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Everything posted by tgw

  1. actually the missile defense issue I mentioned earlier is very relevant for this conflict, as is the defunct INF treaty: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/01/12/putin-russia-us-missile-defense-nato-ukraine/ https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-china-and-russia-will-fear-americas-new-land-fired-tomahawk-missile-74871 https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/us-army-getting-new-missile—made-other-missiles-172256 that's the weapon which is ideal for Ukraine. it would allow Ukraine to hit Russian ships and military installations.
  2. and going to be hugerer and hugerest then hugerester the more time the war criminal's accomplices remain invading Ukraine.
  3. Thailand's government aims to please China and other big powers, and will just weigh cost/benefits of any other action. The don't let their judgement be clouded by pollutants such as the greater good or right and wrong.
  4. Biden's bla bla is not a doctrine. I'm afraid of Putin wanting to test it out. Maybe NATO or the USA need to draw a very very ultra clear line in the sand.
  5. it's very obvious that all this Russian hysteria is based on an intense and deep inferiority complex and wish for revenge and nostalgic wish for restoration of their former (super-)power. it's not unlike what Germany experienced after WW1, except that Germany's reasons for feeling it was treated unfairly were more justified than Russia's reasons today. Russia will lose to Ukraine in this war, and I am concerned about what might be Putin's emasculated and angry reaction to being humiliated even more. I hope he keeps his fingers away from the red button. Next question is whether NATO has secretly built up enough anti-missile defenses to ward off the worst of a nuclear attack on Europe ? Next question is what would NATO do in response to a Russian nuke on Ukraine ? Do we have a doctrine for handling this event ?
  6. the EU needs to move quickly with the full and complete investigation of these war crimes and get a court to confirm the crimes. after that it will be possible to make legal moves against deniers.
  7. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/invading-force-can-be-broken-if-west-supplies-enough-weapons-hjd3zm8qj yes, Ukraine needs weapons, good weapons, heavy weapons that will allow to destroy Russian invaders far behind their lines. this looks good, one thing I would add are medium-range cruise missiles with up to 1000 Km range to bombard Russian military bases and bunker-busting cruise missiles against Russian fortifications. Anti-Ship missiles, as I said earlier ... have drones spot the ships and send several dozen anti-ship missiles to sink all major ships of their black sea fleet, then flush.
  8. Bucha massacre survivors: ‘Why do Russians hate us so much?’ https://kyivindependent.com/uncategorized/bucha-massacre-survivors-why-do-russians-hate-us-so-much/ exerpts: “Lots and lots of people just went missing. Here in Bucha, Russians would take food, jewelry, and people would give it all up just to stay alive,” she said. “Phones were the first thing they used to take away from us. They made people kill their poultry, and if they refused, Russians would simply shoot the hens and take the carcasses with them. For many elderly women here, that poultry was their only hope to survive.” “Sometimes they would make people strip down naked and lie on the ground, then bind their hands. They would then lie there until neighbors came to check out if they were still alive and untied them,” “The Kadyrovites’ checkpoint was the scariest,” said Lyubarets referring to Chechen forces loyal to Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov, which Russia had deployed in the area. “They could shoot to kill without asking questions, without checking documents. In that area, there were a lot of corpses that have now been buried on the territory of the church. Kadyrovites killed everyone – women, men, children, the age didn’t matter.” “There were checkpoints that killed only men, ages 18-65. They checked their documents and killed them,” she continued. “There were [checkpoints] that shot some people and let others through, with no explanation.” Lyubarets said she saw a man get shot at a checkpoint. She also relayed the story of a 14-year-old boy who ran to the shelter where her family was staying — he said his father was killed on the street.
  9. and on 03/04/2022, another 737-800 had this problem: https://mothership.sg/2022/04/malaysian-airlines-flight-dive/ the coincidence is troubling. the incident superficially looks pretty similar. could a buggy software update have caused this? https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/04/786216/mas-boeing-flight-dives-passengers-float-their-seats
  10. or pretend instead that Russia supplied the F-16 to make it look like the USA supplied them ... there are no limits to Russian bad faith
  11. How Putin lost the plot had me think back about the scenarios used in some movies around the year 2000, about evil, crazy nostalgic Russian generals wanting to revive the Soviet Union by starting the 3rd world war, using nuclear weapons. At the time I thought that was completely unrealistic, that the Russians would NEVER do such a thing ... and look now. Putin is exactly that. A colonel who wants to revive the USSR. The film stories hit close to home. It's a stretch, but I don't own much things in Thailand, and all my family's possessions risk irradiation if Poo-Tin launches his rockets ????
  12. This is could be a Nazi propaganda text (of the real Nazis I mean), just replace words with others in a historical context and it fits perfectly. Putin is an imperialist fascist dictator war criminal with nukes who started a war of aggression in Europe. Must be stopped.
  13. true. for casual word/excel use Libreoffice or Openoffice are fine alternatives.
  14. Doubling the RAM will bring no noticeable increase in performance (in case the RAM is full, the SSD temporary storage will take over) - it just hurts the budget. The exceptions are professional CAD / development applications or the latest games. Some of the latter require lots of RAM, but won't run at all with integrated graphics and will require relatively high-end modern graphics cards to run satisfactorily. The GTX1650 I previously recommended won't do the trick for running this kind of game. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-much-ram-do-you-need/ https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/sp-technical/issue/1556/cyberpunk-2077-system-requirements also notice the i7 - the i3 CPU will be at a serious disadvantage.
  15. it's not common. I've been driving around Pattaya for over 10 years and the handful of times a cop wanted to fine me the reason was technically valid ... except once ! one time, a cop examined all my paperwork, the bike, tax, etc. As I keep my paperwork squeaky clean, he couldn't find anything and then proceeded to tell me "you pay 200 baht". So I asked him for what? and he just kept repeating "you pay" "you pay". I said I have no problem to pay a fine if I did something wrong, and I would like to explain to my lawyer what I did wrong, and then I pulled out my lawyer's business card, and said "ok, I call him now and you will tell him why you fine me". The cop just took one look at the card, and then an angry "go go go!" followed.
  16. why is it important for your son to have 16GB RAM? the GPU is "integrated", which I had warned against, it will not run any modern games at acceptable settings and will struggle even with older games at low settings. "upgrading" the GPU in this case is done by adding a graphics card. The power intake of the new graphics card might possibly exceed the computer's power unit capacity, so upgrading the GPU might also involve upgrading the power unit.
  17. I guess Ukraine has more pilots available now than planes, so I hope these pilots have already spent one month at F-16 flight school ! One or two months more and they are ready to fly with their new toys.
  18. I don't think so. But I do hope the West ups its game and delivers to Ukraine everything it needs to beat Russia in that localized conventional war: * That includes tools to make the sky too dangerous for the Russian air force (I don't believe Ukraine can get air superiority). So, many radar and SAM systems. I hope many countries send such air defence systems to Ukraine. * That also includes better bombardment capabilities, for example short range ballistic missiles and short range cruise missiles, up to 1000Km. bye bye Russian bases, Russian ships, naval base Sevastopol, bye bye fuel depots, bye bye ammunition depots. Ukraine needs a handful of thousands of these missiles to strike everything Russian military up to 500 Km within Russia. * more drones. surveillance drones, fighting drones and electronic warfare drones. Germany will send 60 AFV https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2022/04/04/germany-sends-to-ukraine-ex-east-german-ifvs-based-on-soviet-bmp-1/ Poland will send soviet-era Tanks and get Abrahms in return from US https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/01/us/politics/us-tanks-ukraine.html https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-crisis-us-set-to-sell-abrams-tanks-to-poland/a-60829872 and I hope, someone, finally, will also provide planes !!!
  19. and that's where you are mistaken: the West tries its best to avoid direct conflict with Russia. if Russia didn't have nukes, the Russian army wouldn't have lasted a week in Ukraine, its air force would already be destroyed, and Vlad would be either begging for peace or dead.
  20. the Ukrainian government had asked the population to poison food supplies that would be taken by the enemy.
  21. from my experience, all serious second hand shops offer a warranty.
  22. As I said, non-gaming mainstream use of Linux is fine. 90% of non-gamer users buying a machine already installed with Linux or marked compatible with Linux won't experience any issues. Other users who run games, use specialized software, change hardware components, put Linux on computers that previously ran another OS, especially older computers, will likely run into driver problems and kernel bugs. https://bugzilla.kernel.org/buglist.cgi?chfield=[Bug creation]&chfieldfrom=7d https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/linux-kernel-bugs
  23. Hundreds of murdered civilians discovered as Russians withdraw from towns near Kyiv (GRAPHIC IMAGES) https://kyivindependent.com/national/hundreds-of-murdered-civilians-discovered-as-russians-withdraw-from-towns-near-kyiv-graphic-images/
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