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Everything posted by tgw

  1. you should study what happened in the years 2000-2014. that's how it came to this situation. here is a graph by Kyiv Institute of Sociology in 2014. The question was "should Ukraine join Russia" ? https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitxer:Ukraine_should_join_Russia_poll_-_8-18_February_2014.svg CNN also published some polls: https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2022/02/europe/russia-ukraine-crisis-poll-intl/index.html furthermore: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances how do you reconcile "respect of Ukrainian sovereignty and existing borders" with Russia's constant meddling in Ukrainian politics using fraud, assassination, poisonings, kidnappings, corruption ... , then annexion of Crimea, fomenting revolt in Donetsk and Lugansk and now an invasion ?
  2. not just because they are Caucasian. it's because Ukraine is geographically and culturally close to Europe, politically evolving into "one of us". because Ukraine wants to break free from Russian oppression and control over their lives. because Russia has become an enemy of the "free world" - it meddles in our elections, in the elections in the USA, helped Brexit to happen, foments dissent and revolt in out countries large parts of the extreme right in Europe is bankrolled by Russia), etc. and now Russia makes war close to our borders against who we can almost call "our people". that's why. as others have pointed out, it's 1939 again. Putin must be stopped.
  3. I have thought about this too, European countries should send troops to Ukraine without placing them under the NATO banner. Problem, article 5 of NATO charter would activate if NATO soldiers (or planes, ships) are attacked anywhere. So I don't know how this could be solved, the troops would have to be officially separated from NATO, maybe similarly to UN's blue helmets. But that's subject to approval by the security council, which can be vetoed by Russia. On one hand, does the whole of Europe (+Canada, USA) want to be at war, at least officially, with Russia ? that would be a big scare. But on the other hand, what could Russia possibly say if Nato was to announce a "special military operation" within a friendly country inviting that operation ? or lending troops to other countries was a common thing just two centuries back, how about lending fully equipped volunteer NATO units to Ukraine, placing them under Ukrainian command ? I sure would like to see something like this. A special NATO military operation to pacify eastern Ukraine. Starting with a no fly zone with policy to attack any active hostile air defense systems.
  4. Russian teacher says students reported her for making anti-war comments in class room From CNN’s Maija Ehlinger, Susanna Capelouto, and Josh Pennington https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-04-11-22/index.html
  5. Russia moves children back into schools near the eastern frontline to serve as human shields Ukrainian Government Ombudsman for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova said that the Russian forces are likely aiming to use children as human shields to complicate the liberation of this city in Donetsk Oblast. https://www.facebook.com/denisovaombudsman/posts/519270306220913/
  6. not going to happen. Putin pays his foot soldiers in roubles, and Putin has big rouble printing machines. his troops won't run out of roubles. BUT... the other question is what will they be able to buy with their roubles. certainly no holidays in Thailand.
  7. true ! and I was one of the people who never thought that Putin would turn out to be such a piece of garbage and that Russia was on the way to become a member of the civilized world community. how mistaken I was.
  8. from the Kyiv Independent's Website: https://kyivindependent.com/ Ethnic cleansing is underway
  9. I would do my duty if my time was to come. But I'm not Ukrainian. There is no such thing as "low enough". Only "keep going until the job is done". Ukraine fights for its existence.
  10. I bet you wouldn't have thought he would invade Ukraine like that either ... well, he did. He's a madman. A madman that is increasingly cornered. His tenure of power ends with a defeat in Ukraine. He stands back to the wall. That makes him very dangerous. As time passes, he's got less and less to lose. I can see Putin launching a tactical nuke on Kramatorsk. Just to test the waters.
  11. that's easy to say from your armchair. you forget Putin already annexed Crimea and occupied parts of Luhansk and Donetzk oblast under false flags at the time of the "negociations". At some point there can't be negociations. That sitation resembled the case of the Sudeten. Putin got on the wrong side of history.
  12. there already are a lot of Europeans dead. "must be stopped" is an imperative. the number of dead must be as low as possible of course, but the goal has to be achieved: Putin will be stopped. this will take the necessary number of lives, plus probably many more, but he must be stopped. at the moment, Ukrainians are paying the price, but make no mistake, they are defending the whole of Europe against Putin.
  13. I'm thinking again about what I wrote. This looks almost impossible to achieve. Chances are, Putin will be taken down by his own and then replaced by the next dictator. This is not Germany in WW2, the world is not out to bring down Putin. Without Russian capitulation, there can't be victors' justice. It will probably be impossible to eliminate Russian fascism for generations, plus they will have been humiliated and will seek revenge ????
  14. nah. strong leader doesn't automatically imply war-mongering butcher. Churchill De Gaulle Roosevelt Ataturk Eisenhower ... but those of Russians who condone Putin's current actions are certainly to blame. I don't wish them well. like those pieces of trash: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/05/motorcade-of-shame-outrage-over-pro-russia-displays-at-berlin-rally and it is also important to not demonize all Russians. there are scores of Russians now doing prison time for protesting the war. after this is all over, a good purge is in order - they are used to it - and then we should be prepared to welcome a democratic Russia back into civilization. minus maybe some hundred thousand criminals. Russia will need a de-fascisation programme, similar to Germany after WW2
  15. just one, sadly meanwhile: UK and Germany won’t send tanks to Ukraine https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-germany-rule-out-send-tanks-ukraine/ what are they thinking ? ????
  16. the most disgusting is that Putin's 4 children with his girlfriend Alina Kabajewa are Swiss citizens.
  17. one of the missiles apparently was inscribed with "for our children"
  18. to be honest, it's impossible for the public to know a professional politician's personal opinion on anything
  19. now it's 50. https://kyivindependent.com/national/at-least-39-killed-by-russian-strike-on-train-station-with-evacuating-civilians/ these sick Russians play the game that they don't know about what the separatists are doing. so they swear the Russian forces didn't do it. in fact, technically, the "Russian" forces don't have the Tochka-U missile in their arsenal. in reality, the separatists have received the Russian missiles and launched that attack on Kramatorsk. the launch was even documented on video. but LPR, DPR, are all in the same boat with war criminal Putin and his accomplices. the separatists also downed MH17 using a Russian air defense system. Russia: "oops, hey, it wasn't us !!!" they just shoot on anything like the barbarians they are.
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