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Everything posted by tgw

  1. frightening: it's all already planned. timing and location of tactical nukes actually take weather into account, especially winds at high and low altitudes and precipitation to help guiding the fallout onto the enemy and sparing other countries.
  2. Ruzzia has started copy Ukraine and publishes estimated damage it inflicted to Ukrainian armed forces: https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-30-22/index.html
  3. @OP: would you like to work for an employer making such recruitment choices ? I didn't think so...
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61249158 - forced deportations - torture of civilians - forced amputations (!!!!) - Ruzzia captures civilians to swap them for captured Russian soldiers more and more atrocities read the BBC story, it's horrifying
  5. grief, anger, resolve and focus. I think Ukrainians have lots of it. since yesterday, some media announce the goal of the help to Ukraine is to deliver enough weapons to stall and stop Ruzzia's attack so that Putin is forced to negotiate. But this feels wrong, especially from the perspective of Ukraine. Negotiations mean that Ruzzia would be rewarded with something. From Ukraine's perspective any kind of concession is unacceptable, and the list and severity of Ukraine's righteous potential revendications is growing with every Ukrainian life lost or deported and every destroyed or stolen asset. Ruzzia should not be allowed to enter negotiations with Ukrainian territories as trading chips. Instead, they should be made to consider paying for rebuilding Ukraine and compensate the victims in exchange for being allowed to keep their navy base in Sevastopol. and there is Lavrov saying Lifting sanctions against Russia part of peace talks with Ukraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/lifting-sanctions-against-russia-part-peace-talks-with-ukraine-lavrov-2022-04-30/ There is still a long long way to go and just stopping the Ruzzians is not enough.
  6. you mean Leonid Kharchenko, a Russian-backed separatist holding Ukrainian citizenship ? he has committed high treason in 2014.
  7. they did, many types of artillery nukes were developed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_artillery
  8. that's the scary thing, the smallest nukes have relatively limited radiologic consequences. the smallest nukes, i.e. "mini nukes" have a power of 0.3 Kt, 50 times smaller than Hiroshima. it would destroy a block. such a mininuke is not that scary on a European scale, or even on a national scale in Ukraine. the problem is the response and the response to the response. the Russian military has the official doctrine to use mininukes to de-escalate a conflict. I have the feeling that the doctrine was developed by people who had a powerful Russian army in mind, but now such a doctrine looks like another miscalculation. https://thebulletin.org/2018/09/mini-nukes-still-a-horrible-and-dangerous-idea/ the INF treaty has ended, and it was rumored mini-nukes had been developed in Germany in the eighties or nineties for the US with the participation of GKSS Geestracht, even during the ban on mini-nukes, which is why the US wanted it developed by Germany.
  9. White House weighing number of considerations on G20 after Putin's attendance confirmed https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-29-22/index.html I would advise G20 representatives to pack a healthy reserve of rotten eggs in shock-proof containers and put them to good use .
  10. correct... as I pointed out earlier, the number of similarities between Putin'z Ruzzia today and Hitler's Nazi Germany is already staggering and still growing.
  11. I'm less optimistic than you about Putin. The move to invade Ukraine was clearly stupid. I'm still thinking his thinking is impaired for some reason. Many sources claim he has parkinson's and it was also reported that he is under treatment by an oncologist (cancer doctor). Some medications against parkinson's have side effects such as causing overconfidence. Whatever the reason, medication, a brain tumor or whatever, I am convinced that Putin doesn't think straight and that means there is a risk he will make more foolish decisions.
  12. not too early: Ukraine: German lawmakers overwhelmingly approve heavy weapons deliveries https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-german-lawmakers-overwhelmingly-approve-heavy-weapons-deliveries/a-61618357 many countries are delivering artillery to Ukraine now, I think these can make a difference. average deviation at 48 Km distance: 1m and they can hit moving targets. welcome to Ukraine !
  13. Russian prisoners explain what they were doing in Ukraine:
  14. Interview of a Soldier defending Rubizhne, which was wrongly reported "liberated" by Russian media.
  15. the latest from the Ruzzian Führer: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/27/7342460/ Quote from Putin: "If someone decides to intervene in current events [in Ukraine] from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for Russia, then [they] must know that our response, our retaliatory strikes, will be lightning-fast, quick.
  16. your post is straight out of the Kremlin's propaganda book
  17. looks like Moldova's next. Moldova is not a NATO member and similarly to Ukraine, its Eastern part has been occupied by Russian soldiers for years. Now it seems there is some action in that usually sleepy area. https://www.rferl.org/a/transdniester-tiraspol-security-attack/31820545.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/26/moldova-holds-security-meeting-as-tensions-rise-over-breakaway-region-transnistria Russia bombed the bridge linking southernmost continental Ukraine. Moldova has a very small military. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_the_Republic_of_Moldova what do you think?
  18. I certainly expect that all seized assets of the Russian central bank and and of all Russian state companies will be used this way. They will never make their way back into Russian pockets.
  19. look at that Russian bad faith: Russia threatens to attack Kyiv's 'decision-making centers' in case of strikes on facilities in Russian territory. Kremlin-controlled media Ria Novosti reported, citing Russia’s Defense Ministry, that Moscow sees the U.K. Minister of the Armed Forces James Heappey’s comments about Ukraine’s right to strike at facilities such as fuel and ammunition depots in Russia as a provocation that “will immediately lead to our proportional response.” from https://www.kyivindependent.com "provocation" huh ?
  20. what happened to only using nuclear weapons when Russia is threatened in its existence ? Lavrov is a lying scaremongering piece of fascist garbage. the Russkie orcs play this card to scare other countries into not supporting Ukraine. it won't work. mass murderer Putin and his accomplices will lose this war. the difficult thing will then to arrest all these scumbags who supported that regime. Russia needs a thorough de-fascistization program.
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