodle soup, then head across the street for your main dish, you should get your fill for 120thb. Buy your beers out of the minimart.

    As one post wrote, you wanna play like a tourist, you'll pay like a tourist.

    Agreed Railay is a daytrip thing.

    Have fun, GOM

  11. Yes very! Now next time you post add some substance to your reply, and ill be happy to put you in your place.

    You are either trolling or tripping my friend, maybe both. When you say something that warrants a substantial reply you'll get one.

    Great reply, as usual you have nothing to say. I suggest educating yourself on the Prison systems in both the UK and Thailand there are many different arguments which could be put forward here about the positve and negatives of being locked up in the uk or thailand, it isnt just black and white eg if he is in a low security prison with day release, then off course sentence wouldn't justify the alledged crime. And next time your cant come back with anything constructive, dont be so petty with the word "troll", just because someone has a different opinion than your own!

    C'mon guys, I mean going back and forth like this is worthless.

    Unless someone wants to step up and say "yes I'm a Barrister and this is what will happen" we can go on forever with "yes, extradition", "no extradition the UK is so civilized we produce maniacs like this but won't have him face the death penalty" yada yada yada, everyone has an opinion no one has any precedence or actual law training.

    So I say ease up, you guys shake hands and share a round of beers.

    RE for edit: haven't figured out how to solve the "you've got too many quote blocks error and make this look right.

  12. Honda have been saying 'soon' for years.. I will take a bet no 250 appears from them next month..

    Theres rumor of 'end of year' for Honda. Sounds like the VTR but no ones talking.

    Yamaha dont have any 250's.. They have the Fazer 600 / FZ6 at 490,000 and up.. FZ1 or R1 etc..

    Yes it's the VTR, "suppose" to be here next month.

    And yes, sorry got my rice machine manufacturers mixed up, the 250 I mentioned is a Kawasaki not a Yamaha.

  13. There used to be a brazilian bbq restaurant in Movenpik the big hotel in karon,but i dont know if it is still running,nice setting for a special night,perhaps you can contact them to see if they still do them..

    Yes, Moevenpick is the call. Contact Carlos Vizan the F&B, great guy.

  14. So....by your logic, someone that complains about bigotry is a bigot?

    Flawed logic methinks.........

    'Expats' is a very wide group. How many Burmese are regular social vistors to your house?

    Or to The KarenBravo.........

    Yeeeesh, the OP starts a thread about the snootiness of Phuket Expats and then it comes out his forum handle is from his yacht.

    Calling the kettle black anybody?

  15. Wait for Honda's new 250, that is suppose to be here next month.

    Will be under 150,000thb to compete against Yamaha's 250.

    If you really want the 125, just buy a used one, tons of them around for sale look at the gazette's classifieds.

  16. Is there not another thread going regarding when the Phuket Brewery will "re-open"? I believe that was the only home brew brew pub around as the other poster mentioned, not legal here to open up a brewery. I put re-open in quotations as I believe they went out of business, main reason being I heard the beer was terrible.

    So OP you may well be SOL which is American English for "sh*t outta luck".

    Welcome to Thailand also known as LOS, land of scheitbier.

  17. And what are you fishing for .

    One was wondering if any TV members had seen this film in the last 46 years and their comments, it certainly had a political message at the time.

    Was it ever shown in Thailand?

    Reefer Madness is a much better U.S. propaganda movie, check it out, some great wacky tobbacky dance moves in that one.

  18. A little OT to the discussion.. But if someone designs and builds their own home in Thailand, with all the trials and tribulations that this can have, the issues with builders, language, corner cutting etc.. And ends up with a nicely finished article.. If they then spend time to create a beautiful garden, to generally make something of taste, thats theirs, well I would see pride from the effort put in, not a show of wealth in the cost. Lets face it the time to build a house is (in many cases) far greater then the cost to build a house.

    Anyone thats done that hands on, and ended up with a well finished article, gets kudos for the process (from me) not the money that bought the process.

    "a little OT?" Someone get LivininLos that keyboard breathalyzer.

    Sorry, that sounds sort of snobby.........

  19. @ grumpyoldman - your post is very wrong , eye for eye punishment I'd very middle aged , I do not support the death penalty at all ! , if anything it is an easy way out !

    and in your world you see the guy back on a Thai beach in two years and you think that is o.k.?

    No, stoning for boning is middle aged, the death penalty for certain heinous crimes is (in my opinion) is o.k.

  20. I've never tried the local larger lobsters here as they are around 1,300 to 1,500 baht a kg at Rawai Sea Gypsy village. I'm not sure a warm water lobster would have the sweet flavor of a colder water lobsters. And the only part to eat is the tail, but that's the same with Pacific Ocean lobsters in general. Only the cold water Atlantic lobsters have claws. Let me know if you find them for less and how they taste. Good hunting!

    I ve had some lobsters here and for sure the taste is not as good as the atlantic ones. Much more flavour in them and as you say, the claws also.

    I am not gonna hunt very much around for them as I dont think its much to save. Its a bit strange that they are able to keep it this pricey over here.

    If they have claws they are not caught locally, they are imported

    They are expensive here because they have been fished out in local waters due to the tourist trade.

    The ones caught here are the same as the painted/ tropical crayfish in the North of Australia, you

    have to dive for them, they will not go into traps and they take all they can find.

    I saw some for sale which were only 8 inches long and they wanted 400 baht for them.

    The fresh water prawns sold here taste very similar to lobster/ crayfish if done on a

    barbecue and you can buy the large ones for around 300 baht a KG.

    I was under the impression that all of the "Phuket lobsters" are actually crays. Is that right?

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